Power Kite Forum

looking for 5m kite

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xsv21 - 5-11-2009 at 07:43 PM

just looking for a 5m kite

DAKITEZ - 5-11-2009 at 07:46 PM

I voted for a 3m and no harness till you get some time in on the kite

WELDNGOD - 5-11-2009 at 07:49 PM

well I guess I'll do the honors this time. 5m is too big a kite for a rookie. you need 3m and learn to fly first ,then get 5m and have fun instead of atrip to ER w/ compound fracture of femur.

how was that? nuff said ? sorry dude , just funnin w/ ya. welcome to the forum and 5m is still too big ! :wee:

xsv21 - 5-11-2009 at 08:20 PM

Iv flown them before just not with a kiteboard

DAKITEZ - 5-11-2009 at 08:51 PM

Originally posted by xsv21
Iv flown them before just not with a kiteboard

this I like to hear. Some experience is definitely much better than the way you made your first post out to be. I took it as you never flew a kite before. Sorry for the misunderstanding. A next good question would be what have you flown previously ad in what kind of conditions. Do you want fixed bridle or de-power?

xsv21 - 5-11-2009 at 09:18 PM

I have done no foils before but some big 2 line kites in very windy conditions,

for snowkiting, what do u think?
I don't really know a difference but I like the idea of a depower

xsv21 - 5-11-2009 at 09:19 PM

Jolt - 5-11-2009 at 10:14 PM

Next question,

By 2 line kites do you mean stunt kites? if Yes, then go back to getting the 3m learn how to handle the power first.

Ive had a guy who weighs in at about 260lbs get his butt handed to him off my 4.9m kite.

canuck - 5-11-2009 at 10:53 PM

I am 200 lb & 5'-10" and graduated from 2 & 3m parafoil 2 line kites into a 5.5m fixed bridle. You will be amazed at the extra power in a 4 line kite and what gusty inland conditions will do to you. After getting my butt kicked a few too many times I bought a 3m and still use it a lot. I'm with the rest of the guys - start with a 3m on handles and a strop if you want to use a harness. Then buy your 5m+ for jumping, and your 19m SA for light wind days, and your ....

Always wear a helmet too.

Jolt - 6-11-2009 at 02:41 AM

i need to grab a 19m SA... if only i had the money :(...

kitejumper - 6-11-2009 at 05:00 AM

i have lots of experience flying and i broke out my 3meter beamer in 15-20 mph winds yesterday and its still stimulating for me, so thats what you probably should start out with--but not in 15-20 winds--more like 5-10.........

ripsessionkites - 6-11-2009 at 05:07 AM

4m and up for beginners, some shops are selling these sizes to newbs. guess they're trying to make a quick buck. :crazy:

+1 for ...
3m (FB) is the perfect size to learn than grow too. great in average winds for learning and in high winds it will be become your engine.

on the flip side, a 5m or 6m Depower Open Foil is also an option too. if you go this route, pick-up a trainer foil than.

xsv21 - 6-11-2009 at 11:40 AM

M pretty sure iv narrowed it to a 5 or 6m with a depower bar

xsv21 - 6-11-2009 at 11:40 AM

M pretty sure iv narrowed it to a 5 or 6m with a depower bar

f0rgiv3n - 6-11-2009 at 12:27 PM

Hey man, you might have the right idea now but it sounds like you might need to do some reading up:

It has to be a depower kite in order for you to use a depower bar.

indigo_wolf - 6-11-2009 at 01:45 PM

Originally posted ripsessionkites
4m and up for beginners, some shops are selling these sizes to newbs. guess they're trying to make a quick buck.

In all fairness, when a buyer chooses to ignore warnings and caveats such as:

Some folks are going to run the edge of the crumbling cliff no matter how much razor wire you put up.

There's something to be said for personal culpability.


xsv21 - 6-11-2009 at 01:55 PM

Well I'm looking for a kite that is great for snowkiting but will allow me to to get some air.

f0rgiv3n - 6-11-2009 at 02:03 PM

You might be able to get a hold of an HQ montana for a good price, or an Ozone Access... But those are going to be over $400. Those are the cheaper ones too... you also need to get a harness. I'm tellin' ya dude read that article I posted, it'll make you an informed kiter! If you do end up getting a larger Depower kite as your first kite see if you have any locals to show you the ropes so you don't make any huge mistakes the first couple times you go out.

