Trying to find the correct lengths for a bar set-up to use with a 10m Scorpion. The Peter Lynn set-up page
( not been updated with the Scorp numbers.
Anyone aware of another source for this information?
mWolfWolfee - 1-7-2009 at 07:57 PM
I've got a 16M, someone must have a 10 who can help you out.flyjump - 1-7-2009 at 09:00 PM
I can't tell you specifics but my 13 scorpion I set the front lines closer to the bar do there's more depower, I put lots of throw in it. I'll measure
it tomorrow for youtridude - 2-7-2009 at 02:41 AM
15 in of bar is pulled all the way in, front anr rear line connection points are all lined up...same as any other PL bar set
up.........................:duh::duh:mgatc - 2-7-2009 at 04:07 AM
My three PL bars are all set up the same with everything even when the kite is fully powered. I'll just stay with this set up. If the wind will ever
blow again, I'll check it out :bouncy:
Thanks all,
mflyjump - 2-7-2009 at 05:03 PM
scorpions are the best for land!markite - 2-7-2009 at 06:35 PM
Are you using the long throw bar setup from Jim? If you are using a stock PL bar - depends which bar you have - you may want to add short rear
With the long throw bar set-up you don't need to worry about that. And once you power up the kite you'll have a far greater range of power to depower
in your reach.
Just adjust your depower line so that when you are moving the kite and pull in the bar the kite doesn't stop or back down. It should keep moving
forward. That amount you pull in will vary in length depending on wind conditions.
Hope that helps,
If there anything else more specific I can help you with I still have my 10 Scorp kicking around.
Here was a little vid I shot using my 10 Scorp at NABX 08:
Had one of those little ATC bullet cams mounted on the control bar and spinning it around with my thumb. A bit awkward trying to fly keeping the bar
level toward the kite. First part is slow heading upwind then a nice little run back down past camp.
Markmgatc - 2-7-2009 at 06:57 PM
Hey Mark,
Nice video. Looks like the 10m was doing alright on the playa!
I got the kite only from Jim (Jellyfish) but the bar is from my 12m Phanny. I think it is a 50cm Zero 4 bar. It has the Zero4 release and safety leash
on the leading edge line. It has a carbon fiber insert in the middle where the depower line goes through.
It is probably a short throw. Compared to my other Zero4 and Zero7 bars, the depower strap seems shorter.
I've only had it out once in VERY light winds. The kite wouldn't stay in the air so I didn't get a chance to figure it all out.
If it is a short throw, what length extentions do you suggest?
melmarkite - 2-7-2009 at 07:40 PM
If I recall from my original set-up on an Zero4 bar I had put on my stock extensions that are longer with several knots. I had it on the shortest
setting so it was probably close to 5 inches.
The 10's like a pretty decent wind to start to shine.
In that little vid you actually see me pass Jim going the other way - he comes back and I turn and drag the bar end as I look to find him. He then
catches up at the end of the vid - that's your kite he was flyingWolfWolfee - 2-7-2009 at 07:53 PM
I know my Scorpion needs air, definitely a pain in the a** in low winds. The old Guerilla will fly in 8 mph winds as long as you get her filled up.
The Scorpions like to be full to fly and then the magic begins...loltridude - 2-7-2009 at 11:18 PM
my 16m had extensions with knots at 4 and 8 inches...........I always used the 8 inch knots...................
:duh::duh:jellyfish - 3-7-2009 at 07:28 AM
Hi Mel
I used it with a rigged long throw bar I won't be home till sunday I can measure the setup I was using kite should work on the stock bar smaller kites
needed very short if any extentions add some leaders to the rear lines and you should be able to dial it in hope the wind gets better.
Jimmgatc - 3-7-2009 at 09:17 PM
Thanks all. Just checked the wind for the next 5 days and in a word, the wind S- imply U- nderproduces C- onsistant K-not- S!
The set-up I have may be fine. Just have to wait out the elements (and be off work) to give a real go. I have no doubt that I will be well satisfied.
PL hasn't dissapointed me yet.
Jim, good to hear from you! I'm diggin the dust from the PLaya on the sail. Kinda makes me a poser until I actually get to NABX.
Wolf, I had a 10m Guerilla for the buggy that I LOVED the one time I got to fly it, on a water session no less! One time because I loaned it to the
instructor for his next lesson and the brand new to kiting student pounded it over and over again completely shredding a spar pocket. The instructor
was good for it, but I was out of a kite. Been looking for suitable replacement for about 4 months. When I saw Jim's Scorp posted, I was all over it.
Heck of an upgrade in my view!
Mark, Thanks for pointing out Jim and the Sorp to me. It didn't registar when I watched it the first time.
Melpbc - 4-7-2009 at 04:44 AM
Jim, good to hear from you! I'm diggin the dust from the PLaya on the sail. Kinda makes me a poser until I actually get to NABX.
Yeah when I was helping Dean unpack his Arcs at JIBE they had dry lake dust all over them. It was nostalgic for me--it's been a long time since I've
been to the high desert for a buggy fest.
The day I had my Scorp 16 out it did seem to want the extensions on the back lines. The bar was very far out when I released it--too far to keep both
hands hooked on it. If I pulled it even the inch I needed to grab the bar the load would rise to the point the buggy would slide. This was with the
bar tuned for full depower . So today I'm headed to Anastasia for a day of flying and I'm taking some new pigtails. I'm also going to move the bar
stopper in a bit so I can reach it without stretching--seems simpler than getting longer arms.
Philipmgatc - 4-7-2009 at 08:14 AM
Right on Phillip. Happy 4th! Know you'll enjoy the day at Anastasia.
Since I've started this game I think I've lost a 1/2 inch of skin on my knees and elbows and my arms have stretched a 1/2 inch.pbc - 5-7-2009 at 10:46 PM
I couldn't fly the scorpion Saturday--the wind was a steady 5-6 mph. I could launch with an assistant, but the kite would never top off. Eventually
it would tip over and crash on its side in a pathetic heap. After several failed self launches I realized the near wing tip would *never* slide out
as I pulled the far wing tip up. To me this was the big indicator I didn't have enough wind to fly. Did I read that right?
Not to be defeated I pulled out out my ancient 10m Peel and it flew just fine. The beach was getting puny by that time but I had fun.
So how low a wind speed can you fly an Arc in? And which Arc would that be? The Arc wind range calculator shows all of them bottoming out at around
6 MPH. Does that meet others experience? I'm pretty sure the last time I had the Scorp out it was 7 or 8 MPH when I launched and that day rocked.
The Peel was fun, but it is a very old prototype model that has a defect that makes its tail wag under higher load. It makes for a very narrow useful
range. When the tail starts wagging the kite slows down. Hanging on as that beast crosses the power zone at glacial speed is quite a test. So I
really ought to phase it out some day, but with what? What launches and flies in 4-6 MPH and generates enough load to buggy in that wind?
There are some big 12+m yakusas that thrive with this wind, and with 5-6 you could really use an 8.3m Peter Lynn Reactor. If your wind goes even
less, the 10.8m Reactor comes into play and you can fly it up to about 7 mph where the 8.3 is feeling sporty. The 18m Phantom would fly and make some
power at about 5-5.5 mph.