I live in Idaho, fly in winds that are not exactly constant and a lot of the time it's low wind over here. I'm sure there's a lot of people who are
in-land flyers or who have flown in-land a lot and have experience int he low winds. What should I get for a low wind ATB kite for this situation? I
know there was another topic with buggy's but with ATB it needs more lift than buggy's.
I've done some research on the Pansh Ace's, and from all the videos i've seen it looks like they collapse a lot is this true? it seems like it
wouldn't be a good low wind kite, even the larger ones?
PS. the wind over here is either really high or low and that's why i'm looking into a larger kite, i have a beamer III 3m for high winds but now i
need low winds. Thanks!!!!
Kites:PL Hornet 2.0m, 15m Synergy
Dakine Pyro Harness
Rides: MBS Comp 16 Pro, Sector9 Longboard, Forum Snowboard
And always a helmet
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