We're not tryin' to scare you away just trying to put some sense into ya to let you know... RESPECT the kite. There's a lot to it! Read up man.


check with dakitez to see if he still has the apex II

trancein1 - 6-11-2009 at 02:53 PM


here is a nice U-Turn for sale...

shehatesmyhobbies - 6-11-2009 at 03:02 PM

Please heed the advice these guys are giving you. If you get roughed up real bad the first time out with a foil to big for your experience, you may turn away from kiting, or even worse turn someone else away from kiting.

xsv21 - 6-11-2009 at 03:28 PM

I get what ur all sayin, just lookin for a kite that I can use and have a bat and stuff, but I don't know the difference so I'll read up an keep the ideas comin

Bladerunner - 6-11-2009 at 03:51 PM

It is great that you are asking these questions BEFORE spending money.

While you are correct that a depower kite will be the most suitable for snow kiting unless it is always windy a 5 or 6m depower will let you down.
A 6m Depower NEEDS 15++ mph winds to start performing and you won't jump well with it until the 20's +.
Search for a good 3m fixed bridle to learn on. Don't be fooled . I got my 1st snow runs on a 3m kite and it had plenty of power. It is the fastest / safest way to get started. Shortly after you can pick up something more like a 10m Depower to take it to the next level and start jumping safely. The 3m will still come out when it is too windy to handle your 10 so it won't be waisted money.

It sucks but the fact is you will end up NEEDING more than one kite.

That Uturn is WAY too much kite ( I am shocked that the seller rates it as a beginer kite ) , the buster would have been ideal.

xsv21 - 6-11-2009 at 03:59 PM

Thanks, so can I jump with a bridal? If it's big enough

Bladerunner - 6-11-2009 at 04:19 PM

Yes but you run in to that size issue again.

You can get lifted with any size kite given enough wind and the proper motions. The thing is you need to have some float to land safely. A 5m kite or larger ( depending on your size ) is about the smallest that will give you that float. Bigger is even better.

Having a 3m kite to teach yourself a bit more safely how to control the kite for jumping is the best way to go BY FAR. You don't just grab a kite one day and start to fly ( unless you are Top Hat ;) ). You need to gain some basic skills 1st .

We ALL understand your hestation toward the 3m but trust us . No one comes back and says, " I waisted time with that 3m " . Many talk about how they got beaten up by a 5m and regret going too big too fast.

No one actually just has one kite that they can do it all with !

xsv21 - 6-11-2009 at 04:40 PM

Right, k but I'm from Milwaukee we don't have strong winds like other places do, I'm looking to get into it with a friend, we will hve 2 ppl there to back up someone if something goes wrong, I don't have much money, and no job, I have a little amount to but a kite that will last me for a low/mid range of wind

WELDNGOD - 6-11-2009 at 05:15 PM

look in the for sale section, you can find some deals .It just won't be crispy as new, but still have some miles in it. Some guys sell off to help pay for new models. Just don't rush in,look around first.

Bladerunner - 6-11-2009 at 05:36 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Just don't rush in,look around first.

This is the best advice of all.

If you don't have a lot of money then don't move too fast.

That 4m Brooza is looking like a good option ???? Particularily if you really do have low winds. Good kite, GREAT price.

kitejumper - 6-11-2009 at 05:46 PM

i used to live in wisconsin--milwaukee is plenty windy--i hope you decide on a 3m or something along those lines--to do otherwise is folly--and to answer a point you made about friends being around if something goes wrong....FORGET IT--usually when @$#% occurs its pretty much all over in the blink of an eye--best thing is to read up, be prepared and start small---you wont regret it

BeamerBob - 6-11-2009 at 06:10 PM

Originally posted by xsv21
Right, k but I'm from Milwaukee we don't have strong winds like other places do, I'm looking to get into it with a friend, we will hve 2 ppl there to back up someone if something goes wrong, I don't have much money, and no job, I have a little amount to but a kite that will last me for a low/mid range of wind

A 5-6m depower will be utterly disappointing if these are your normal conditions. You seem to be turning away from some very sage advice. Do so at the peril of your own bones, life and bank account.

