Low wind fun ...........it's coming ..............
update 1
Its here ......
A bit used.... may need new depower line ....
First session was unsuccessful ... Wind forecast was showing 8-12mph all day and right after I set up the X19 wind start blowing hard ...... Hope
to get some play time next week ....
Short footage with how that day started ....
Update 2 4/1/2012
Update !!!!
Finally ..... my first proper session with X19 ....
After arriving at beach I realize that my Big Mama did not come with me .... lol .... 13m Zulu look too weak for current conditions .... and my
friend Jaro pack up his 14m and start setting up S3 19 .....
After few minutes of thinking I set up X19 ....... Launched full depower ( you don't need to pre inflate X19 ) and step into cold water
First water start and my eyes got very big !!!! ..... power, power, power ........ Its a train with no brakes ......
That was just unbelievable ..... Thru whole session I have it fully depowered and wind was gusting up to 16mph ...... Offshore wind make me
nerves but from start to the end I have no problem staying upwind and riding side by side with S3....
I use door 150, he's was 160 , I am 196lbs, he is 225, I was fully depowered , he was half way .......
This kite is a monster ..... and I can confirm that it has less de-power on a bar then FS and top end is better on FS...... and when kites is
turning its still generate great amount of power witch make my transitions almost always airborne ....... I need to find proper technique to ride
that monster .......
At the end of session my friend take X19 for a test drive ..... He's hones opinion was that he can't pick a winner ...... because characteristics
are so different ...... As first ..... he say same thing ...... Its a train ..... with limitless power ...... same observation about turning
and transition technique , In he's opinion X19 turns slower , he also say that he was able do jumps and tricks with one hand on a bar when with S3
its harder to do ..... We have some gusty conditions that day and what he did was.... park the kite at 10:30 and let go bar ..... he was able to
keep going with no input to the kite ...... solid study power when S3 is more mushy ..... He is a paraglider and say that X19 is lost that ......
big paraglider ...... At the end there was no winner ..... and we still need to make low end test....
I just want to say ...... Its awesome when you can go and kite when others need to stay home ...... and that was session to remember .....
first time off-shore, first time with X19, first time with that much power that make me edge so hard that I almost lay on water surface ...... and
..... my first proper jump !!!!!........ I am happy !!! very happy x19 owner ......
Update 3 4/15/2012
Update !!!!
Another trip to Sandy Hook ....
This time I was planning to teach my brother basics of kiteboarding with Gin Zulu ,,,,,, Forecast was showing 11mph ..... that make it very safe
to start introduction ,,,,
When we arrive at beach .... wind just died .... there was no way to launch LIE ..... I decide to try low end on X19 .....
I have few good runs .... trying to learn how to deal with conditions like this ..... Funny that I could go upwind one way with no problems when
having hard time staying on board going back .... as you will see on video ..... I drop kite few times in water when wind was almost zero .....
but when I feel breeze on my face I could relaunch it easy ...... and then ....... when in middle of the bay ...... wind die ..... kite
collapse and bowtie ...... That was my first time when I have too pack up on water and swim to the shore ....... in Drysuit ,,,,,, crazy .....
I am not riding in those conditions anymore .......
Anyhow ...... when I got home I look at wind alert and see what wind speeds I was riding in ..... below footage that my brother film with his
camera was recorded around 5pm according to camera ... when looking at wind alert data that comes from one of wind meters located 200 feet away that
was me riding in 5-6mph with 150 door ......
indigo_wolf - 15-2-2012 at 09:02 PM
X19 Comparo
X19 Tech Briefing
SamKamikuza - 15-2-2012 at 09:38 PM
You getting one? Be good to get a review in English :DFlyfish - 15-2-2012 at 10:57 PM
That is awsome! I can ride in 8-10 knots with a fish surfboard. I can't even imagine what I might be able to ride with this!
i asked about this when i was recently kite-shopping... i heard they are brand new and not expanding into the US market for a while...Kober - 15-2-2012 at 11:28 PM
Looks like I am the first lucky owner in US ,,,,,, lol..... If that package ever arrive at my doorsteps ......
