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Author: Subject: Snowkiting with LEI and sizes?
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[*] posted on 28-12-2007 at 11:10 AM
Snowkiting with LEI and sizes?

So i've been learning to snowkite with my 7m flysurfer pulse and it has been a blast. I weigh bout 170lbs. Problem lately has been that the snow has been soft (not really a problem but causes more drag), and the winds light. So if wind is only 7--12 knots the pulse sometimes does't feel like it has enough power. So my question is can i use a 15m Monkeykite LEI with excellent depower on the snow for lighter wind, or is that way to big of a jump and dangerous?. The monkeykite is for kitesurfing at rockypoint where winds are often light 12-18mph. I actually had it out yesterday in the snow in light 8-10 knots winds and had a little fun before wind died. Also have to figure out how to self land this 4 line set up in higher winds as compared to the FDS on the pulse. Guess I could add a 5th line. So the question i guess is, do others here use 4 line LEI, and what are the tips, and is that kite just too big or fragile for snowkiting? Or, would I be better off buying a different kite for a snow quiver around the 10m size like amontana III or another pulse or Ozone? The wind here is often gusty so would need good gust munchinig like the pulse? I see that Davinch has a 17m SA but don't know if he uses it for snowkiting much? Thanks for any input.

Flysurfer pulse2 8, 12
Monkeykite 15m
SSA 19
MBS Comp 90
Zero Gravity 130 x 40
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[*] posted on 28-12-2007 at 11:48 AM

You should be able to use 15M LEI on snow. Just try not to crash the kite, you might pop the bladder.

It would be nice to have another kite or two for snow. Ideal would be 7/10/15 quiver or maybe 7/12. Ozone Manta2 15M is good as well as HQ Montana3 12M.
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[*] posted on 28-12-2007 at 01:28 PM

LEI do work on snow, but colder temperatures and harder ground surface makes crashing them a bit more dangerous for the kite. If you can fly it comfortably, then go for it!

If you want to buy another kite, something like an Ozone Frenzy FX would suit you well. Or the New HQ Montana III <-- very good price on them brand new! and I hear superb quality.

If you want to stick with buyin another inflatable. Try something like an SLE from OR. Ocean Rodeo has super good quality gear. With a lot of scuff protection etc. From Canada too. Doesn't get much better than that ;)

Pansh Ace 2m
HQ Beamer TSR 3.6m

RIP: Pansh Ace 5m, Blade III 10.5m, Phantom 12m, Naish Torch 10m, 12m, North Rebel 14m
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