Power Kite Forum

twister II 7.7

generotti - 29-1-2011 at 02:13 PM

Does anyone own this kite that would like to say a word about it? I'm thinking about buying one this spring. thanks

ripsessionkites - 29-1-2011 at 04:10 PM

if this is your first kite, get something smaller first, like the 3 or 4m twister II

its a good freestyle / jumping foil, flies well in light winds

comes complete with everything and comes with either handles or control bar (non-depower)

if you list your location, i can easily find you the closest dealer for a test fly.

bobalooie57 - 29-1-2011 at 04:33 PM

Looks like NE Pennsylvania, near Scranton. Closest PL dealer looks like Don at powerkiteplace.com (York,PA).

lunchbox - 29-1-2011 at 05:34 PM

I have one. Build quality is very good and it's a very powerful kite. The only negative thing I would say about it is, is that the redirect is a little slow in my opinion. It took me a little more time than I thought to dial in the jumps.

....I bought a Blade IV 6.5 about 2 months after I bought this kite and let's just say I don't really fly my Twister anymore. Not to say it's a bad kite because it isn't but the Blade is so much better in my opinion!

Whatever you choose, have fun and be safe!

ripsessionkites - 29-1-2011 at 05:36 PM

go see Don, great guy and knows his stuff and should have a few demos to let you try

generotti - 29-1-2011 at 05:37 PM

I already own a hornet 3.0 and am looking to get a bigger kite. Lunchbox could you give me a little more info on why the blade is better because i might look at the kite also. what are some pros and cons of both maybe. thanks!!

generotti - 29-1-2011 at 05:39 PM

yea ill have to check that out if i can find the time to get down there... and you are able to try the kites before you buy them?

bobalooie57 - 29-1-2011 at 05:57 PM

Not sure if he has any Twisters to demo, but I'm sure if you email him (don@powerkiteplace.com) he'll let you know, and will probably let you know when he'll be in Wildwood next to meet up and fly. He usually goes when Low tide is around noon and decent wind is predicted. Like Ricardo said, he's a great guy and will help you out. :thumbup:

generotti - 29-1-2011 at 06:03 PM

alright ill send him an email once i'm looking at actually buying. thanks a lot!!

lunchbox - 29-1-2011 at 06:04 PM

Blade IV pros - King of lift, very stable, fast flying, build quality is top notch, different lift settings, powerful.
Cons - don't make the IV's any more, hard to find, expensive.

Twister Pros - Build quality, not too expensive, more beginner friendly, lift comes on more gradually, powerful.
Cons - slow on the redirect.

Hope this helps. Both are great kites and I don't think you can go wrong with either.

generotti - 29-1-2011 at 06:30 PM

thanks and yea the blade is a lot more expensive!

Txshooter38 - 29-1-2011 at 06:45 PM

They are spot on...the redirect is slow....but the lift is awesome. I tip the scales at 205 and this kite lifts me in 15mph with very little work.

generotti - 29-1-2011 at 06:48 PM

is it too slow? and thats sweet.. would it be good for landboarding?

lunchbox - 29-1-2011 at 07:23 PM


is it too slow? and thats sweet.. would it be good for landboarding?

I don't think it's too slow...would I like it faster, yes, but it definitely does the job.
...and yes, it is a great kite for landboarding!!

generotti - 29-1-2011 at 07:29 PM

awesomee, well i'm most likely gonna pick one of them up once spring comes around

Bladerunner - 29-1-2011 at 07:38 PM

+ 1 for slow redirect. Also, I weigh about 150lbs. With the lifty nature of this kite I found it didn't have as large a wind range as I expected. I think you will have a gap with a 3.5m and 7.7? This may influence you to take the 7.7 in to winds you shouldn't ?

I 1st flew it on a bar and it was awful. A completely different game on handles . :thumbup:

You get what you pay for in this sport. The Twister II is sort of a poor mans Blade. Or at least a similar kite at a much lower price.

generotti - 29-1-2011 at 07:48 PM

the reason i want a bigger kite is because where i'm located we don't get very high winds and on average is 5 mph if any, and I am a very cautious person so i shouldn't run into any troubles. and i guess i kind of am a poor man or kid at least hahaha

kiteetik - 30-1-2011 at 12:10 AM

i flew a 5.6 twister--its much more predictable than a blade--a blade can KILL you...... if youre going to jump at some point, the twister would be a wise choice--blades are good if you have skills...... really good skills.........

acampbell - 30-1-2011 at 06:40 AM

I have always referred to Blades as violent kites- imagine being tied to the back of a small truck and have the driver gun the engine and pop the clutch. But if "pop" is your thing....

That said, in light winds they are docile and will fly when others can't. I have handed the Blade to a perfect stranger who had never seen a kite before (but light conditions were juuuuuust right).

Twisters are more predictable but as Bladerunner eluded to, they suck on a bar. On handles they are smooth and predictable if not a bit slower in the turns.

