Originally posted by EvanOR
Hi All,
We are offering you the opportunity to try our killer new park/wake Cypher kite with no strings attached.....
You'll have a couple of weeks to ride the kite (9m) and then ship it on to the next in line - your only obligation will be to take care of it and pay
the shipping cost to move it forward. To get involved, respond to this thread - the kite will circulate in the same order as the responses. You'll PM
the person in front your shipping address.
Note: this program is specific to US riders/addresses only!
Team Riders: We are also recruiting regional Cypher riders (you'll get team rider pricing, NOT free kites) for the following locations. It's up to you
to show us why you want to be part of the Crew.
Seattle/Pac NW
Hood River/Portland
SF Bay, Sherman Island
New York
NC and SC
Texas - South Padre, Dallas, Huston, Corpus Christi
Florida - Jupiter/Miami/Tampa/St Peterburg
Ocean Rodeo
Hyperflex Wetsuits