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Author: Subject: Width of Rails
Junior Member

Posts: 2
Registered: 18-3-2009
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[*] posted on 19-3-2009 at 07:48 AM
Width of Rails

I can see in the instructions that you want to have the inner side of the skate closer to the inner rail. I can see that the rails are spaced wider so you can offset the wheels, what offset seems to work so that I can calculate wy rail width ?

Right now I have my rails only wide enough for the wheels to spin, about 2.25 on the inside.

Pictures on fourm look about 3.5 to 4 inches

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Grand Pubah

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[*] posted on 20-3-2009 at 02:40 AM

The space between the rails is equal to the width of the wheel hub (with nuts etc.) plus 1/4 inch to allow offset. It's only necessary to offset the front wheel by 1/4 inch (to the inside). Want more offset? Add more space and remember to center the rear wheel.

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