All size Blades now have the cross-over bridles that help in turning- previously found only on the larger blades.

generotti - 30-1-2011 at 10:27 AM

yea i've heard them as being violent too.. I really don't have the funds to get a blade anyways but knowing that a twister would be a better choice for my skill level and what i'm looking for is reassuring. thanks

Bladerunner - 30-1-2011 at 11:26 AM

I am riding and found I needed something to produce power at a lower wind so sold the 7.7 and bought a 10.8 Reactor. The poor mans Mac Truck.

That said, The 7.7m ( or 5.6m ) would be much better for you.

It would seem obvious that you would want the 5.6m at some point to fill that gap. With such low winds it is hard to say the 5.6 is best but it is the size that will allow you the widest range of winds to fly in + be big enough / small enough to work out the timing of a jump well? I found the slow turning meant I could jump but wasn't redirecting in time with the 7.7m . Figuring all the send it, redirect , hold it or correct stuff may be easier to pick up on the 5.6m ? It's CHEAPER + once you have handles you can buy the 7.7 kite only if money is that tight ? Ask for large handles if you go that route.

generotti - 30-1-2011 at 11:49 AM

I will most likely get a 5.6m or a kite in that range at some point.. but i'm also looking at getting into landboarding so I think it will be better for me to get the larger kite for lighter winds now and still be able to learn to jump. then later down the road pick up a kite for the mid range.

ripsessionkites - 30-1-2011 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by generotti
I will most likely get a 5.6m or a kite in that range at some point.. but i'm also looking at getting into landboarding so I think it will be better for me to get the larger kite for lighter winds now and still be able to learn to jump. then later down the road pick up a kite for the mid range.

if you're landboarding / snowkiting with the 7.7m would be a good choice, since you can hold down more when standing.

take it easy on the windrange at first and you'll build up to flying it in higher winds.

i shouldnt say this : more wind = more height

generotti - 30-1-2011 at 07:35 PM

yeaa I'm pretty set on getting it now after all of this. and i will take it easy.. last thing i need is to be out there in high winds with little experience lol. thanks

Seanny - 30-1-2011 at 07:36 PM

I dunno mate, I'm skeptical... I think you're sort of doubting the ability of a 5.6m kite to pull you on an ATB or snowboard, even in the lighter winds... as soon as things head north of about 10-12 mph on that 7.7, things will start to get real hard real fast unless you're experienced with it and know what you're doing. I live in the Austin area of Texas, which isn't extremely far inland, but it's common for the wind to be 5 mph gusting to 25. Just ask Txshooter38. A 5.6m Twister II is a beast of a kite. It also has a much wider wind range, and when you hit a lull, it's small enough that you can throw it around and make it continue pulling like a train. But what do I know. If you have consistent, low, steady winds, then the 7.7 might be right for you.

Txshooter38 - 30-1-2011 at 08:10 PM

Maybe I missed it but a component of this is how much you weigh......if you tip the scales over 180 or so I would tell you to maybe go with the 7.7.....less the 5.6.

Again the 7.7 lifts me without much effort....of course my wife flies it occasionally and she weighs much less (135) and can handle it. She does not pick it up when it is blowing 15 though...more like 8-10mph.

generotti - 30-1-2011 at 11:11 PM

well i'm in the middle of a wrestling season at the moment so i'm 160 but once spring comes around ill probably be pushing 180 with lifting. and the winds here on average are 5-6 and not very gusty which is my reasoning in getting the 7.7m and not the 5.6m.

Pulsar - 31-1-2011 at 06:00 AM

I mostly agree with the above. I'm 180 pounds, and i think the Twister 7.7 is really meant for heavier people. I always felt that it needed just a little more wind then i could safely handle in order to get enough turning speed. If i have enough lift for nice jumps, it's slow on the redirects, if it's fast enough on the redirects, it sends me flying into the next village. In other words: it's just too big for me. I rather take the 5.6 and wait for a bit more wind, it's just more fun.

Also, since you're looking for an addition to your 3.0, pick a 5.6. The 7.7 will leave a giant gap in windspeed, where your 3.0 doesn't do much but the 7.7 is still way to big. The 3.0 and 5.6 are a better combination.

generotti - 31-1-2011 at 04:30 PM

yeaa my only concern is, will the 5.6 be able to pull me on a board in 5-6 mph winds?

lunchbox - 31-1-2011 at 07:50 PM


yeaa my only concern is, will the 5.6 be able to pull me on a board in 5-6 mph winds?

Yeah, that would be my concern as well. That is really light wind! Forgive me if you've already mentioned it, but what kind of surface will you be riding on...5-6 I hope it's a really hard surface.

If it truly is only 5-6 I would go for the 7.7. You might have to stop at 10 or 11mph but you'll do a lot better at the bottom end. Also too, even thought it is a lifty kite, you don't have to position it at the top of the window. Sounds like you're a careful person, so if you get the bigger kite, just make sure to listen to your gut when it tells you it's too much.

generotti - 31-1-2011 at 08:35 PM

yeaa and probably short grass. I usually ride on a soccer feild not to far from my house which is kept short. and it doesn't get very windy here which is the reason i want to get the larger kite. the most i've ever flown in was 15-20 and that was before a storm, we probably only get winds in 15mph range once a month