DoomWheel Test Drive
Wow! Got a chance to test drive my new Doomwheels this afternoon.
Location: Purley Way Playing Fields/Croyden Airport, London, UK
Kite: Ozone Samurai 4m
Wind: Light, gusting to medium (5-8mph)
Surface: Muddy grass field
I spend alot of time rollerblading, but this is just another world. After testing the kite in the wind, and putting on my Doomwheels, I managed to
get going.
After a few minutes I was shaking with adrenaline, as I tried to work out the best way to keep going, without rippng my ankles off.
There were some great moments with speed and continued momentum downwind, but anything about going back in the direction I came from was hard work.
the wind was a bit too light , and the surface was caking mud/clay onto my wheels which continuously flicked off as I cuaght some speed here and
Got pulled right off my feet sideways a couple of times, landing smack inthe mud. No pain, just mud everywhere.
Feet began to ache, and spent most of the time geting back to where I started. Changing direction is challenging, and
In conclusion, a brilliant day, crap weather, and slippery surface. could have done with some more area to get some speed up. Need to work on
working the kite, and cross wind sailing.
Clearly these Doomwheels are designed for high-speed, long distance kiteblading.
Feel completely knackered, but happy. No pics this time. :tumble:
Good advice
Thanks DoomWheels.
I agree on the conditions being right. Just had to get out there and give it a bash. Maybe in the wet winter months I will do a bit of buggying to
hone my kite skills, while looking for more suitable locations and conditions to kiteblade in.
I am not using a harness at the moment, but when I do, will go for a waist harness, rather than the seat style option.
Have you used doomwheels on a beach before? I imagine the hard packed sand at low tide would be the best. What do you suggest?
Thanks for the support