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Beamer iii 4m vs Pansh Ace 4m?
I'm new in power kiting and need some advise on which kite is good to me.Beamer iii 4m or Pansh Ace 4m? and will play at park(inland).THanks
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There is no comparison for someone new to kiting. The Beamer is stable, forgiving and comes with everything you need including instructions. The
ace, particularly the 4m is a very unstable unforgiving kite with no instructions and much more explosive power delivery. It would be very
frustrating for a newbie especially inland with no smooth winds. I would recommend getting the 3m beamer instead of the 4 though. If your budget
forces you to get a pansh later, the 5m ace wouldn't be a bad choice for a second kite.
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
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Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Mood: windy!
I have owned both of these kites and totally agree with Bob. TRUST US!! Go with the Beamer- No questions asked- end of story-finito-done deal!!
As for size- If you are starting out with less than 10 hours flying time, I would go with a 3 meter. 4 meter is too big to learn the basics and you
will get frustrated or worse yet-hurt badly too! look at everyones kite quiver under their posts- we all have smaller to larger kites for different
wind conditions.
Yesterday I had my 1.8m Beamer up in 30-40mph winds and it got ripped out of my hands 3 times! The winds were gusting to 50mph here on the coast so I
really should have been inside watching tv or something else! Nasty day!!
I ended up flying a 1 meter kite- YES 1 meter. It constantly bowtied due to the gusts so I went home but you can see how the wind speed and
characteristics decide on the kite selection. I had not flown that 1 meter kite in a good year but it was needed yesterday.
HQ Beamer II 1.8-
Flexifoil bullets 2.5- 3.5 mine, can\'t have it!
Pansh ACE 4.0- for sale $75
Peter Lynn Viper- 3.9
Naish Aero 10.0
Naish Aero 12.0
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Beamer hands down. You don't need to wait for more posts telling you the same thing. There are alternatives to the Beamer for good starter kites,
but the Pansh Ace ain't one of them.
There is an Ozone Imp in the for sale section that would make a good first kite.
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Yes to the Beamer !
Yes to starting with a 3m ! Unless you have extremely low winds all the time.
Yes to the 3.5 Imp. on here! Good Deal
Kites: 2.5m Profoil , Quadrifoil XL kitesurfer, NPW 5 Danger.
Flexifoil: 1.7m Sting, 4.9m Blade 3, 9m Blade 2.
Flysurfer : 19m Speed 2 SA, 7m Pulse
Peter Lynn :18m Phantom, 15m Synergy, 10m Synergy, 1200 Farc, 460 Sarc, 130 Tarc, 5m Peel, 4.2m , 6.4, 8.5 C-Quads, 3.5 LS2 single skin.
Rides: Flexi / P.L. Frankin'Buggy , Shaped + straight skiis, sand skis, Coyote blades. Core 95 ATB. RKB R2 ATB .
Ken (K2)
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Agree with the others 100%
If your budget was leading you towards the ace you can still look at the pansh legend. It will be more similar to the beamer. The legend will not be
as good as the beamer as far as the complete package or quality, but the kite will have the same flying characteristics.
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Mood: I feel like a kid waiting on Santa Clause!!!
I agree with the previous posts. The Aces are good kites, but they are not made to be a first kite. My first power kite was a 3m Beamer, which I
pulled out yesterday in some 13-16mph winds. It's a very nice first kite and will be one that you will be happy with. I haven't flown any of the
Beamers larger than 3m, but do know that for the first while, the Beamer was dishing a whoopin to me. Like Dakitez stated, the best product from Pansh
that is comparable to the Beamer is the Legend series.
I'm unsure of the wind range in your area, but a 3m is a good starting size for winds from 6-7mph up to about 12-14 when first starting out.
Whatever you decide, remember to have fun and be safe. This forum is filled with knowledge and wisdom so remember to bookmark it and enjoy this
community of kiters.
HQ Beamer III 1.4m
HQ Beamer III 3.0m
Pansh Legend 4.5m
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Thanks for the info...I think i will get Beamer III 4m..other forumer your advise are welcome.
Posting Freak
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Mood: stuck on a small island with big trees and tiny beaches...
I'm a white guy from HK, if you ever pass through PM me for a get-together and a fly!
If you are inland, the winds will be shifty and gusty: in other words a lot of variation in strength and direction. You can make this less of a
problem by choosing areas that have a lot of flat ground up wind, lakes are ideal.
another thing that will help you is to pick good ground to stand on. asphalt / concrete is terrible, soft dry sand is wonderful, everything else is
in between those extremes. soft sand allows you to hold yourself against the kite, and minimizes injury when (not if) you get pulled quickly and hard
(more likely with those inland breezes). You mention a local park: grassy lawns are OK but not as good as soft dry sand. You'll get some fast (but
not very safe) scuds on grass though!
Malaysia's a pretty hilly country, where in malay are you from? Lots of malaysians are flying. Search youtube for "Azemi power kite" and you'll find
lots of malay videos and possibly find a local kite community as well!
welcome to the sport,
fixed bridles, flying static, been two years now... ??? folks must be wondering....
sting 1.7, dp power 2.5, crossfire 3.2, ace 5, blade iv 6.5, ace 8, ace 12...
also a couple of arcs, 12 syn and 12 phanny, but i\'m not yet up to speed on them.