Kamikuza - 6-11-2009 at 06:32 PM

Pah my first power kite was the 5m Rebble ... I had a goodly amount of experience on 2 line stunters though, went to a safe area to learn (soft sand beach) and only went out in light winds, to begin with.

macboy - 6-11-2009 at 07:39 PM

You're getting some solid words here brother. It's worth it, trust me. I guarantee you that a 3m fixed bridle / 4-6m depower will not be your last. Give some serious thought to the fixed bridles - they give you infinitely more control and "brakes" which are great to have handy when you're just starting - esp in gusty conditions.

The first time I flew a depower I was wondering where the "stop" button was.

snobdr - 6-11-2009 at 08:06 PM

Unlock bump

xsv21 - 6-11-2009 at 09:36 PM

That's what I'm talking about ^^^ and I'm not going against it, I already know I'm not getting a depower kite, can I get a bridal with a bar? I really don't want the 2 handles, and I want to be able to have a harness

Jolt - 7-11-2009 at 12:14 AM

Millwaukee isn't all that far out from where I live, prolly 2hrs, if i ever do end up getting free time, I could probably try and help, i may not be a pro, but i have learned abt how much power these kites really put up, and trust me, with 17+ mph winds, Trancein1's old 3m lil' devil has lifted me off the ground.

xsv21 - 7-11-2009 at 07:14 AM

Yeah I'm not really looking at the depowers anymore, they r to expencive, I'm looking for like a 4 or 5 bridal with a bar, I do like the idea of the brakes lines in the center of the bar though, so I can stop my kite in I really have to with the kite killer

tridude - 7-11-2009 at 07:50 AM

bar or handles.............let them go and the killers kick in.......................................go with handles especially if this is your first 4 liner..................

Jolt - 7-11-2009 at 08:13 AM

In a De-power line, the outside lines are breaks, the inside lines are leaders, a kite killer doesn't exactly exist on a depower kite, just a leash so when you jettison the kite, it doesn't fly off into a tree or something, although ditching the kite, makes it come down, just not the same way kite killers work.

Bladerunner - 7-11-2009 at 10:37 AM

People on here have been suggesting that to fit your budget your best money is on a 3 - 4 m on handles.

You seem stuck on a bar ? You CAN hook in with handles. You DO get far better control with handles. You CAN apply many of the principles of depower using handles. You can buy a 3 - 4 m for less and it will resell easier with handles.
A bar on a fixedbridle OVER simplifies the set up. You lose most brake control and you typically pay more.

The trick to flying is to become the master of the kite. While it is true that some people have taken their time ( missed out on many fun days because the kites too big ) and survived to gain control it is not the smartest or fastest way to go. You will waist a lot of precious time trying not to get beaten up by a larger kite. Missing days because the kite is too big / dangerous. You can fly a 3m kite in almostt all winds . It will generate enough power to go on snow in higher winds . You will be able to control it much MUCH sooner. ONLY when you have gained control of the kite does real progression happen.

Folks on here are giving you some very sage advice and yet you don't seem yo be getting the message. What do you think you are gaining starting with a 5m fixed bridle on a bar ???????:Ange09::Ange09::Ange09:

I can tell that you are going to try and jump before you gain proper flying skills. This is not a good idea and I am worried you have the wrong impression. It looks easy and is if you do it right. Do it wrong and you can ruin it for ALL OF US when you end up injured and on the news . PLEASE take the proper steps and be aware that your actions can potentially effect the whole sport.

xsv21 - 7-11-2009 at 01:26 PM

K I'll stay away from the bar then, just wondering how u strap is with handles? Or what u need for it

BeamerBob - 7-11-2009 at 02:36 PM

Anyone here remember NPWfever? Nick? This is like dejavue all over again.

WELDNGOD - 7-11-2009 at 04:14 PM

You should not shy away from handles, you will learn alot about controlling your kite w/ them. They should be mandatory to learn on.I have been Flying for a few yrs now, and I'm just now learning on a crossover bar. And even though it has alot of similarities, it is still not as good as handles. All you need is a dyneema strop and a harness. but that will come LATER. First is control and where not to put it, and when to put it where. When you master that, then you try a buggy or landboard, maybe some jumping. Have fun, be safe.

