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Author: Subject: flysurfer psycho3 chicken loop finger
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[*] posted on 22-1-2008 at 10:25 AM
flysurfer psycho3 chicken loop finger

the chicken loop finger on flysurfer P3 10m just felt apart during my last snowkiting session.

i wonder if I can attache the loop in some other way to my harness while I wait for the replacement one.

is there any manual part that also explain howto remove and put the new chicken loop from the bar.


ps: i just posted the same on foilzone

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[*] posted on 22-1-2008 at 10:56 AM

let me guess, the vinyl tubing tore just below the webbing and just above internal stiff rod ?

we repair em for folks so they don't have to buy a new one for $50...

if you're handy you can fix it yourself... i'll walk you thru it if you want to do that or if you're interested in a repaired one, or swapping for a repaired one, let me know.

to replace it, its actually easier to untie the Bowline knot at the trimmer and pull the DPLL back thru the Chicken loop hole. the stopper knot tied at the chicken loop it too hard to untie.

before you untie the trimmer bowline, mark the line with a pen just below the knot so you can tie it back to the Same Spot.

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