Originally posted by lamrith
I honestly am not sure about the handles on strop idea, just does not seem as simple as the bar. I also see most kite skiers using the bar? I do
plan to go Depower, not sure when, maybe spring, so need to start getting used to a bar, hoping the added brake will make my kites more responsive
while I get adjusted to a bar.
That bar I show has a chicken loop with release on it and I also have a a QR on the harness as well. Pretty easy to pop either release with a hand
still in the center of the bar keeping the kite under controll.
What makes you think the layout will not work. Not challenging you, just asking honestly. I based the layout off the PKD design(picture attached),
just the pulleys attach to the bar from the center not the bar ends.
I layed the bar out and locked down the center line and did some measurements. From dead center to full turn one way puts 6" of pull on the brake
line going to the pulley, which will then pull 6" on the brake line. Not a ton, but should help speed up turns. This is mostly something for the 8m
to help it around on the bar. |