Bladerunner - 7-11-2009 at 04:24 PM

Search the word Strop.

It is a simple bit of climbing rope between the handles.

Hooking in isn't something you need to worry about until you know how to fly.

NPWfever ended up with such a severe concusion he had to stop flying for 6 months ( as predicted ) and he seems to have lost interest .

Now this guy has decided he is going to learn on a 5 or 6 m :mad: I think we all know how this is going to end. :no:

xsv21 - 7-11-2009 at 04:53 PM

I can't find it? Iv been looking on google and YouTube

Bladerunner - 7-11-2009 at 04:58 PM

Top left corner below the guy in the buggy. ON HERE !

Youtube is the Wrong place to go for informed info.

B-Roc - 7-11-2009 at 05:04 PM

I'm thinking xsv21 is not for real and just pulling our leg. Seems like a total wind up post to me. He's hitting on all the newb topics in rapid succession.

xsv21 - 7-11-2009 at 05:07 PM

#@%$#! u man! I'm trying to get as much help as I can, he said search I diidnt know he mention here

WELDNGOD - 7-11-2009 at 05:09 PM

could he be , jonsey boy?lol

WELDNGOD - 7-11-2009 at 05:10 PM

I'm just playin w/ ya'. :singing:

xsv21 - 7-11-2009 at 05:12 PM

I'm still not finding it.... Is it hard to do?

B-Roc - 7-11-2009 at 05:25 PM

As others have said, you don't need a strop unless you ride hooked in. You shouldn't hook in until you are a competant kiter. Killers won't work if you are stropped in. A 5-6m fixed bridle kite is a big kite in the snow and a really big kite for a beginner. But keep looking. That's what I would have done when I was 16 too. Eventually you'll get a deal. You could probably get a brand new Pansh Ace RTF for that price or maybe even a 6.6 Blade III in OK condition. For a kite that size you'll want to go out when the pine trees are really bent over. That will get you pretty well lit on your first run. Be sure to post the pics or get some video. :thumbup:

shaggs2riches - 7-11-2009 at 05:28 PM

Here's a link to what a strop is:


I'm not an expert by any means as I still am waiting on my first kite to arrive in the mail. But, I would say that a strop would be the last thing to worry about. Take the stuff these guys have to say to heart man. They amount to years of experience and not one of them is here to see a guy get hurt. If I would of found this place before I ordered my kite I definitely would have ordered a 3m fixed bridle on handles ( I still will be investing in one before the winter is done). So yeah just keep your feet on the ground for a while till you got things under control.


B-Roc - 7-11-2009 at 05:33 PM

Below is a great video that shows what a really experienced flier can do with a kite. Something to think about before you rush out and buy any old 1 size for all conditions type kite.

Kite vid!

WELDNGOD - 7-11-2009 at 05:37 PM

I hate that guy!

B-Roc - 7-11-2009 at 05:41 PM

Here's a great snowkiting vid!

That's an adrenaline rush. I think he was an experienced kiter too, not to mention lucky as can be.

WELDNGOD - 7-11-2009 at 05:44 PM

i hate him too!

shaggs2riches - 7-11-2009 at 05:45 PM

I've watched that vid like 100 times. Still blows my mind, definitely lucky that he got let down as easy as he did. I'd hate to be his shorts at that time.

B-Roc - 7-11-2009 at 05:48 PM

Here's a great static flying video of a flier using a 5m Ace - something like what you want. These are pretty safe kites for the winds you'll fly in as you can see here

The flier goes on to tell his story here

WELDNGOD - 7-11-2009 at 05:50 PM

I think I see a trend here:spin:

xsv21 - 7-11-2009 at 07:10 PM

K I won't put on a strop then, it's cool I got everything I need them, haha I'll put up some pics and vids from my first time

macboy - 7-11-2009 at 08:46 PM

Just take care, no matter what route you go. Shaggs is 100% right - you've got pantload of solid advice here.

