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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
PASS THE HANDLE... look'n for R&D team
O.K. people...
Let's get this started... it's probably gonna be next week that I finish with a complete Prototype (secret feature even...):o oohhh!!!
Here is a pre-sneak peek without the "secret feature"...

Here is a proto for Dlish89...
Polished... :o
O.K. the main object here is to get some feedback on these handles and to put them through there paces... I'll be including some "Screwy Kite Killa's"
to get feedback on these also... The handles have apx 24 inches of 3mm Kevlar leaders, low to no stretch (bullet proof I hope) and nice (blue/black
and red/black cammo) comfy cork grips with extra cushion in the front where most needed and finished of with color appropriate shrink wrap... I'm
hoping the kevlar will hold up (put'em through the test 4 me) through the aluminum handle (nice beveled holes)... the power leader has a knot inside
the handle and a strop piggie... the break leaders slide through the handles (4 holes for adjustable breaking) as to give ultimate power killing with
the Kite Killa's...
Toward the end of the handle's trip across America, and I get all the feedback... I'll run a competition and give a set of Screwy Handles and Kite
Killa's to a lucky winner...
Maybe everyone can help me out on a good competition... maybe the best photo flying with the Screwy Gear, maybe a best add-on idea... you all can come
up with some good comp. ideas, I'll think about the handles...
Lets start a list to get this going... I'll probably give them to Dlish89 this week and if he wants to keep'm for a few, I'll let him send'm off to
the first on the list... other wise I'll send off toward the end of the week... everyone is responsible for shipping to the next person on the list
(and giving me feedback good and/or bad :D )...
Let's get a great handle going... made by Kiters for Kiters...:singing:
Don't worry... "IF" I sell these... they will be as low cost as I can get'm to you... maybe that can be part of the comp... who ever gueses the price
wins a pair... no thats too easy you guys come up with something... this ought to be kinda fun...:singing:
1. Dlish89 (done)
2. Beamerbob (done)
3. Dagon / Juggernaut72 (done)
4. biglou13
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
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Mood: windy!
I know "The secret feature!" You used Eddie Van Halens pants as the handle grip material which will give us super powers!
But seriously, your handles do look great- very clean and professional looking. Maybe after the initial prototype its time to approach a kite shop?
As for initial feedback [other then my wiseass comment above!] How about putting caps on the bottom of the handles so sand does not get inside them.
Also, what protects the lines from the metal as they pass through?
Those orange ones are my favorite color! I have never found a set in that color.
So whats the secret feature? Come on......spill the beans!
HQ Beamer II 1.8-
Flexifoil bullets 2.5- 3.5 mine, can\'t have it!
Pansh ACE 4.0- for sale $75
Peter Lynn Viper- 3.9
Naish Aero 10.0
Naish Aero 12.0
Rockville Kite Trike
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH... you almost killed my secret...:P as far as far as the colors, I have a bunch of colors in the cammo look... yel/red,
wht/blk/gry, yel/blu, blk/wht, yel/blk, blk,yel/gry, blk/gry and drk-blu/blu and the colors you see... The orange is my fave also... the orange are
cork and gel "SUPER COMFY" and expensive...
Well I get the parts hopefully today in the mail and I'll see if my idea works then, I'll be ready to share with photos...:singing:
As far as anything protecting the lines, I just have bevels on both sides of the holes (inside and out)... so no sharp edges... plus the Kevlar lines
are extremely hard to cut... in fact I couldn't use really sharp scissors, this #@%$#! is tough... I had to put super glue in the spot I wanted to cut
and use a razor blade and it was still tough plus ate the razors up after 4 cuts...  you can't melt it, it incinerates at somewhere over 900 degrees...
I thought of putting clear nail polish, epoxy or something of that manner in the hole to coat it a lil...:puzzled:
As far as the cap on the bottom... I'd need plugs for all the break line holes and a cap for the top its not closed either... do you think it's that
necessary to keep the sand out and why??:puzzled: any comments please...
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
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I think caps are necessary to keep from coring yourself if you fall on your handle. That is why they put caps on bike handle bars. These are very
nasty wounds that leave a scar like a belly button.
Is it possible to design for strength, if the designer doesn't really understand what strength is?
8m speed wings.
Ozone Samurai 3m
Sky Country Reflex 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10m new 6m!
Sky Country NaSCa 2 11m
Sky Country Alasca 10m - sold
Rhombus Firebee 3m (ret).
Libre Vampir Race Pro 2.6m
Jojo Rage 8m
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
c-mon... who falls...:puzzled::frog::P
Great point...  It's worth looS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-n into... thanx... keep'm
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
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I am sure if you look in bike forums you will see them mentioned. Very nasty wounds.
Is it possible to design for strength, if the designer doesn't really understand what strength is?