X19 + Airush Sector v2 60 ...... imagine possibilities ......
Kamikuza ....... my english is not as good as that one on film ..... sorry....
4-6 knots kiteboard session from real user ..... imagine what you can do on snow .....
Kamikuza - 16-2-2012 at 01:09 AM
Heh... no audio at work - only saw the subs Drewculous - 16-2-2012 at 08:03 AM
How does the cost compare to the speed 3?
Looks like it turns a lot faster than the s3 19mmartinipro - 16-2-2012 at 08:10 AM
Oh man looks nice! When are we going to sandy hook to test that beast!?Kober - 16-2-2012 at 05:12 PM
Drewculous... I think is $2950 for new one .......
bar is universal ..... all Spleene kite sizes use same bar ... ..
Martin ..... It will take a month for kite to arrive ..... grrrrrrr...... can't wait .....Bladerunner - 16-2-2012 at 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Kober
Drewculous... I think is $2950 for new one .......
Who can afford these things ?????barnes - 16-2-2012 at 06:56 PM
Watching it next to the 21m Speed and all I could think is 'What kind of devil magic is powering this thing?!'kitedelight - 16-2-2012 at 08:37 PM
lol, I like the perspective that guy walking across the grass gives...looks like a little kid...then you realize, nope, those kites are just that big.Drewculous - 17-2-2012 at 07:28 AM
Originally posted by Bladerunner
Who can afford these things ?????
Kober Kober - 17-2-2012 at 08:51 PM
.......... I got used one for good price ..... not ready to pay $3000 for kite .....kitesurfer - 18-2-2012 at 02:42 AM
call ted at flysurferusa.com. he sells both x19 and speeds. my purple 21 delux was a bunch less than 3 grand.Kober - 5-3-2012 at 10:43 PM
update 1 in original post !!!joedy - 6-3-2012 at 04:03 AM
Originally posted by kitesurfer
call ted at flysurferusa.com. he sells both x19 and speeds. my purple 21 delux was a bunch less than 3 grand.
How much was your 21m from Ted?
-joedyKober - 6-3-2012 at 08:50 PM
found this on YT ,,,,,
4-5 knots water relaunch of X19 .....
He also have many videos on his channel with low wind riding ....
PHREERIDER - 7-3-2012 at 07:04 AM
kober, it is a super hot sexy board. when you get it wired, it WILL help you define FAST. and everything else you ride will seem easy. more wind
will help. keeping pressure in the center of the board to start will help. but a pop start will do a feet in, just have to hit it hard with deep
stroke after you pop to keep moving. keep at it!joedy - 7-3-2012 at 07:15 AM
Leading edge down and the first thing he does is grab and yank the center lines? Is he TRYING to fill his kite with water? He should have grabbed the
brake lines and pulled on these instead. He would have been back in the air much sooner.
-joedyKamikuza - 7-3-2012 at 05:21 PM
Yeah that's what I thought too Joedy... but maybe he was trying to prove a point? He DID seem to fly the kite straight into the water Kober - 7-3-2012 at 09:57 PM
.....prove what ??? I miss that ..... Why front lines ????? Really don't want to drop that kite on deep water with low wind ......
This weekend looks like is very windy ...... I let you know when I have next go and results ....Kamikuza - 7-3-2012 at 11:53 PM
Prove how easy it is to relaunch when you jam it into the water and pump it full of water? joedy - 8-3-2012 at 04:26 AM
Originally posted by Kober
.....prove what ??? I miss that ..... Why front lines ????? Really don't want to drop that kite on deep water with low wind ......
I apologize if my sarcasm was missed.
