6 METERS?!?!?!
Sorry to say... but I would never recommend a 6 meter foil as someone's first power kite. Methods for controlling power and adjusting for gusts
or variable conditions are lessons to learn AFTER (not paired with) mastering basic controls.
*fly on light wind days 10mph or less
*don't use a harness until you've mastered the basic controls and have a month or 2 of flying under your belt.
*don't fly alone. bring a friend to help out.
*learn to let go of the kite in emergency situations.
Here is the world's best place to buy cheap 2nd hand or megadiscounted kites without experienced recommendation, professional instruction, or
sober supervision from a qualified sportsman or shopkeep. Buyers are likely to buy kites without manuals, proper lines or the awareness of what was
wrong with the kite that prompted someone to re-sell it in the first place.
The kite industry is an interested, result oriented market where in most cases store owners are experienced and eager to help set newbies up with the
proper equipment and instruction. I suggest hooking up with a kite store in your area and ask them to recommend a good 3-4 meter kite to add to your
bag. This will be the size you'll end up using most of the time.