8m speed wings.
Ozone Samurai 3m
Sky Country Reflex 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10m new 6m!
Sky Country NaSCa 2 11m
Sky Country Alasca 10m - sold
Rhombus Firebee 3m (ret).
Libre Vampir Race Pro 2.6m
Jojo Rage 8m
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I like my spot at number two. They look fantastic, can't wait to try them. I'm concerned about the abrasiveness of the kevlar. It is the ultimate
weapon against dacron dime store kite lines. Nothing cuts the kevlar and it cuts everything because it won't melt. So I'm not sure if it will cause
quick wear to kite line loops or not.
Another perspective:
I still have my old fashioned kevlar ski line for barefoot skiing. It is not a plain kevlar line though. For some reason, the industry sleeved the
kevlar inside a normal ski rope to protect the kevlar or maybe to protect the handle lines from the kevlar. This made it a heavy line and therefore
it was replaced by spectra and dyneema when they hit the market. Kevlar might have UV light sensitivity as well, not sure. Dyneema and Spectra make a
super light ski line that stretches about like a steel cable. Send on the handles. I'd like mine in that Tennessee orange , if you don't mind.
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
Youtube link
Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
Well, I hope that Kevlar doesn't do any harm to line sets... its very smooth and silky feeling... I'm gonna put them on my kites Mon. and fly and I'll
take a look before and after... maybe this will warrant a close up photo of the lines before and after also... Thanx for the incite... I understand
that it might take longer than a few flights to see a difference... I'll have a few sets for myself this next week also, that I'll be putting a lot of
time on...
See this is freaS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-n cool... by the time we all get done with this I'll be able to provide a great product... Bet you all hope I start
making Kites next...:D
I'll dial you in on that #2 spot... Do you want #1 if Dlish89 passes because he'll have his own set, those short orange ones...
By the way sorry... no orange/white...
Ahhh... you changed the Orange/White to just Orange... Thats a doable request on the finished product... that is some super comfy stuff...
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
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While "coring" definately sounds nasty and makes a lot of sense, I also like caps to make sure no rough edges that develop over time, tear my kite as
I stuff my handles in my bag. Of course, finishing the bottom end of the handle off like you did the top would prevent that but you still have the
coring concern - oucha.
Kevlar is pretty tough and can be nasty stuff for cutting everything in sight, I'm not sure it would actually cut your lines once larksheaded to it
though. Given the pressure on them, they should lock down on the leader knot and experience little friction.
As far as having the bevel of the handle cut through the line.... you may want to consider running the line through a small piece of tubing where it
comes out of the hole to act as a buffer. You'd have to drill a bigger hole though to accomodate both the tubing and the line.
One set of aluminum handles I have has a rubber ring to act as a buffer. One of the rings wore out years ago but the leader is still in tact.
Another set has no rings and the leaders are OK. Its not like the leader will just up and snap on you. If the bevel is a problem you'll see it cut
through the line over time and if you're attentive to stuff like that you can replace your leader on your on, in time, if needed.
Can you explain how the 4 position adjuster works on the break leaders - is it like the PKD cleat set up?
They look like nice handles - good luck and nice contribution to the sport.
Depower Quiver: 14m Gin Eskimo, 10m Gin Eskimo III, 6m Gin Yeti, 4.5m Gin Yeti (custom bridle and mixer)
Fixed Bridle Quiver: MAC Bego 400, JOJO ET Instinct 2.5 & 5.5, Lil Devil 1.5, Sting 1.2
Rides: Ground Industries
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Mood: SOBB
That is the nicest looking grip material I have seen, and it looks like you added shrink tubing to the edges for a great finished look. Anyway we
could get you to share what that material on the grips is, and where we could get it?
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
Thanx guys...
As far as the adjustments go... it's 4 hole positions for the break leader... the further down the handle you move the break leader the more reaction
you have on the kite... down fall is it makes it a lil harder to pull the break... and good thoughts on the end caps and tubing in the holes, I have a
set of handles with the tubing but does not look the greatest... something to work on...
Thanx Jellis... that is handle bar wrap for road bikes and can be bought at most if not any bicycle shop... same place you get your grips... the gel
wraps are most comfy but all are great...
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
Posting Freak
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Mood: Is now a P2 pilot, flying a Charly One Harness, and an Ozone Buzz Z =D
Our ace hardware has an aisle with all that odd stuff in drawers, they have plastic caps just like the kite ones, they are for furniture but should
Nice job with the handles, kinda makes me want to trick out my pansh handles.....:P
\"Once you have flown you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward; for there you have been, there you long to return\" Leonardo Da
2m Junkie
P3 Prism Stylus
3m Goflyakite Foil
5.5m NPW9b (Homemade)
6m Ozone Access
8m Pansh Ace
11m S-ARC
14m Naish Boxer
17m Peter Lynn Bomba
Kitewing (Homemade)
Kitebuggy (Homemade)
Skis for buggy
Skis for feet
Best Waist Harness
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Mood: Go Fly A Kite!