It's because we care about the sport but above that, we care about the people who turn to us for answers. PKF stands for "Pretty Kool Family" around here - we stick together and when we see one go we all feel the pain (NPW Fever) and when we see one come back we all feel reunited (USA_Eli). Stay safe....look at everyone's sigs - you WILL have many, many (many, many, many) kites.

xsv21 - 7-11-2009 at 11:41 PM

What kind of winds do u use a freaking 19m for, that huge!

Bladerunner - 8-11-2009 at 09:10 AM

Originally posted by xsv21
K I won't put on a strop then, it's cool I got everything I need them, haha I'll put up some pics and vids from my first time

So please tell us what you ended up with !

Welcome to the sport. Keep it safe and you will have a TON of fun.

WELDNGOD - 8-11-2009 at 03:56 PM

bump to unlock

WELDNGOD - 8-11-2009 at 03:57 PM

second bump to unlock

xsv21 - 8-11-2009 at 03:59 PM

I'm thinking of buying a 5.5 handle with kite killers

WELDNGOD - 8-11-2009 at 04:06 PM

a 19m depower or arc really isn't as powerful as it sounds. they don't grab air until you want it to, it's like having a throttle. A fixed bridle foil is full power all the time, you control the power by adjusting kite size to suit the wind, that and where you put it in the window. you cannot compare depower to foil. When I can't hold down a 5m, a depower flyer might be able to fly15m or bigger. But when they can't get it up, I'm buggying all over the place. Trust us, you will have so many kites your girl will get mad and jealeous. I can hear it now" all you do is go kite flying,I wish you spent as much time w/ me!" and so on and so on.

WELDNGOD - 8-11-2009 at 04:06 PM

A 5.5 what?

snobdr - 8-11-2009 at 04:09 PM

Well you can have a closet full of fixed bridal kites or 2 or 3 depowers

xsv21 - 8-11-2009 at 04:15 PM

5.5m kite, with handles

WELDNGOD - 8-11-2009 at 04:16 PM

Yeah, and I love to fly all of them. I will buy more too, and sell none. when they won't fly anymore ,they will be stapled to the garage wall or hung from ceiling of Fab shop.

WELDNGOD - 8-11-2009 at 05:46 PM

there are 5.5m that are for buggying( low lift), there are 5.5 for getting lofted( high lift) ,then there is this other catagory called racekites(racing). And this is just fixed bridle foils. They are all different and all fly differently. If you get a 5.5 fixed bridle kite , I bet you a dollar to a doughnut, you get hurt in 1 month.

macboy - 8-11-2009 at 07:23 PM

Yup. I prematurely bought the Venom 19 figuring it'd be a good couple seasons before I flew it and lo and behold it became my most flown kite all winter last year, second was the 15m Phantom. Once you get the bug you'll have a good collection.

Amazing zen-like things happen when you start moving under the power of these things. Search on here for axomoxioxmiaoxa (or something like that:lol:. For me it's an astonishing peace that comes only by the contrast offered by shifting the aggressive pull of these things (even a 3m) into moving with the wind. It's because it's so amazing that I have done what I could to make sure I had a kite for any wind speed - so I never miss an opportunity to have that one on one time with Mother Nature.

xsv21 - 8-11-2009 at 07:30 PM

See I would bet no one gets it till they try it, I can't wait to get mine

macboy - 8-11-2009 at 08:15 PM

Right you are. People still think I'm on crack when I get so excited talking to them about "flying kites". They have no idea :lol:

xsv21 - 8-11-2009 at 08:30 PM

Ik!!! I was looking at kite on a computer in school, ppl think I'm a kid, until I show them a video or explain it, then they think it's awesome

jokiter - 9-11-2009 at 12:33 PM

Hi all,

Sorry I saw this 'post chain' a bit too late :no:

xsv21 is in contact with me to buy my Helium I 5.5. The deal is not sealed yet since price for shipping etc was still pending. He mentioned that he has some experience with kites and is looking into snowkiting. He mentioned also that he has very light winds in his area and after some considerations he would like to go with a handle kite. Based on those information (but without seeing his posts here) I told him to be really careful with the Helium. The Helium is a great beginner kite, super stable, BUT with a lot of pull. I recommend this kite for LIGHT wind ONLY and that he should go unhooked with kite killers which I add to the kite.

