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Posting Freak
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Why doesn't everyone fly a de-power ?
Seriously, I would like your truthful reasons why not.
I have recently discovered the world of de-power and now I love kiting even more. A de-power in the 8m range can almost be a one kite buggy quiver.
I know there has to be pros and cons. lets hear them.
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I'm still in the learning phase so feel free to slap me, but does depower work with handles?
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Some depower kites can work on handles, but for the most part, no, not really.
I think its a price thing Dakitez...and complexity scares people away.
Kites: 16m PL Scorpion, 9m & 14m 06 Best Waroo
Vehicles: Thrift store snowboard, fraken-ATB, Old Litewave water board.
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I love complexity, but with only a few months of kiting under my belt, I'm worried about wrecking an expensive kite... I still lose control of my
Pansh from time to time... difference between replacing that and replacing a Venom or something is about a factor of TEN :-P
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Price. Complexity. Better light wind performance.
Fixed bridle kites can be lots of fun to fly static but I haven't had a ton of luck flying my depower static.
While learning to landboard I'm still more apt to pull out a fixed bridle because I'm more comfortable with it.
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the depower design softens the power. it mutes or blunts the power. once you learn to fly and use the power they are handicapping to mushy for some
the bridle adds drag, but allows for the ease of relaunch esp. on the water
once you're flying in a dynamic system the last thing you want to happen is have less power. hence the BAR STOPPER BALL
they are safer for the novice, and here's the real reason.... having a safer kite that easily shuts ITSELF down by back sheet pressure(letting go of
the bar) opens a huge selling market to those who need a higher safety margin. so depower kite are like selling rockets with throttles.
and one who really wants to ride a rocket would not want a throttle.
so a high number of entry level riders will buy them
nobody really wants a hot c-kite that doesn't understand balanced power it would cripple them could.
safety, relaunch and larger market
why would you fly something else power, pop and flow. a high aspect hot kite was what the original designs where based on because they had alot of
power and worked not because they where safe .
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Two weaknesses are low wind performance and just having fun static flying. Fixed bridles are better in both respects. But kick up the wind and add
some wheels and the depower is in its element.
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
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Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Mood: chilled....but ready to SAIL!
oh yeah i forgot RANGE, being able to significantly change AOA a depower can cover about 4-5m size range.
that says alot # of rigs and cost and is the reason they are popular with EVERYBODY
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The cost of picking up a depower is a major deterrent for me (though with the money I've spent on fixed bridle kites I could have bought 2 or 3
The less efficient low wind performance is another reason (I like how you can really work a fixed bridle kite).
Lastly, the simplicity of fixed bridle kites. I can set up in seconds and not have to worry about a harness if I don't want to.
I've flown depowers and like them and suppose I would get used to them and like them more if I flew them regularly but for me, for now, nothing beats
the simplicity and workability of a fixed bridle kite.
Depower Quiver: 14m Gin Eskimo, 10m Gin Eskimo III, 6m Gin Yeti, 4.5m Gin Yeti (custom bridle and mixer)
Fixed Bridle Quiver: MAC Bego 400, JOJO ET Instinct 2.5 & 5.5, Lil Devil 1.5, Sting 1.2
Rides: Ground Industries
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Mood: Dyin' to go flyin'
I got a AAA kit on my Rage 4.7, It is my most used kite,the kit allows power adjustment on the ground. I can dial it in for conditions , between my
4.7 and my 2.5 It's covered, except for sub 10 wind. I was thinkin a 7.0 blurr would perfect my quiver . I love handles, WAY more control over the
kite than a bar. Reasons I don't have a de-power
1]don't like bars
2] don't use strops(got the death grip of an ironworker)
4] bridals look like a nightmare waiting to happen
5] safety system on bar is pull the safety and loose the bar and kite?
on handles I got KKs . No outta control kite n bar flailin down wind to hurt someone or get damaged
6] did I mention how exspensive they are
7] I'm holdin out for the fixed bridal race parafoil from pansh and tryin to get a 7.0 blurr
How would depower work on 4 line handles? without losing any of my control ability ?
