Ack! Shame about the Profoil- a great kite. What will you want to do with the replacement? Static recreationl kiitng, buggy, 'board? it will have a
lot to do with the recommendation.
A de-power like the Montana si not a great kite for static recreational flying. De-powers are in their element wen set into motion where you get the
full benefit of the de-pwer rig.
Oh wait; just saw your signature. Land board. DOH! The HQ Crossfire would be a good choice; a little liftier and more aggressive than the ProFoil
at the price of some stability, but you should be OK with it. For lower lift and smoother pull, consider a Peter Lynn Reactor or Flexifoil Rage. -
both super stable and a delight to fly.
For something really lifty and very aggressive, nothing beats a Flexi Blade.