I took out my Speed to play around and try and learn more about it.
First off, Powerzones mod work is amazing. I acutally spoke with one of the innovators (Gridlock from Foilzone) of the mod at the Tugg Hill rally, he
loved how well done it was. I can't tell what bridal lines are modded, and which are stock!
Now, I've only got it in the air three times, and of course I'm slightly frustrated learning the ropes. A few general questions.
I'm having trouble finding the powerzone, and leaving the kite there. It always seems to fly forward out of the PZ.
Jumping was not much of an issue, I sent the kite around, pulled the bar in, and took off to heights I never reached before. The loud 'WAHOO!' in the
air spooked a few people around. I just need to practice being able to predict lift a bit more.
The wind died down towards the end of the day, and I had trouble keeping it in the air. Perfect time to try unhooked full powered riding...and I have
no idea how. The kite just hovered not to far off the ground. Not sure if that had to do with wind, or I just have no idea how to fly unhooked.
The kite is FAST. I used to tack up the airstrip with my old kites, but I move to fast with this guy. By the time I get from one side across to the
other side of the strip, I have no time to react and turn around! I need to wait for better winds and ride across the airstrip (cross airstrip winds)
I'm just looking for a few pointers anyone might have, and wanted to share the fun I was having with this kite. Hopefully with more and more time
under the kite I'll get better and better. So far I've gotten packing down really well, and now I just need to worry about flying!
Thanks guys.
Kites: 16m PL Scorpion, 9m & 14m 06 Best Waroo
Vehicles: Thrift store snowboard, fraken-ATB, Old Litewave water board.