Combat 2.4 / 4.2
Century 1.8 / 5.5
Century II 2.2/2.8/3.5/4.5 /10.0
Brooza IV 3.0 prototype
Buster Soulfly 1.5 / 2.2 (KIA)/ 3.3 (lost at sea)
Buster Soulfly PRO 3.3 / 4.4
Buster (gen 1) 5.5
Sting 1.7 Punk
Rage 2.5 / 3.5/ 4.7
Revolution 1.5 SLE
17 ply Custom TRAMPA w/ verTIGo trucks
2 homebrew buggies,2 homebrew KYTBYKS,1 homebrew tandem trailer
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The safety on the Montana and others I imagine is to grab a safety release and the kite stays attached to you without any power, much like kite
killers do for you. You have an added safety that you could release the kite from you completely but that is the last resort before you go
over the cliff or into the power lines.
The bridles aren't really any more tangle prone than a fixed bridle as long as you don't take your lines off. That applies to both styles though.
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
Youtube link
Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Quote: | Originally posted by WELDNGOD
5] safety system on bar is pull the safety and loose the bar and kite?
on handles I got KKs . No outta control kite n bar flailin down wind to hurt someone or get damaged |
Like BB said depowers (at least my Access) has an excellent safety. I should know as I used it about 5 times last year. It worked really well (cut
the power completely), was easy to reach and easy to reset.
Quote: | Originally posted by WELDNGOD
6] did I mention how exspensive they are
7] I'm holdin out for the fixed bridal race parafoil from pansh and tryin to get a 7.0 blurr |
I agree that depowers cost more than fixed bridle kites, but the Blurr runs something like $800 or $900 right? You can easily get into the depower
game for that kind of coin. You could probably get a couple used. I think there is a 7m Montana II for sale on this forum for $300 right now.
Quote: | Originally posted by WELDNGOD
How would depower work on 4 line handles? without losing any of my control ability ? |
I think that's a no-go. At least I've never seen it and don't see how it would work.
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Mood: They're ALL good ideas. Right up until they become BAD ideas.
I've seen a Flysurfer on handles. Dude said it was a straight "connect the lines and fly" thing. He works it pretty good too. I think someone else on
this forum has done it too.
I agree with the others on the control afforded by handles. I've yet to find a kite / bar combo that comes even close to matching the responsiveness I
got used to from the handles. Perhaps it exists - I just haven't found it yet.
KC07 - Certified Chronic
Rev Shockwave | Brooza II 3 | BusterII's 3/4/5 | Hornet 1.5
Reactor II 5.5/6.9 | AccessXC 10 | Frenzy 12 | PsychoIII 13 | Speed2 12 | Speed3 15 | SA2.5 19
Bomba 15 | Phantom 15/18 | Venom 13 | Slingshot T3 9/11/14m
Skis, Ski Skates, Nobile RM Pro, MBS Pro 90, Kailolo 5' 11" Custom Phish, Kailolo 5'9" Custom Phish, Plyboard, Proof 151,
FlydoorM, F-One 198, Coyotes, Comp XR+, and the BEST WIFE IN THE WORLD!
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I tried several depowers and none of them worked sufficiently in < 10mph inland wind. In that wind, the lack of power and turning speed left only
one choice - fixed bridles.
I also love the simplicity of fixed bridles and the safety system (yes, I wear kite killers). In my opinion, the current safety systems on most
depowerables still need improvement. In my own experience, sh$t can hit the fan soo quick that even just letting go to Kite Killers takes practice
(retraining your brain to just let go and to not hold on tighter).
I also like the control you have with handles. Can't get that level of control on a bar.
Don't get me wrong, I love my PL's but it basically boils down to ...certain conditions require different kites and that's why I fly both.
Flexifoil Blurr 2.5, Ozone Cult 3.5, Nasa Star 3 4.0 Ozone Yakuza 4.0, PL Reactor 4.9, JoJo RM+ 5.0, Ozone Method 5.0, Ozone Yakuza 6.0, Flexifoil
Blade IV 6.5, Nasa Star 3 7.0, PL Vapor 7.8, JoJo RX 8.0 (in route), Flexifoil Blade VIP 8.5, PL Vapor 9.4, Ozone Yakuza 10.0, PL Reactor II 10.8, PL
Vapor 16.1, PL Venom II 13, PL Charger 15, 19, Flysurfer Unity 12, Flysurfer Pulse 2 14, Flysurfer Speed 2 SA 19, Flysurfer Speed 3 21, MBS Comp 95
landboard, PL Folding buggy, PL XR+ buggy, Slingshot LFT, Lots of surfboards
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When the wind is at an angle that gives me odd (short) tacks on the beach, or if crowds reduce my runs down to something like a football field or two
in size, then it's handles.
