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Author: Subject: most lift kites?
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[*] posted on 13-3-2008 at 03:17 PM
most lift kites?

What kites would offer the most lift in a 5-12 mph wind in the 4-7 meter range.
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[*] posted on 13-3-2008 at 04:45 PM

Flexi Blade, but not if this is your first kite!

\"Once you have flown you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward; for there you have been, there you long to return\" Leonardo Da Vinci

2m Junkie
P3 Prism Stylus
3m Goflyakite Foil
5.5m NPW9b (Homemade)
6m Ozone Access
8m Pansh Ace
11m S-ARC
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[*] posted on 13-3-2008 at 05:00 PM

Blade!! Welcome to the forum. Do you have any experience with power kites?
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[*] posted on 13-3-2008 at 05:03 PM

That wasn't a copy of my post at all......! *shifty eyes*

\"Once you have flown you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward; for there you have been, there you long to return\" Leonardo Da Vinci

2m Junkie
P3 Prism Stylus
3m Goflyakite Foil
5.5m NPW9b (Homemade)
6m Ozone Access
8m Pansh Ace
11m S-ARC
14m Naish Boxer
17m Peter Lynn Bomba
Kitewing (Homemade)
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[*] posted on 13-3-2008 at 05:07 PM

He asked a question I answered. you said not for your first kite. I asked if he had any experience. Not the same.:P And I am good at copyng posts how do you think I got so many.
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[*] posted on 13-3-2008 at 05:11 PM

Flexi Blade, but not if this is your first kite!

I can copy properly :) Sthrasher gave him a welcome too though!! ;)

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[*] posted on 13-3-2008 at 05:16 PM

Oh yea, thanks.
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[*] posted on 13-3-2008 at 06:32 PM

thrasher can copy you real good NPW. How do you think he got so many posts?

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[*] posted on 13-3-2008 at 06:54 PM

Originally posted by NPWfever
Flexi Blade, but not if this is your first kite!

looks like i can copy too. :singing:

5m beamer
strike 2 9m
dakine fusion
peter lynn arc 1120
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[*] posted on 14-3-2008 at 08:22 AM

Think i'll elaborate on what i think from the ones i've tried :)

Fixed bridle: Flexi Blade, maybe a bego600
Depowerable: Flysurfer Speed2 - this kite is rediculously good at loading up power and releasing it all pretty massively.
LEI: Slingshot Fuel, north rhino 06 was crazy lifty
Bow/SLE: They're all very similar, waroos, revs, rises all do very similar things, the true bow kites i don't like so much though...

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[*] posted on 14-3-2008 at 10:50 AM

Haka or Manta from Ozone.
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[*] posted on 14-3-2008 at 04:47 PM

Fixed Bridle - Blade 6.5

Kites: 2.5m Profoil , Quadrifoil XL kitesurfer, NPW 5 Danger.
Flexifoil: 1.7m Sting, 4.9m Blade 3, 9m Blade 2.
Flysurfer : 19m Speed 2 SA, 7m Pulse
Peter Lynn :18m Phantom, 15m Synergy, 10m Synergy, 1200 Farc, 460 Sarc, 130 Tarc, 5m Peel, 4.2m , 6.4, 8.5 C-Quads, 3.5 LS2 single skin.

Rides: Flexi / P.L. Frankin'Buggy , Shaped + straight skiis, sand skis, Coyote blades. Core 95 ATB. RKB R2 ATB .

Ken (K2)
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[*] posted on 14-3-2008 at 04:55 PM

Originally posted by USA_Eli_A
Haka or Manta from Ozone.

Would a 7m Manta work in 5 - 12 mph winds ?
Goot choice but you would want to go larger in size , I think. At least a 10.

The ultimate weapon in those winds would be the Flysurfer silver arrows and Speeds ? Particlarly since you live by a lake.

Kites: 2.5m Profoil , Quadrifoil XL kitesurfer, NPW 5 Danger.
Flexifoil: 1.7m Sting, 4.9m Blade 3, 9m Blade 2.
Flysurfer : 19m Speed 2 SA, 7m Pulse
Peter Lynn :18m Phantom, 15m Synergy, 10m Synergy, 1200 Farc, 460 Sarc, 130 Tarc, 5m Peel, 4.2m , 6.4, 8.5 C-Quads, 3.5 LS2 single skin.

Rides: Flexi / P.L. Frankin'Buggy , Shaped + straight skiis, sand skis, Coyote blades. Core 95 ATB. RKB R2 ATB .

Ken (K2)
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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 10:04 AM

You guy's this person is a tandem passenger. Can we keep on track here? North rino, Flysurfer speed, 6.5 Blade. Remember your firt posts? All newbs want to jump. we need to hook him up properly.:P
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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 10:52 AM

He never came back to answer the question about his experience. His thread has been hijacked since he didn't keep it on track. But good advice nevertheless. He doesn't need a north Rhino if he wants to get into kiting. The posts above are just answering the limited question.

Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
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PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 11:46 AM

the flysurfer silver arrow is too expensive. The Haka 7m would be good for a light wind kite not good for a first kite, if the pilot is a beginner. The Manta, bad ass kite all around, certainly not for a beginner.

Beg. models are the access xc, and like a 5.5 cult. I've flown the cults in light and they are very nice pullers and easy to manage on a weak wind window

the manta 7 will pull in 10mph, it sets up static very well for light winds

the large beamers are fairly reasonably priced.....

my fav beg kites are the cults!
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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 12:14 PM

Someone's a little ozone biased :singing:

Originally posted by USA_Eli_A
the flysurfer silver arrow is too expensive. The Haka 7m would be good for a light wind kite not good for a first kite, if the pilot is a beginner. The Manta, bad ass kite all around, certainly not for a beginner.