Myself I started with a small Beamer and a GIN Joz in a similar size as the Helium. Needless to say that I had (and still have) a lot of respect for the wind, so I had a lot of fun with it.

I'm kiting with a group of great people and we all try to give best advise especially to beginners to keep them safe, ensure they have fun from the beginning, and to keep our rare kiting spots open! I think we all feel the same so I would like to be really transparent here. Now having more information about xsv21 I'm not sure anymore if my Helium is the right size for him.

xsv21 - as I mentioned in my email where I asked you for your experience, I do not want to offend you in any way and please take this as an advise from people who really care about other kiters and the kiting sport. You may want to reconsider and think about a smaller size kite to start with. I would have loved to sell you my 3 meter Buster - but this kite is now enjoying Canada

f0rgiv3n - 9-11-2009 at 12:40 PM

Originally posted by xsv21
5.5m kite, with handles

Yeah... Thanks for asking for advice. and then completely ignoring it.

Maven454 - 9-11-2009 at 02:20 PM

Originally posted by f0rgiv3n
Originally posted by xsv21
5.5m kite, with handles

Yeah... Thanks for asking for advice. and then completely ignoring it.

Technically he didn't. He changed both his first post and the title of the thread. He originally asked for something else, not for advice :rolleyes:

f0rgiv3n - 9-11-2009 at 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Maven454
Originally posted by f0rgiv3n
Originally posted by xsv21
5.5m kite, with handles

Yeah... Thanks for asking for advice. and then completely ignoring it.

Technically he didn't. He changed both his first post and the title of the thread. He originally asked for something else, not for advice :rolleyes:

now you're just bein' silly. :wee:
Sorry if it sounded rude but I was a bit frustrated. I see someone come in asking for advice (title shows asking for advice) and we give them advice so they will learn the correct way and not get hurt but they completely disregard it. I get frustrated sometimes. Again, sorry about coming across so blunt like that.

xsv21 - 9-11-2009 at 03:05 PM

I hve taken plenty of advice from going away from depower, bars, and I was looking at 7 to 9m kites, I chose a smaller kite and one with handles

Maven454 - 9-11-2009 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by f0rgiv3n
Originally posted by Maven454
Originally posted by f0rgiv3n
Originally posted by xsv21
5.5m kite, with handles

Yeah... Thanks for asking for advice. and then completely ignoring it.

Technically he didn't. He changed both his first post and the title of the thread. He originally asked for something else, not for advice :rolleyes:

now you're just bein' silly. :wee:
Sorry if it sounded rude but I was a bit frustrated. I see someone come in asking for advice (title shows asking for advice) and we give them advice so they will learn the correct way and not get hurt but they completely disregard it. I get frustrated sometimes. Again, sorry about coming across so blunt like that.

Shrug. No worries. I was actually being serious. He really did edit the original post.

xsv21 - 9-11-2009 at 03:33 PM

I hve taken plenty of advice from going away from depower, bars, and I was looking at 7 to 9m kites, I chose a smaller kite and one with handles

f0rgiv3n - 9-11-2009 at 03:43 PM

I give up :duh:

xsv21 - 9-11-2009 at 03:57 PM

I did change it

WELDNGOD - 9-11-2009 at 04:05 PM

but you are not listening, a 5m FB kite,will propel me and my buggy to damn near highway speed. That is alot of power. You are not gonna learn alot like that. But ,It's your femur,if you really wanna see what it looks like , go ahead and get a traction engine for your first powerkite. They don't call it a power kite for nuthin'. That 5.5 century that I just bought from Todd is a racing kite.( if somehow you could have convinced him that you were experienced enough for it) you would have been hurt . If you don't have a buggy ,you really have no need for a racekite. You would be trying to static fly ,and it would just zoom right out of the window and tangle up. That kite is designed to be used w/ a buggy . it is meant to travel not fly static. But you had no idea what kind of kite it was. You just saw it was 5.5m. You say you wanna snokite, well your gonna need a decent kite for that. And your gonna need decent set of skills to go w/ it.
You need a 3m beamer, learn to fly , gain some respect for the wind and the people who have learned to respect it(sometimes the hard way). Meanwhile save up some cash, and talk to the fine folks here or wherever. And get you a nice rig, used if need be.
Is there anyone in your area that kites? If you could get up w/ someone and start getting some hands on exp.. I think once you get snatched one good time you'll see what all the huff is about. Iwish you lived around here, I'd take you down to the beach.Give you a 4.7 rage in a15 mph wind . and watch you plow a ditch w/ your face, butt,knees, sometimes your feet. Do you even get the concept of how BIG a 5m kite is? My pansh sprint 5.0 is 11 ft long. It an 11 ft long wing , flying through the air ,taking you w/ it.
As far as your wind speed ,do you really know the average windspeed in your area? I bet it blows harder than you think.

