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Author: Subject: The old and the new light wind engines.

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[*] posted on 18-4-2009 at 04:08 AM
The old and the new light wind engines.

The extra two or three knots the 19 has over the 15 would have made the difference of kiting and not kiting, or worse, sitting on the beach frustrated last summer. If I can't get out now, well, it's just not a kiteable day. Can't wait to put it up and see/feel the difference rather than just hear about what people have to say.

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[*] posted on 18-4-2009 at 06:17 AM

Beautiful kite !!!

quite a big gap between the 15m and the 8m.... seems like you could use a 13m size..

like a Speed2 12m? or another pulse2 or something...

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[*] posted on 18-4-2009 at 06:36 AM

I've got a pulse 2 12 and I'm not getting rid of the S2 15 so all my bases should be pretty well covered. Any winds above what the 8 can handle I'm not ready for anyway. I almost bit on Bladerunner's P3 13 to replace the 12 and the 15 but I just couldn't swing the extra cash until the 12 and 15 sold. Plus, I like the 12 and the 15. The 15 is actually my favorite kite...can't wait to try out the 19.

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[*] posted on 18-4-2009 at 07:01 AM

I am jealous.

Not that I don't have a 15m and 19m myself but this cherry one is so good looking, that I want it.

Keep your pulse 2 12 and s2 15. You'll regret trying to replace them with 1 kite. each has its own mean.


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[*] posted on 18-4-2009 at 08:00 AM


Don't you weigh around 185ish lbs.? What kind of wind can you fly in with your 19 and the 159? When would you go to a smaller board?


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[*] posted on 18-4-2009 at 10:24 AM

190 now , need to eat less chocolate bars !

Hard to say what the low end is with the Door 59. Last year I only got my 19m during fall, so I only use it with the door once on the water. dont remember the wind but I was fast overpowered, and had to switch to a smaller kite

Last summer I mostly used the door59 with my ex SA2 15m, and I was always on water before any inflatable.

During my recent trip to Varadero, I had some sessions with the 19m and my spleene 134x40.

I know the wind was around 10-12 knots once and was able to get upwind bit.

My estimate would be somewhere around 6-7 knots to ride, and 8-9 knots to go upwind with the DOOR59. But this is just an estimate.

I read somewhere that for my weight, getting a MONSTER DOOR is not worth, the extra drag will not help. These bigger boards are more suitable for heavy guys.

Hope this help

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