If the wind is over 9 mph and I get a park and ride for over 1/2 mile, I break out the Montana.
As mentioned above, it's all about the finesse you get with handles for light wind or tight maneuvering.
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SPEED freaks like fixed bridle because they can move faster.
Control freaks like fixed bridle for the fine control.
Power freaks like fixed bridle for the extra low wind performance.
Air freaks like fixed bridle for static flying / jumping.
I think a lot of folks start off on fixed bridles and get toooo comfortable. Often not even moving into flying attached to a harness. They think they
have reached some kind of skill level because they can pull off static jumps and they are happy with that.
I knew a guy named Dlish ( and Sthrasher and Beamerbob ) that was stuck at that level :smug: Sort of afraid to hook in. Fortunately Dlish is long gone
and Dakitez has seen the light :singing:
I like my big open cell for low wind. My small ones for teaching. The 3 and 5m have not seen sky since NABX and I sold the Bullets !
Kites: 2.5m Profoil , Quadrifoil XL kitesurfer, NPW 5 Danger.
Flexifoil: 1.7m Sting, 4.9m Blade 3, 9m Blade 2.
Flysurfer : 19m Speed 2 SA, 7m Pulse
Peter Lynn :18m Phantom, 15m Synergy, 10m Synergy, 1200 Farc, 460 Sarc, 130 Tarc, 5m Peel, 4.2m , 6.4, 8.5 C-Quads, 3.5 LS2 single skin.
Rides: Flexi / P.L. Frankin'Buggy , Shaped + straight skiis, sand skis, Coyote blades. Core 95 ATB. RKB R2 ATB .
Ken (K2)
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Mood: Go Fly A Kite!
 I knew this would get a good discussion going. the forum has been alittle
boring, so I thought i might spice it up. next will be a thread on how much you love or hate pansh :P
Bladerunner (snowy) is correct dlish is long gone and dakitez has seen the depower light.
I have seen a couple good points. Static flying and low wind performance, but I disagree. I flew flexiblades 8m access static in 6-8mph on off winds
and successfully (unplanned) pulled off a superman. So how much power do you want ?
next I watch screwy fly his helix static and he has no problem getting nice big floaty jumps with it.
I personally have got to the point where I don't like to fly static anymore. I just get bored. Its not as easy to get scuds in on grass. If I'm at the
beach thats another story. If I can't buggy I'll pull out my 2m sami and fly it like a rev.
I can understand the price factor vs. cheaper foils, but if your spending money for quality foils, then the money isn't that much difference.
Especially when you factor in one depower can cover the range of 2 foils.
As far as the bar I didn't like it as much at first, now i'm used to it and it makes life alot easier. I can fly one handed and no handed at times. It
doesn't have the exact precise control as handles, but you can still turn the kite on a wingtip. How much control do you need ?
Keep in mind I'm a relativly beginner buggy rider, so don't take my opinion too seriously. This is just what I have experienced to this point.
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Quote: |
next will be a thread on how much you love or hate pansh |
Now that might be a lively thread...think there was a thread or mention of something similar on the Flexifoil forum that drew quite a bit of
'conversation'...bring it on : )
Quote: |
So how much power do you want ? |
For me, it's not really about 'total power output', but about, getting the power I need when I need it, instantly...power on demand...that quick burst
of power in a turn, lull, etc. That I've only found in a fixed bridle.
Quote: |
As far as the bar I didn't like it as much at first, now i'm used to it and it makes life alot easier. I can fly one handed and no handed at times.
Same thing....fixed bridle on strop.
Quote: |
It doesn't have the exact precise control as handles, but you can still turn the kite on a wingtip. How much control do you need ? |
In light wind and big kites, the added brake control can turn the kite much faster and sometimes that added sec or two can cost you a smooth
transition or at the worst, a luff.
Again,,,just my experience...
