Here we go. . .Notice and note:
tires wear out fast on the playa. If we have good winds, IF, you will be amazed when yer rubber is gone.
So, we notice we have lots of noobs this year! Big Yay,
come join the
fun, but know, because of certain restrictions that we try to be tongue in cheek about, we have no vending on the lake bed.
Not to worry! At least two of our sponsors are from Las Vegas and are on this forum. If you think you need tires, you may make arrangements by
email to have tires delivered on site!
I know, this takes some thought, some planning, some thinking, etc. We've spoken of having a program to cover this, but since so many people run so
many different set ups, we just have not been able to figure out how to do it. Doesn't mean we won't figure it out one of these years(hey, you can
help!)but so far, the only thing we know how to do is this:
Yup, that's right, pre planning. I'll let our sponsors post a little follow up to this, and you can decide.
So, folks, get it going on, talk to one another and remember, we are in the middle of nowhere, if you live by the sea, and buggy in salt water, are
you bringing an extra set of bearings? Sure would suck to come all this way and have your custom, i ordered these bearings from France, wheels freeze
We will help all we can, and yes, we do perform miracles, but set your expectations low, and i promise you won't be disappointed!
Fast Freddie can only do so much!
Tires, bearings, warm clothes, cool clothes, shoes, helmet, long underwear, sleeping bag if you are camping(who doesn't remember Rustle?)and stuff
that you can't go to the corner store for(because it's two hours away round trip!)will really come in handy.
Nothing is worse than to miss prime buggy seat time to some small missing part because YOU didn't check your gear before you came. Oh, and you might
also think about who you are keeping from seat time, when they are working on your buggy! I'm just sayin'.
Oh, and please understand, if this is your first time with us, and you are starting to think we are a bunch of stand off stuck up high falootin high
rolling sob's. . . we're not. Most of us are the dumb geeky kids in school with the tape on our glasses. We are skateboarders, and nerdlingers,
yup, that's right, you can hang with us. Please, please don't thing for one moment you won't fit in. If you haven't met us, you might think(hey,
i've heard this said)that we are too cool. Not true. Ask anyone!
Calmer than you are.