If you fly Flysurfers (and this X-19, which is essentially a copy...more or less), you'll quickly learn that when the kite is leading edge down on the
water, you never want to pull the flying lines. If you do this, you will force water into the air valves and will very likely end up with a swim into
When the kite is in this position, you should immediately pull on the break lines evenly and deeply. This will fly the kite upwards (in "reverse", so
to speak) and will allow you to rotate the kite by letting go of just one of the break lines once the kite is in the air several feet.
If the kite is already sitting on the trailing edge while on the water (of if you happen to get lucky enough in a crash to land trailing edge down ;-)
) you can then pull on the flying lines to take off of the water. There is no danger of getting water in the valves when they are not near the water
when in this position, so pulling the front lines isn't an issue then.
Flysurfer has some good videos demonstrating this narrative on YouTube. Although in hindsight, it's almost a rite of passage to fill up your Flysurfer
with water at least once! Once you mistakenly perform this ritual, you'll do your best never to repeat it.
-joedyKober - 1-4-2012 at 09:56 AM
Update !!!!
Finally ..... my first proper session with X19 ....
After arriving at beach I realize that my Big Mama did not come with me .... lol .... 13m Zulu look too weak for current conditions .... and my
friend Jaro pack up his 14m and start setting up S3 19 .....
After few minutes of thinking I set up X19 ....... Launched full depower ( you don't need to pre inflate X19 ) and step into cold water ........
First water start and my eyes got very big !!!! ..... power, power, power ........ Its a train with no brakes ......
That was just unbelievable ..... Thru whole session I have it fully depowered and wind was gusting up to 16mph ...... Offshore wind make me
nerves but from start to the end I have no problem staying upwind and riding side by side with S3....
I use door 150, he's was 160 , I am 196lbs, he is 225, I was fully depowered , he was half way .......
This kite is a monster ..... and I can confirm that it has less de-power on a bar then FS and top end is better on FS...... and when kites is
turning its still generate great amount of power witch make my transitions almost always airborne ....... I need to find proper technique to ride
that monster .......
At the end of session my friend take X19 for a test drive ..... He's hones opinion was that he can't pick a winner ...... because characteristics
are so different ...... As first ..... he say same thing ...... Its a train ..... with limitless power ...... same observation about turning
and transition technique , In he's opinion X19 turns slower , he also say that he was able do jumps and tricks with one hand on a bar when with S3
its harder to do ..... We have some gusty conditions that day and what he did was.... park the kite at 10:30 and let go bar ..... he was able to
keep going with no input to the kite ...... solid study power when S3 is more mushy ..... He is a paraglider and say that X19 is lost that ......
big paraglider ...... At the end there was no winner ..... and we still need to make low end test....
I just want to say ...... Its awesome when you can go and kite when others need to stay home ...... and that was session to remember .....
first time off-shore, first time with X19, first time with that much power that make me edge so hard that I almost lay on water surface ...... and
..... my first proper jump !!!!!........ I am happy !!! very happy x19 owner ......lunchbox - 1-4-2012 at 10:04 AM
Wow...sounds like a great time...glad to hear you enjoyed your X19...gotta say though....if you're not kiting in an enclosed body of water, be very
careful of offshore winds!Kober - 1-4-2012 at 10:09 AM
its a bay ..... worst can happen is a 2 hour walk ...... and lost board in channelPHREERIDER - 1-4-2012 at 04:24 PM
niceKamikuza - 1-4-2012 at 06:06 PM
Nice stoke Jaymz - 1-4-2012 at 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Kober
its a bay ..... worst can happen is a 2 hour walk ...... and lost board in channel
Not that bad Konrad.... only 1/4 mile across and is a 30 minute walk or a 10 minute cab ride back over the bridge. But that channel has claimed many
Great to see you getting some ride time lately. Thanks for the calls and the nudgings to get out. Work is just too hectic lately and almost a week
down with food poisoning didn't help.