Flexifoil Blurr 2.5, Ozone Cult 3.5, Nasa Star 3 4.0 Ozone Yakuza 4.0, PL Reactor 4.9, JoJo RM+ 5.0, Ozone Method 5.0, Ozone Yakuza 6.0, Flexifoil
Blade IV 6.5, Nasa Star 3 7.0, PL Vapor 7.8, JoJo RX 8.0 (in route), Flexifoil Blade VIP 8.5, PL Vapor 9.4, Ozone Yakuza 10.0, PL Reactor II 10.8, PL
Vapor 16.1, PL Venom II 13, PL Charger 15, 19, Flysurfer Unity 12, Flysurfer Pulse 2 14, Flysurfer Speed 2 SA 19, Flysurfer Speed 3 21, MBS Comp 95
landboard, PL Folding buggy, PL XR+ buggy, Slingshot LFT, Lots of surfboards
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I use both, The fixed kites do have a lower wind range. I do absolutely love de-power however! I really think it is a matter or personal taste and
regional conditions. Where I am for example today (now even) a local station is reporting 5.7 mph wind speed with gusts to 19.6 mph I really need 2
kites one for the gust speed and one for the normal speed. Or go from powered to over powered and then back again. The de-power allows for that fast
adjustment and security. De-powers are perfect because we have really flunky wind where I am.
Ozone Access 4m,6m, 10m, Razor 5.5, Sammi 2m,Profoil 1, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, Cooper 4.4, HQ Beamer 3.6, Pkd Buster 2m, 4m, Pansh Ace 5m, JoJo rm 3m, Best
Tempest 17m, Flexifoil Fusion 18.5m,Blurr 3.5, Flexifoil Flexdeck, PL Comp XR+, WindDragon MaxC
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Mood: Go Fly A Kite!
excellent point kitedemon. I forgot that. I fly in gusty conditions similiar to yours, but not quite that extreme. The de-power really smooths the
gusts out. if you live on the beach or somewhere with beautiful clean winds (Sunset Jim) then its not a problem with a fixed bridle 
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Mood: stuck on a small island with big trees and tiny beaches...
I'm still on fixed bridles, still flying static on the beach, lotsa low winds.
I haven't even laid my eyes on a depower (aside from watching the odd kitesurfer doing their thing) and look forwards to getting one and figuring it
out. I've sailed lots and powering up a dailed-in high-tech rig is good fun!
what I like most about kiting is two things: feeling the wind in my hands and exercising fine control over what I can do with that wind, and from what
I've read fixed bridles are where it's at for quality of control and feedback.
having said that, i can appreciate bladerunner's comments on how fixed bridles can keep a kiter at a plateau of skill development, but I've got a ways
to go on the static jumping front with my fixed bridles, and don't feel yet like I'm sitting all comfy like on a skill plateau.
it seems like (again, from my armchair depower perspective) that depower kites really come into their own once a kiter starts to move across the
ground and begin playing with apparent wind. If one is flying static, then one isn't missing much, is my feeling.
So a question about the depower / fixed bridle: am i right in assuming that I am not missing so much in putting off the dpowers while i am still
flying static? It does seem to me that when I starting moving on something that can hold a line (wheels / board on water) then I will be in a
position to really exploit the depower aspect of kiting.
But until then, I'm not really missing so much, and I'm still having fun with the direct quality of 4-line handle control and unrestricted feedback
from the kite.
I've followed Gdmd's thread on looking for a new depower pretty closely, and from that and other threads, I'm pretty amazed by the way the depower
folks can maintain good control over their kites in pretty strong winds. Fixed bridles do have much smaller wind ranges, I've got an 8m on the way
and hope to get a 10m at some point to complete my fixed bridle quiver, and I'm definitely wondering how restricted i will be by the upper end on
those bigger fixed foils.
@dakitez: bring on the pansh thread!!!!
fixed bridles, flying static, been two years now... ??? folks must be wondering....
sting 1.7, dp power 2.5, crossfire 3.2, ace 5, blade iv 6.5, ace 8, ace 12...
also a couple of arcs, 12 syn and 12 phanny, but i\'m not yet up to speed on them.
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yes the dynamic system (the kite moving & you're moving) apparent wind will feed MORE wind to the kite. static depower would not really shine.
once your are moving UPWIND the depower allows the kite to move towards the edge of the window as the apparent wind powers the kite and actually
widens the power zone. It curves the deep power zone areas UPWIND. the variable pitch of the rig allows this.
the depower exploits this more in a much wider range esp. in early fliers hands it can be very forgiving.
static fixed is very sensitive and provides excellent touch training, esp. in lighter winds.
it makes some depower rigs comparatively loose and sloppy. some, not all
take a run crosswind with your kite faster than the wind, keep flying the kite, the power may snatch it out of your hands
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Mood: Well... SCREWY as I wanna be!!!
