Hi folks,
I have seen a factory FS crash test video before but can't find it now.
There is a P3 crash test video at FS' site but I can't get it working. Installed their recommended viewer but still no luck. (cookies
enabled/problems... or... something or other)
I've seen the video before somehow/somewhere. It was shot using high speed camera, at impact you can see the slits open to allow for compression
PKD-0.7m Buster, 1.4m Buster, 1.8m Century
HQ-Beamer III 3m
PL-Reactor 3.8m, Reactor II 6.9m
Ozone-IGNITION 1.6m, Little Devil 4.5m, 7.3m Frenzy
Pansh-Sprint Ltd Ed 5m, 7m Ace
Flexifoil-Blurr 5m
FS- Pulse2 12m, Speed 1.5 17m, lots of Revs and dual line stunters
Sirocco Sprint 4.2, 5.2 -SIROCCOx 5.2-