Power Kite Forum

Struggling to fly Ozone samurai - confused! :(

Shabz - 2-5-2012 at 10:21 AM

When I try flying my ozone sami 3.5m (and same thing happened before when I tried flying a sami 5m) I struggle to fly it..

Basically it's tough to launch it..I launch it in the centre of the window in arround 10mph winds

Also when it does go up it will happily stay at zenith but anything past 11 or 1 o'clock and it falls downwards into a twist

And finally...when lines start to get crossed/twisted (eg because the kite fell to the left) I try pulling hard on the right line but the kite doesn't recover..if anything it gets more crossed

I must be doing something wrong with it because my Blade goes up and flys with ease

What's going wrong? :( very frustrated :(

awindofchange - 2-5-2012 at 10:51 AM

Couple of things to check first off.

1) Check to make sure all four lines are equal length. If one or two lines are long, that will give you fits. Unhook your lines from the kite and from the handles, stake them firmly into the ground on one end and pull firmly on the other. All four lines should pull out to the exact same length with equal pulling force one each line. All four lines should also have minimal stretch.

2) Make sure you are flying with high quality lines. Cheap string or junk lines will also give you fits and will make the kite un-flyable and un-controllable. If you are not using a high quality Spectra or Dyneema lineset, your kite will never fly properly. What lines are you using?

3) Make sure all your bridle lines are straight without any tangles or inner loops. They must all run completely straight from the sail to the pigtails. Minor twists at the pigtail attachment point are normal, just make sure that one line is not ran through any of the others before it gets there.

4) Check to make sure your handles are set up properly and your leaders are all correct.

5) Last thing. You may need to tune your kite to your handles. This is done by adding extra knots on your leaders to adjust the tension on the top lines and the bottom lines. If you need help doing this, let us know.

If all of those things check out, it may be an issue with the sail. Ozone makes one of the best products on the market and the Samurai is an excellent kite. I would highly doubt that the sail is messed up, but it could be possible.

eggy - 2-5-2012 at 12:41 PM

I had a similar problem. Turned out to be my relaunch line wasn't long enough..Made that plenty long a flew great after that..

John Holgate - 2-5-2012 at 03:41 PM

Just another thought....assuming there is nothing out of wack with line lengths or bridles. It may not park at zenith - my Methods will often overfly, luff and crumple. That's not a fault with the kite, they're designed to sit well forward in the window at speed, with either a buggy or landboard etc. But because of that, they won't sit over your head if your static flying them. The first time I flew a Manta it was the same thing - I was used to the park and ride of Access's and Apex's and all of a sudden here was a kite that refused to park at the edge - just overflew and bow-tied. You just have to learn to steer them away or apply brakes as they approach the edge of the window. Once I realized what was going on, the Methods & Manta are a hoot to fly and cut upwind real well.

I don't know if the Sami is in the same boat as those kites, but not all kites will sit at the edge of the window when static flying...

Cerebite - 3-5-2012 at 04:21 PM

There was recently a discussion of all of the "pre -flight checks" over in the techniques sections including a nice two part video by Big Mike:
My Twister Twists