Why can't we just love them all!!!:D
This is a good topic, I don't think that most people fully understand the de-power unless they've flown one...
I look at the fixed bridal as a different game than the de-power, I think it all comes down to what your into static, bug'n, boarding land/water...
I've flown both fixed and de-power and for what I do I like the fixed most of the time...
My Helix is a different animal all together... huge de-power turns fast as fu(k...
The de-power kites have 3 differences the open cell, closed cell and inflatables, "why does any one fly one of these..."
Currently I haven't found a open cell de-power I like (has a huge de-power) I've never flown a closed cell and the inflatables are phenomenal in the
amount of de-power you have control over... find me a open cell that has huge de-power and I'll own another kite...
To address the turning issue... In general, I believe that most open cell de-powers are slow turning... a 2:1 bar could fix this and create a whole
new experience...
My thoughts on noob's flying a de-power is you are throwing in a extra control in the mix... they have to learn a lot... if you learn on a de-power
you could fly most anything... like put a noob in a bug and give them a kite, thats throwing another control in the mix... if they learn this way
imagine how they would fly static...
I really think de-power is a step up in sorts, and it not for every situation and all the different style de-powers... wow my head is spinning  ...
Sooo many variables to think of in all the different type kites available...
"Just get a kite have fun, get hooked and buy more just like the rest of us junkies":D
Naish, Helix 9m / ARX 11.5m
Flexifoil, Blade IV 6.5 Blade VIP 8.5
Peter Lynn Twister II 7.7m, Viper 2.6m x2, 3.9m x2, 5.3m, 6.8m, Reactor II 4.4m
Ozone, HAKA 5m (make an offer)
Flysurfer Titan 9.5m, Speed 10m
Zebra Z2 5m
Flexi Scout- US357 #247
"I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself" -Aldous Huxley
"Save a tree eat a beaver" -Someone Great-
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Quote: | Originally posted by Bladerunner
I knew a guy named Dlish ( and Sthrasher and Beamerbob ) that was stuck at that level :smug: Sort of afraid to hook in. Fortunately Dlish is long gone
and Dakitez has seen the light :singing:
I have to stand up for myself here. I got a harness just a month ago or so and haven't had decent wind since. I'll have a buggy (I fit in) in mere
weeks and right after that's settled, I'll be ordering a Montana prolly in a 9.5 size. I have strops made up that I've used with my climbing harness
on my fixed bridle kites back in the spring. I'm ready for all the harness offers, just waiting for the wind to give me a tug. I'll certainly be
harnessed in at JIBE late september. Maybe I have a new name in the future like um... MontanaMuse?
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
Youtube link
Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Mood: retired until racing starts
Quote: | Originally posted by Bladerunner
SPEED freaks like fixed bridle because they can move faster.
Control freaks like fixed bridle for the fine control.
Power freaks like fixed bridle for the extra low wind performance.
Air freaks like fixed bridle for static flying / jumping.
my thoughts exactly! =)
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Mood: SPEED 3 19M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I fly a depower frenzy and find it much better for jumping than the fixed bridles. When I make my turn toward the zenith, I can simply turn the power
on and away I float. This allows me to jump higher while still not being over powered ;-)
also it seems that fixed bridles work better for buggiers and depower for boarders unless your one of those buggy guys that jump...

Kiteboarding Team Rider
Looking For:
cheap old c kites in good shape
What I Fly:
Flysurfer Speed 3 19m, Switch Legacy2 12 and 9m, Radsail Sport 5m, HQ Beamer 1.8m
What I Ride:
mbs core 90, Cabrinha Rival 145, Cabrinha Ace 133
Go big or go home!
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I have a new point... I just got back from the doctors office... I have managed to pinch the Median Nerve from too much time on handles! A product of
wrist angle and force, not really ergonomically correct...  De-power well the bar
pressure on my access is quite light and I often use one hand to fly and relax the other. That isn't quite as easy as handles. For now I have pins and
needles in both forefingers and thumb on my left hand. :megan:
This is an interesting topic however both have advantages and disadvantages each person will like or dislike each for his or her own reasons. The
reasons why are the most interesting. It is like the automatic standard debate with cars. Personally I like both for differing reasons and fly both
methods close to equally.
