I can't find the thread but I thought I saw someone on here looking for past arc info? Anywho, here's one example of archived info lingering on a
website (Powerkiteshop.com). If you ever run across a website URL that's something like "www.blahblahblah.com/kitenamehere.html" - just try entering
the kite you're curious about. In the case of these arcs below I found some old pages. It's really just the marketing info provided by Peter Lynn but
it's still a bit of a snapshot for those interested. I bet it'd work for most makes/models. I know for a fact that there is another set of hidden arc
pages on some other retailer's site but can't for the life of me find it.
KC07 - Certified Chronic
Rev Shockwave | Brooza II 3 | BusterII's 3/4/5 | Hornet 1.5
Reactor II 5.5/6.9 | AccessXC 10 | Frenzy 12 | PsychoIII 13 | Speed2 12 | Speed3 15 | SA2.5 19
Bomba 15 | Phantom 15/18 | Venom 13 | Slingshot T3 9/11/14m
Skis, Ski Skates, Nobile RM Pro, MBS Pro 90, Kailolo 5' 11" Custom Phish, Kailolo 5'9" Custom Phish, Plyboard, Proof 151,
FlydoorM, F-One 198, Coyotes, Comp XR+, and the BEST WIFE IN THE WORLD!
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
~ Thomas Edison