B-Roc - 9-11-2009 at 05:58 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
a 5m FB kite,will propel me and my buggy to damn near highway speed.

I was clocked at 52 mph on my 2.5 JOJO ET Instinct on skis on snow. I'm sure he'll be fine with a 5.5 :rolleyes: :no:

Todd - 9-11-2009 at 06:34 PM

Time to walk away from this one folks...

Kamikuza - 9-11-2009 at 06:34 PM

... editing your threads is just bad form, old chap :lol: leave it open and unedited so that even if you're wrong, you've changed your mind etc we can all learn from it, as it were ...

f0rgiv3n - 9-11-2009 at 07:40 PM

To quote beamerbob from an old thread previously showing what happens when new people don't follow advice:
"The guy who bought my ace broke his leg really bad that afternoon by not listening to all the advice I gave him."

Bob... wasn't that a 5m?

K, sorry for beating the dead horse.

WELDNGOD - 9-11-2009 at 07:51 PM

I'm w/ Todd on this now.:ticking:

xsv21 - 9-11-2009 at 07:55 PM

im really not trying to go against anyones words, i have asked around milwaukee and talked to kites themselves, i have friends to fly with and iv flown kites before. ik hat im getting into and ik what kind of kite it is, iv done the research

BeamerBob - 9-11-2009 at 08:55 PM

Originally posted by f0rgiv3n
To quote beamerbob from an old thread previously showing what happens when new people don't follow advice:
"The guy who bought my ace broke his leg really bad that afternoon by not listening to all the advice I gave him."

Bob... wasn't that a 5m?

K, sorry for beating the dead horse.

That was a 6 meter Pansh Ace, and he admittedly really oversold his abilities to me. He did the hover at zenith, no kite killers, and 2 hours experience combo which added up to double compound fracture in his shin. We should make this a sticky.


f0rgiv3n - 9-11-2009 at 09:15 PM


f0rgiv3n - 9-11-2009 at 09:15 PM


xsv21 - 9-11-2009 at 09:39 PM

I don't care if ur pretty much forcing my to buy a small kite first, but I cand afford one, if I ha the money I would buy one. If you guys can find me one for REALLY cheap then I'll buy it, u already ruined me getting the 5.5m I was about to send him the cash and he's just not talking to me anymore. Gay as hell if you ask me, it's my decision and my money

WIllardTheGrey - 9-11-2009 at 10:03 PM

Have some patience a good small kite will turn up. A Pansh Legend 3m is only 109.00 new, but some people spell pansh with an "it" at the end. Here is a video of someone using what looks like a Pansh 3m Legend to learn how to snowkite in lowsh wind.

f0rgiv3n - 9-11-2009 at 10:04 PM

Your decisions dont' just effect yourself. When you fly powerkites you represent the entire sport. It's a matter of protecting the sport as well man.

xsv21 - 9-11-2009 at 10:09 PM

Ok and I'm Probably not going to get into it if I can't find a deal on a bigger kite like the helium, that was a perfect deal that I had set up, I even made sure there were kitekillers and he's not talking to me, someone plz talk to him to reconsider, ik what I'm doing

WIllardTheGrey - 9-11-2009 at 10:31 PM

:puzzled::puzzled: Biting my tongue HARD.

f0rgiv3n - 9-11-2009 at 10:39 PM

Originally posted by WIllardTheGrey
:puzzled::puzzled: Biting my tongue HARD.

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