Ozone Access 4m,6m, 10m, Razor 5.5, Sammi 2m,Profoil 1, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, Cooper 4.4, HQ Beamer 3.6, Pkd Buster 2m, 4m, Pansh Ace 5m, JoJo rm 3m, Best
Tempest 17m, Flexifoil Fusion 18.5m,Blurr 3.5, Flexifoil Flexdeck, PL Comp XR+, WindDragon MaxC
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I love my fixed bridle kites for all the reasons people stated above. However, FB kites do have their limitations in unpredictable, high winds. I am
keeping my FBs for low to moderate (13mph) winds but for anything higher, I'll use my depower kites. I just hate landing, packing and switching kites
when wind picks up by 4-6 mphs.
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Mood: Wicket Smaht= Wicked Smart
I love DEPOWER!!!!!!!!!!!! actually i don't have much experience I only started kiting in September of 07 with my Crossfire 2.4 and then 4.0 and then
my Montana. I never actually got to try my Crossfire 4.0 with my board, thanks to a thief at the park. so i learned the board and the kiting
aspect with my Montana. I tried once with my 2.4 and the dang thing is so twitchy but anyways...I am pretty sold on depowers personally. I love when
i am cruising along and i got the kite only 15 ft from the ground in front of me and i can feel i am about to get yanked over the board cause a gust
is coming and just spill some of that power away. I can't be sure but i dunno if i could do that with a fixed bridle without getting yanked over.
even a subdued one like a Beamer. Again i have a tiny quiver so i am speculating on my skill level. but i just feel so much safer with my Montana
even though i am a beginner and it's aimed for freestyle. I will eventually get a fixed bridle beast for low wind days. I think it will be easy
cause of the low wind. But I don't think i could see myself with a fixed bridle in 15mph winds on a board. I know it's done, i see videos all the
time, and it's personal preference. but I enjoy cruising and spilling some power to rest my abs and ribs every now and then. Don't think that can be
done with a fixed bridle even with a harness, power is raw constantly. I think i would stop more often to rest. I dunno if it's just cause i am
excited to be out flying cause i am a noob but i am rarely stopping to rest. the way i rest is just by cruising back and forth without attempting any
jumps LOL....Personally sold on Depowers here....I havn't touched my Crossfire 2.4 in 6 months. I am thinking about getting rid of it. But it needs a
test fly before i sell her off.
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Coming in very late in this thread. A lot of good advice throughout, along with some strong opinions to personal tastes. Time to throw mine in to
the mix.
Fixed Bridle
I started flying on fixed bridles because they were cheap to get. You can learn almost everything you need to know about kiting from a 4 - 5m
fixed bridle kite. Flying in low winds with one of these will teach you how to become the most frustrated person on the planet cursing all the gods
that ever had anything to do with the creation and maintenance of the wind. Result - Low wind = Big Fixed Bridle (7m+ for winds 5 to
We have all pushed the limits with a fixed bridle, a 4m in 23mph winds perhaps, and saw the face of the devil as you took the the air unexpectedly
and came crashing down on the unforgiving cruel earth. We have all stared out at a kite at the end of our lines jumping up and down in crazy winds
itching to kill us - makes your heart race and thump - bump - bump! Makes you feel alive to look at death on a string tied to your gut.
Result - High wind + Fixed Bridle = Fear of Death
That said the joys of flying a depower with more wind (15mph+) becomes a truly new and enjoyable experience instead of the terrifying one we are
used to with fixed bridles. They have their limits but they are forgiving in our mistakes. Jumping becomes controllable and bigger. The biggest
jump I ever did with a fixed bridle was with a widow maker 4.9m Blade III, only about 6ft - but I had to work at it to get it. With the 13m Venom in
16mph I can stand still and get that height no problem - run and do a pendulum and I can get 10ft - with float. Result - High
wind + Depower = Amazingly Good Time & Possible Fear of Death (if you really screw up - which I have - on a regular basis - in
front of people on this forum - they will tell you that I'm not safe to be around - kiting or not)
we all believe is called the expansion
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