I like my #1 spot. I'll hold that spot down. Gotta like the dlish special edition POLISHED! Sweet job. I will be heading your way next week and we
can put them through the paces.
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Mood: Ozone For Life
dude, lets see the zebra stripped model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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Mood: windy!
That would be the Ted Nugent model right?!:frog: WANGO TANGO!!!!
HQ Beamer II 1.8-
Flexifoil bullets 2.5- 3.5 mine, can\'t have it!
Pansh ACE 4.0- for sale $75
Peter Lynn Viper- 3.9
Naish Aero 10.0
Naish Aero 12.0
Rockville Kite Trike
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Mood: Ozone For Life
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
They have a pattern that would pass for zebra...
Thanx NPWfever for the tip on the hardware store that will work for me to figure out a good plug caps, but I'm gonna have to find a place to buy in
bulk apx 100 at a time...
I'm planing a run of 25 sets at first to see the response to them... and if they are what people want then I'll try to make more to supply the
demand... not really trying to start a biz adventure just create something everyone likes... Hence all the feedback... I'd
like to be able to sell them in packages of two or more at a discount so people could have them on all their kites... that last sentence had a
lil hint from my secret by the way...:ticking:
I'm hoping to have the secret exposed tomorrow, I got the parts in that I needed and it's the real deal and I'm positive it's gonna work...:singing:
Just want to install them and take pictures so you all can see it and under stand it...:D:D
there will be a few final things that will change as I get feedback... and I want my logo (avitar) on the shrink wrap and embroidered on the "Screwy
Kite Killa's"...:singing:
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
I was thinking about tricS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-n out the pansh handles also mainly just add the wrap over there black rubber grips... If you do anything let
me know... I'd like to see your results...
Quote: | Originally posted by NPWfever
Our ace hardware has an aisle with all that odd stuff in drawers, they have plastic caps just like the kite ones, they are for furniture but should
Nice job with the handles, kinda makes me want to trick out my pansh handles.....:P |
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
Posting Freak
Posts: 1071
Registered: 30-9-2007
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Mood: Is now a P2 pilot, flying a Charly One Harness, and an Ozone Buzz Z =D
I need to replace my leaders too, they are all frayed and hideous. I'll see what I can do tomorrow.
\"Once you have flown you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward; for there you have been, there you long to return\" Leonardo Da
2m Junkie
P3 Prism Stylus
3m Goflyakite Foil
5.5m NPW9b (Homemade)
6m Ozone Access
8m Pansh Ace
11m S-ARC
14m Naish Boxer
17m Peter Lynn Bomba
Kitewing (Homemade)
Kitebuggy (Homemade)
Skis for buggy
Skis for feet
Best Waist Harness
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
O.K. the secret feature...:o
Is going to stay a secret...   "SORRY" :saint: but it was susgested to keep this on the DL and after thinking about it... I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea... The
Screwy R&D Team (PASS THE HANDLE TESTERS) will get the benefit of knowing the secret... but must sign over their bank account...:o  jus kiddn... well... just try'n keep it on the DL... its OK to give your opinion of
the feature...:singing: just don't tell what it is... we'll keep the suspense going...:evil:
But to let you know it worked and I'm real excited...:singing:
Also I think I have came up with a end cap idea that will solve a few concepts people have already gave as feedback from the photos... I'll try to
explain... I'm thinking a Delron slug to go into the end of the handle... it would be long enough that it would make it past the 4th break line hole
(closest to your hand)... Then I could drill line holes through the Delron to provide line protection and allow the Delron to hang a 1/8" out the
botton and bevel it to create a end cap for safety as requested (thanx)...
Any thoughts...
I'm thinking a top slug/plug also but I'm trying to figure in the knot inside the bar... may have to hollow out the Delron on one side to allow room
for a knot...
Any interested in Proto testing... sign up for the "PASS THE HANDLE" there might be more handles to test later after I get feedback and make
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
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Ok, I have my R&D hat on. Can't wait to try them out and most importantly, I love being in on secrets. It'll be fun toying with everyone as we
talk about the feature without divulging it. Thanks for trying to make the sport better. These small ideas can turn into big deals.
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
Youtube link
Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
Quote: | Originally posted by BeamerBob
Ok, I have my R&D hat on. Can't wait to try them out and most importantly, I love being in on secrets. It'll be fun toying with everyone as we
talk about the feature without divulging it. Thanks for trying to make the sport better. These small ideas can turn into big deals.