Beg. models are the access xc, and like a 5.5 cult. I've flown the cults in light and they are very nice pullers and easy to manage on a weak wind window

the manta 7 will pull in 10mph, it sets up static very well for light winds

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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 03:18 PM

just a little, but since '03 they've been there for me and anyone else that need the best service, from the best service based importers.

never saying no to customer service is my style. and I did mention Hq, but you didn't include that in your quote....

I have to say Ozone is turning out the best products and service.

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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 03:29 PM

:D i also love ozone too and their USA team are excellent and do give amazing service (unlike certain other companies...)

Certainly not discrediting ozone, i think they're amazing :D
I do think however there are other companies that are equally amazing and certain kites that perform better than ozones :lol: but that's just me :flaming: ozone are right up near the top

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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 03:35 PM

fow show. I do want to demo the 19m silver arrow....I like watching swav work his blades.....Ellis is untouchable on his JOJO....And my relationship with Ozone USA is primo! Pabs like his Pkd's....

But I'll back up my Ozone's all the way:frog:
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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Sthrasher38
You guy's this person is a tandem passenger. Can we keep on track here? North rino, Flysurfer speed, 6.5 Blade. Remember your firt posts? All newbs want to jump. we need to hook him up properly.:P

I agree that this guy is probably a novice kiter based on his post but remember that post count on the PKF doesn't equal kiting experience. ;)

Anyhow, Dave if you're out there and you are new to kiting I wouldn't start with anything over a 3 or 4m. And if you want to jump plan on two kites. The 3m to get your feet wet and then the 6-7m in one of the fine models recommended above to get jumping with. If your first kite is "jump worthy" you're probably begging for trouble.

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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 03:58 PM

my answer to his q was 7m haka.. not a good first kite though
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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 04:13 PM

Hey Eli, how does the Riot compare to the Haka? I bought a basically brand new 5m Riot (flown once) in December but have barely had it out because of a lack of wind and because I was favoring my crispy new Access. The only time I flew it I was really underpowered.

I know the Haka replaced the Riot but don't know what the differences are. Will the 5m Riot be a decent jumper or should I look elsewhere for that? Do you know what the low end is for that kite? I'm thinking it will be a nice option once I get my hands on a board.

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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 04:26 PM

keep your riot or buy a blade!!

17m Ozone Zephyr (2012)
15m Flysurfer Silver Arrow 2
12m Ozone Catalyst (2013)
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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 04:47 PM

Originally posted by tridude
keep your riot or buy a blade!!

Not a fan of the Haka, eh?

I was mostly just curious what Mr. Ozone thought of the old Riot.....I'm not looking at the Haka as my next fixed bridle will probably have to be a Blade. That kite is so hyped that I've got to fly one sooner or later.

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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 05:13 PM

Also.....and this is way off topic......but in the continuous Flexifoil vs. Ozone vs. every other top line manufacturer out there debate, I really have to give Ozone credit for keeping information on their previous kites up on their website. When shopping used kites it's really helpful to be able to go look up the mfr's info and even download the manual. It doesn't look like they keep every kite ever made up but they at least have the the most recent generations. Anyhow, when I was looking at the Riot it was really nice to be able to go to Ozone's site and look at their spec's and write up.:thumbup:

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[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 07:28 PM

I would love a Haka 7m. nice kite. Anyone got a good site to look at some harnesses? I need one before Nabx. Thanks.
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Mood: Semper in excretum sum sed alta variat................alwayz in the crap but the depth varys.........

[*] posted on 15-3-2008 at 07:42 PM

Haka has issues...............if you have troubles and you will, Ozone will remind you that this is a front line biased kite. What they need to do is a total design overhaul or write if off.................... Not a fan is a gross understatement.............. This was their answer for the Blade IV ?............ Let me put it like this........my 12 yr old son (Ozone) trying to strike out Derrick Jeter (Flexi). Sorry, I love my son but that aint happenin.........................

I can recommend 3 other brands and the Ozone Samurai as better lifters/low end/flight charactersitics.

Flexi Blade
HQ Crossfire
Mac Para Bego

17m Ozone Zephyr (2012)
15m Flysurfer Silver Arrow 2
12m Ozone Catalyst (2013)
10m Ozone Catalyst (2012)
MTH Colonel Reb customs 160x45 carbon, 141x43 wood
Wainman Joke & Demitri Pro
11'6 Naish Nalu
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[*] posted on 16-3-2008 at 10:21 AM

I just spent the best day of my life with a 7m kite yesterday !

GAWD I LOVE my new Pulse !!!! :singing:

Kites: 2.5m Profoil , Quadrifoil XL kitesurfer, NPW 5 Danger.
Flexifoil: 1.7m Sting, 4.9m Blade 3, 9m Blade 2.
Flysurfer : 19m Speed 2 SA, 7m Pulse
Peter Lynn :18m Phantom, 15m Synergy, 10m Synergy, 1200 Farc, 460 Sarc, 130 Tarc, 5m Peel, 4.2m , 6.4, 8.5 C-Quads, 3.5 LS2 single skin.

Rides: Flexi / P.L. Frankin'Buggy , Shaped + straight skiis, sand skis, Coyote blades. Core 95 ATB. RKB R2 ATB .

Ken (K2)
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[*] posted on 16-3-2008 at 10:27 AM

not. the Haka is sick. Ask butch, phat Dan and any other top ozone pilot. Bad ass sums that kite up. Not a fan of Blades. It's fun to watch swav, but HERE we fly Haka Haka Haka! Its perfect!

Read the fact for yourself. Lots of bad advise rolling around...
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