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Author: Subject: need help from blade iv owners
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[*] posted on 7-2-2009 at 09:53 PM
need help from blade iv owners

so i just bought a depower blade iv 6.5 and i really like it but i want to compare it to the performance of a fixed bridle one...right now it has a depower with pulleys mod done by powerzone. i can figure out how to get the AAA bridle adjuster back on to the A,B, and C bridles, but i cant figure out to get the crossover steering back on...if any of you guys have any pictures or resources id really appreciate it.

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[*] posted on 8-2-2009 at 08:07 PM

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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 8-2-2009 at 09:05 PM

whoops, sorry, meant to today, but will need to post about it tomorrow am...

fixed bridles, flying static, been two years now... ??? folks must be wondering....

sting 1.7, dp power 2.5, crossfire 3.2, ace 5, blade iv 6.5, ace 8, ace 12...

also a couple of arcs, 12 syn and 12 phanny, but i\'m not yet up to speed on them.

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[*] posted on 9-2-2009 at 01:02 AM

thanks in advance:)
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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 9-2-2009 at 12:01 PM

ok, here's the bridle attachment, as you can see it is larS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s headed together with the A powers on the mixer. It's the blue line heading off to the left in the photo.

rsz_crossover at power bridle.jpg - 46kB

fixed bridles, flying static, been two years now... ??? folks must be wondering....

sting 1.7, dp power 2.5, crossfire 3.2, ace 5, blade iv 6.5, ace 8, ace 12...

also a couple of arcs, 12 syn and 12 phanny, but i\'m not yet up to speed on them.

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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 9-2-2009 at 12:04 PM

next up is the canopy attachment at the ring, idk what row / number exactly, but as you can see from the red spike (the first one, going from root to tip) the location of the canopy attachment point shouldn't be hard to find. Remember the first shot was taken on the right side of the kite, we're now on the left of the kite, ready to head back over to the wing-tip brake bridles on the right.

Also as the crossover line goes to the canopy from the power bridle it is in front of all the brake bridles, but behind all the other power bridles.

crossover at canopy ring.JPG - 73kB

fixed bridles, flying static, been two years now... ??? folks must be wondering....

sting 1.7, dp power 2.5, crossfire 3.2, ace 5, blade iv 6.5, ace 8, ace 12...

also a couple of arcs, 12 syn and 12 phanny, but i\'m not yet up to speed on them.

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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 9-2-2009 at 12:18 PM

...and here we are back on the right side of the kite (pilot's POV, btw) seeing where it is attached to the brake attachment points on the canopy. I'm sorry, I should also have taken a picture of the adjustment point, but if your crossover bridle hasn't been completely dismantled, the adjustment should be intact and easy to figure out. In any case, it will fall between the first two pictures (the big diagonal from bridle on right to canopy on left) and be where the line changes from blue to grey. (red to grey on the other side)

I wish i could tell you more about how to use the crossover, but I haven't really gotten my head sorted around it yet. TBH, my skills are not nearly yet up to exploiting all this kite can do, but I reckon there's not that many who can say that they're right on top of this kite throughout its wind range.

Have fun and play safe, I found that for my weight (155 or so) on high AoA, as soon as it is flying in enough wind to fly well, takes a solid 8-10 mph, it's already uncomfortably grabby on handles -- safe enough, but hard on the forearms, I don't yet trust my skills enough to fly this fully powered on high AoA while hooked in to a harness, I will on medium AoA, but not on high.

So be really wary of gusts when flying this on high AoA, the slightest change in windspeed causes dramatic shifts in power and lift, once I've got more hours in I'll be more on top of it, but without the hours needed to develop the muscle memory its a really challenging fly.

and of course, It's a total #@%$#!cat on low AoA.

also a reminder to change the brakes and crossover as needed when you change AoA.

lots to play with on this kite, gives it an impressive wind range!



rsz_crossover at tip brakes.jpg - 36kB

fixed bridles, flying static, been two years now... ??? folks must be wondering....

sting 1.7, dp power 2.5, crossfire 3.2, ace 5, blade iv 6.5, ace 8, ace 12...

also a couple of arcs, 12 syn and 12 phanny, but i\'m not yet up to speed on them.

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[*] posted on 9-2-2009 at 02:19 PM

this is the greatest act of kiter love i have ever seen on a forum...you are amazing sir. let me know next time your in north america for a bit and if youd like i can ship you the depower setup to test on your kite:)

thank you so much!
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Posting Freak


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Mood: stuck on a small island with big trees and tiny beaches...

[*] posted on 9-2-2009 at 03:46 PM

I'd be up for that, wouldn't want you to lose on shipping tho. U2U me if you want to follow through, I'll make sure you're not out of pocket!

btw, what comes around goes around, I've gotten lotsa help from folks here!

ask and you shall receive! :bigok:

fixed bridles, flying static, been two years now... ??? folks must be wondering....

sting 1.7, dp power 2.5, crossfire 3.2, ace 5, blade iv 6.5, ace 8, ace 12...

also a couple of arcs, 12 syn and 12 phanny, but i\'m not yet up to speed on them.

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Posting Freak


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Mood: stuck on a small island with big trees and tiny beaches...

[*] posted on 9-2-2009 at 10:24 PM

hey, thanks for the u2u, i'll reply back in due course...

but as far as the follow-on questions go:

attaching the x-over to the brake line attachment points: I had a look and uses the first three from the tip, then skips one, then the last goes on the fifth from the tip.

attaching the power lines to the bottom knot of the AoA mixer: yeah, the knot IS really small, on my kite the previous owner (tridude) put another bit of line through and tied the two ends together into a bulkier figure eight knot, used only about two / three inches of line to do it, it acts as a back-up but so far has not yet been needed as my powers (well tightened) have not slipped past the little knot.

attaching the brake lines to the brake bridle: standard larS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s head, coming together to a leader line about a meter long that the brake lines larS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s head onto.

the following shot of the brake bridle attachments, brake leader, and AoA mixer does not show the little dohickey back-up knot on the end of the power bridle, sorry. (edit: yes, the brake line larS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s head has been loosened and backed off an inch for the photo, it's tightened up now -- the brake leader (coiled up) line is about a meter long)

hope that helps get you flying!

detail of brake bridle and mixer.JPG - 81kB

fixed bridles, flying static, been two years now... ??? folks must be wondering....

sting 1.7, dp power 2.5, crossfire 3.2, ace 5, blade iv 6.5, ace 8, ace 12...

also a couple of arcs, 12 syn and 12 phanny, but i\'m not yet up to speed on them.

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