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Author: Subject: Intro and Hello...
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[*] posted on 9-5-2009 at 07:05 AM
Intro and Hello...

Hey all,

I am just writing to say hello and introduce myself. I am an avid lover of sports that end up as obsessions, especially it seems the expensive ones. I decided to do power kiting (static only for the moment) as it tends to lend itself well to a hole I have in my other favorite sport of powered paragliding. I have a couple of paragliding wings and I fly an engine that is attached to a flexifoil buggy ( check examples out at TrikeBuggy ). My love of PPG means I already own a huge array of stuff that you guys already use including wind meters, paragliding gloves and boots for when I start jumping much further down the line, and of course a wide axle flexifoil buggy.

The reason this sport fits so perfectly for me is that PPG is only done in the very early mornings and later afternoons when the wind is low and thermals are at a minimum.. those are the two most dangerous things for PPG. So, when the wind kicks up in the middle of the day, I had nothing to do and I am stuck in a big open field... perfect for this power kiting. When I get better at it, I can always unattach my motor and go for a buggy ride as well.

So I ordered my first kite, should be here next week. I ordered a flexifoil sting 2 3.3 meter after talking to Angus at Coastal Wind Sports. Sounds like a tame enough wing to learn on and one that will stay fun for a long time in higher winds as I get better.

Anyway, just wanted to say howdy...


Flexifoil Sting 3.3m
HQ Beamer IV 5m (Coming Soon)
Revolution 1.5 SLE
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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 9-5-2009 at 07:17 AM

Very cool, I'm envious of paragliders (I only have a little R/C one for windless days!)

Angus is a great guy and he'll set you on the right course.

And you realize that for a little more cash :rolleyes: you sometimes can sorta go gliding on those warm, windy afternoons too

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[*] posted on 9-5-2009 at 08:00 AM

What an awesome video lad. It really makes me hate living in the flat state of DE! Also welcome titanflyer:yes:

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[*] posted on 9-5-2009 at 09:38 AM

Very very cool video. I suppose on a hill like that I could learn to freefly my para wing, but neither seems that safe.. the only positive for the pg wing would be that you don't have to land and walk back.. lol.

Here is a pic of what i have for a rig...

Couple of vids of what it is that I do.. I should be clear, i am just starting to get into this powered paragliding sport, so these are things i can only dream of doing.

This is a different trike, but same wing and motor I have.. this guy is insane...

Here he is without a trike. Our motors pop off the trikes and you can then backpack them... very cool stuff...again, way beyond my levels or desires...

Flexifoil Sting 3.3m
HQ Beamer IV 5m (Coming Soon)
Revolution 1.5 SLE
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[*] posted on 9-5-2009 at 10:46 AM

Hey Sailor,
Welcome to Traction Kiting.
Looks like it will fit right in with PPG.
Very complimentary.

I must ask... What makes the pilot in the videos insane?
I must assume that is only an expression - Like bad meaning good.

I see nothing insane about him or his piloting.
He exhibits competence and solid skills.

Soft wing aviation is a very slow form of flying.
Being close to the ground enhances the sensation of speed.
(As buggy'ers we know and appreciate that only too well)
He seems to have a natural ability to be in the moment and also be ahead of himself - Where he is about to be - and make it flow together almost seamlessly.

We get to feel some of that, kite-powered, on a buggy or board.
These videos only make me want more.

Safen Up! Buggy On!

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[*] posted on 9-5-2009 at 12:53 PM

Ya, I meant insane in a good way.. his piloting skills are awesome. He lives out in Utah and flies to Point Of The Mountain from his front yard with the motor, then freeflies, and flies home. He is one of the best there is and owns U-TurnUSA which sells the FlatTop motors and obviously the wings.

He is a VERY contraversial figure in the Power paragliding world, but his skills are unbelievable.

Flexifoil Sting 3.3m
HQ Beamer IV 5m (Coming Soon)
Revolution 1.5 SLE
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[*] posted on 9-5-2009 at 01:30 PM

Dell Schanze?

Aim low. Reach your goals, and avoid disappointment.

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[*] posted on 9-5-2009 at 02:03 PM

Yep, thats the guy.... told ya, he is well known, but not always know as well.. lol.

Flexifoil Sting 3.3m
HQ Beamer IV 5m (Coming Soon)
Revolution 1.5 SLE
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