Watch what you eat in the city
I'm grounded.Kober - 1-4-2012 at 07:02 PM
lol.... Its about 1 mile where we are riding ..... and not sure how you can call cub ......
..... anyhow ... is not bad .....
Hope you get better soon and get some kiting done .....Feyd - 2-4-2012 at 03:18 PM
So, would you give up a Psycho 4 for the X-19? We're thinking of selling off our 19m Psycho 4 SA and either replacing it with a fresh P4 or maybe the
X-19.Kober - 2-4-2012 at 04:09 PM
I have one session so far with X19 ..... so that is not something that I can help deciding ......
With P4 my first reaction was ...... wow ... that thing have so much de-power ........
With X19 you don't have that ...... and P4 is advertised as freestyle kite so it turn faster then S3.... and then I think X19 will be the slowest
.... with wind gusting up to 15mph .... I think that was my limit on X19 ....... so for you on ice it will be way lower ..... In this moment I
just can't wait to see low end of this kite since that what is made for ...... I update this post when I get chance to fly it again.....
Also ..... My P4 15m is for sale ....... lolFeyd - 2-4-2012 at 06:13 PM
Hmm interesting.
I really like the P4 19m. Turn rate is what sucked me in as it turns faster than the Speed in the same size range and the low end on ice isn't much
different. I like the bottom end but I don't know that I would want to give up much of the top end for a little more bottom end.
Does that make sense?Kamikuza - 2-4-2012 at 06:17 PM
Yes Feyd - 3-4-2012 at 03:23 AM
Okay then.;-)Kober - 3-4-2012 at 08:39 PM
..... yep..... I think that could be something that make most kiters choose FS .... Will let you know how it goes next time ....Kober - 15-4-2012 at 07:46 PM
Another trip to Sandy Hook ....
This time I was planning to teach my brother basics of kiteboarding with Gin Zulu ,,,,,, Forecast was showing 11mph ..... that make it very safe
to start introduction ,,,,
When we arrive at beach .... wind just died .... there was no way to launch LIE ..... I decide to try low end on X19 .....
I have few good runs .... trying to learn how to deal with conditions like this ..... Funny that I could go upwind one way with no problems when
having hard time staying on board going back .... as you will see on video ..... I drop kite few times in water when wind was almost zero .....
but when I feel breeze on my face I could relaunch it easy ...... and then ....... when in middle of the bay ...... wind die ..... kite
collapse and bowtie ...... That was my first time when I have too pack up on water and swim to the shore ....... in Drysuit ,,,,,, crazy .....
I am not riding in those conditions anymore .......
Anyhow ...... when I got home I look at wind alert and see what wind speeds I was riding in ..... below footage that my brother film with his
camera was recorded around 5pm according to camera ... when looking at wind alert data that comes from one of wind meters located 200 feet away that
was me riding in 5-6mph with 150 door ......
Kamikuza - 15-4-2012 at 07:57 PM
Nicely done!
You'll probably find current is working for you one way and not the other... or your body position is slightly better - a tiny difference but it'll
count when you're pushing the margins like that.
But... dry suit in 20'C? FFS harden up you big girly man I went out on Sunday
and it was so nice I rode without boots or gloves - 11'C
... why didn't you use the Sector?!?!
... man, I'm jealous of that flat-water! :eekdrull:Kober - 15-4-2012 at 08:05 PM
lol..... I forgot my wet suit ..... I have nothing under and I was cooking ...... but when I swim to the shore for like 20+min I got very cold
from water on incoming tide
Sector dose NOT fit in my car and on my ski rack on roof !!!! .... I need something to mount it ....... Also ...... as I wrote before ....
I did not plan to ride that day ......Kamikuza - 15-4-2012 at 08:22 PM
WETSUIT IN 20'C!!! OMG you big wimp swim harder if you get cold :D
ALWAYS plan to ride no gear = best wind :oKober - 15-4-2012 at 08:24 PM