zloty - 1-10-2005 at 10:38 AM
Hi all
I'm trying to find big foot for my flexifoil buggy ,so I won't be stuck when it's windy but tide is high.I know about wide wheels and tire from
flexifoil ,but I heard that it is easy to flip over when slideing - any opinion.Also I was thinking about big foot set on back and wide flexifoil on
front (I'm afraid big foot won't fit in orginal flexi fork).Anyone ever did that?
Also need to find place to buy big foot whells and tires and nice rims for my standard wheels ,any links are welcome.
freestyle buggy
bladeIII 3.0
ld 2.1
samurai 4.0
razor 4.5
razor 5.5
goreo95033 - 2-10-2005 at 11:09 AM
Here are a couple good sources for tires:
mecdave - 4-10-2005 at 08:45 AM
Windpower Sports in Vegas has the PL Comp plastic wheels for $25 that also fit your Flexi.
The One Stop link Greg posted is the only place I've found that still carries the bigfoot tires, and at a great price! They *will* fit a stock rim
You are correct Bigfoots won't fit your front axle. A 16x6.5-8 ribbed tire from Carlisle would be a better choice. You may be able to find that tire
at Walmart or Tractor Supply or similar lawn and garden shop.
I would also consider the wider rear axle from Windpower for added stability with the BF's. It really helps keep you upright in the soft stuff.
Wickedrevs56 - 7-10-2005 at 06:06 PM
Hey zloty--
I have found a 9.5 inch wide smooth (no tread groove at all) tire and tube you can fit onto the standard Flexifoil rims-- (it is a tight fit but
they will go!!takes four hands!!) they give good "float" in the softer sand and ride nice!! Not quite as much as a"bigFoot" -- but very close
You have no other modifications to make-- NOTE:they will NOT fit the front fork on your standard Flexifoil buggy-- for rears only -(unless you make
a wide front fork)
tire is made by Carlisle-- search your area for a Carlisle outlet-- will research the tire model for you if you are interested--(not at hand right
this minute)-- have shipped them out to some of my buggy customers--
average price to have a "spare set" costs about $150.00 -- $170.00
2 -- spare Flexi rims/bearings
2 -- 9.5 inchX 8.00 tires
2 -- 9.0 X 8.00 tubes
(mount & "balanced"-- no charge - -just bring on the WD40!!!)
I used "spare" set to swap between sand dune days and grass days depending on where we were going to ride--