Thanx Beam... I think it'll be fun to keep the secret going as to keep suspense... I'm excited for you to try them due to the value of your
feedback... Dlish and I are hooking up Wed. so we can play with them... Then I'll let him R&D'm for a few...
It's taking everything to not share as I'm excited with them... when it was suggested that they stay on the DL I had to fight with myself to come to
the same conclusion... I might get a second pair of handles done for testing along side this pair...
So you can test 2 pair at a time...:singing:
By the way Beamer did you ever get the DVD I sent???
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
I tested them out on Tue. and found a problem with the new feature... so I tooS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-em home and put a 5" delrin plug up the bottom of the
handle that also acted as a cap... and made a cap for the top also... NICE... I believe it will also help with the leader sliding through the bar...
and not fray the line... 3 birds with one stone...
Well Dlish and I went out on Wed. and tested them out after the fix... we ran into similar problems and made a small adjustment on the fly and believe
we have resolved the problem and there will be a redesigned proto #4 (probably be as close to the final model) that I'll send out along with the
current protos #2 & #3... :singing:
overall review very comfy grips as stated before and the Secret feature was very convenient and would of been nice on all the kites we had out on wed.
(4 kites) but we had them only on two... so we where still able to appreciate the convenience of it... :singing:
I'd like Dlish to give a honest review if and when he can get a chance...  :puzzled::D
Any request for grip color/colors for the Proto #4 handle (request from the color combos from previous post above) so we can get a diff look...
also I'm working on a sheath for the power lines to save your finger crotch...:D
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
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Screwy, I am going to add my 2 cents worth now...
I thought that for the sheath I have used plastic tubing a bit about 5 cm long that fits into the handle (and protects the leaders from the handle
material) and then a bit that fits tight over that that is half that length that buts to the handle material for a bit of added stifness.
I have tried to build without much success a removable clip that will nest the pair of handles together and have a horn for winding lines as well. I
am going to try UHMW next.
Are you going to add a loop for the break lines? I clip mine to a monster peg (very soft sand) with a beaner.
Ozone Access 4m,6m, 10m, Razor 5.5, Sammi 2m,Profoil 1, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, Cooper 4.4, HQ Beamer 3.6, Pkd Buster 2m, 4m, Pansh Ace 5m, JoJo rm 3m, Best
Tempest 17m, Flexifoil Fusion 18.5m,Blurr 3.5, Flexifoil Flexdeck, PL Comp XR+, WindDragon MaxC
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Registered: 21-10-2007
Location: Galt CA
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Mood: Go Fly A Kite!
I have both pictured and I want to get atleast one more session in before I give my thoughts. I think there might be something that needs to be
tweeked alittle. Flying static this was not a problem, but when I hooked in things didn't seem right. I didn't think of it till on the way home so I
want to fly again to double check.
R&D will be a good excuse for us to go visit kyte slinger and do alittle flying with him to get his thoughts 
I'll try and find any excuse to get to the beach and fly :saint:
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
Thanx kitedemon,
Great thoughts, and I've tried the tubing on proto #1 and it was better than nothing but the neoprene is multiple times better yet... remember I'm
"trying" for the best possible...  Maybe a rubber hose :puzzled: see your
making me think and this is how we do it... thanx for the input and please anything more, bring it because I might not have thought of it or tried
it... or we can brainstorm it and make it work... 
I'm curious Dlish what this could be, maybe the strope piggy too long or you figuring the special feature might interfere with flying hooked
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
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Registered: 27-3-2008
Location: Livermore Ca.
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
I'm free'd up again... last week I was at Water Treatment classes and had to take a State exam on sat...  whhooooohh glad thats over... :singing:
this week I'm aiming for proto #4 to be finished and I'll get pics up ASAP...   this should be as close to final product as of now...
Unless I can get some more good suggestions to add...
I'll try and get with Dlish and he can combine the handles together for R&D also another pair of Screwy KS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s to tag
Keep'm coming
Thanx, Screwy
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
Posts: 396
Registered: 25-5-2005
Location: DAVIS, CA
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Mood: ready to buggy
put me on the list please.
my bag:
Ted's Profoil 1.5m
HQ beamer 1.4m
Ozone Samurai 2.0m
JoJo RM+ 2.5m, 3m
PL Vapor 3.8m
PL Viper S 5.3m
Ozone Frenzy 05 10m
PKD Century 6.5m
Libre Hardcore
Libre V-Max
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Registered: 11-5-2007
Location: Down on the bayou
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So when do we start this thing? I'm ready to tie some on.
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
Youtube link
Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Posts: 50
Registered: 14-5-2008
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Mood: not quite awake
can i get on the list
t-foil trainer
npw5 1.8
npw9b(t) 3.4m
pansh blaze 5m
HQ beamer 3.6
american fighter kites
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