Power Kite Forum

who ride low-wind with what?

djinnzfree - 8-5-2013 at 04:26 PM

I normally ride depower kite.
The bigger depower i got is 9m².
Got a 4m² with handle.
Got a 6m² depower and a flow 2m² with bar no depower.

Now would like to expend my quiver for low wind.
check for a Bull from conceptair 11 or 13m³ but their not in production at this time.
Classic ozone access or frenzy
Than someone suggest me a 21m² flysurfer (llooll very to big and expensive).

low wind between 4 and 12.
i'am ±260

what your riding in low wind condition? or you stay home or drink a small cold can?


MDK - 8-5-2013 at 04:34 PM

low wind depower is probably going to be expensive, so get a 10-12 meter FB foil like a PKD Century II or like. I bugged in 5mph wind with my 10m Century II

John Holgate - 8-5-2013 at 05:48 PM

I use a 7m Nasa Star 2 from about 6 knots to 12 knots and a 10m Nasa Star 2 from about 5 knots to 10 knots. (for buggying) Very friendly, but slow, kites. Can't break 'em. Cheap as chips - 179 Euro's for the 7m kite only.

Edit: regularly buggy with a friend who has a 10m Century - and it's a really good low wind kite too.

g-force junkie - 8-5-2013 at 06:08 PM

try some of the late model bow kites and you will be amazed, total depower, easy relaunch and tons of power when and where you want it

shehatesmyhobbies - 8-5-2013 at 06:51 PM

I usually go to my 18m Phanny, but after this last bash with the light winds I will also be looking for something bigger/ better suited.

I usually don't have a problem with the Phanny, but this time I was a little bummed because it just wasn't enough. Thinking about going with a big FB kite , should have bought that 14m JOJO off Sunset Jim!

BeamerBob - 8-5-2013 at 10:29 PM

That 21m Speed 3 or a 19m Speed 2 would be just the trick. I have had success in low winds with an 18m Phantom I and Reactors 10.3/10.8m . Just got a 10.8m HQ Prodigy but haven't flown it yet. It is higher aspect than the Reactor II so I have high hopes for it to be a session saver as well.

lunchbox - 8-5-2013 at 11:31 PM

I have a Vapor 9.4 that would work in those conditions. I also have a 16.1 Vapor that is ridiculously powerful. If you can get this beast to launch and there is a bugs fart of wind it will generate it's own apparent wind. The only thing is it has a very limited wind range because of it's power. 10-12mph in a buggy would probably be max for me...then I just get scared ;)

I'm actually looking for a nice 11-12m that would sit right in the middle.

Oh, I almost forgot..I also have a 10.8 reactor 2 that would be good in those winds. Not quite as powerful as the Vapors but pretty darn close....

Clive - 9-5-2013 at 02:49 AM

It's the really low end that makes it hard, to fly from 6-7 up I use an 8 m toxic that will have you blasting along by the time you hit 12.

I also have a 13.4 m vapor, but it's wind range is so limited to make it only down to the lower end.

If you had the bucks a 13 m ozone frenzy would fit the bill, depowers are just so friendly, not the quickest but certainly the biggest wind range.

Down at the very lowest of the low wind speeds you'd be hard pushed to go past a huge NASA wing, they come in unbelievable sizes, and I've watched one local still fly his when all other kites are on the ground.

B-Roc - 9-5-2013 at 04:16 AM

I board with my 14m Eskimo and that does well down to 5mph. Before that my low wind weapon was my Bego 600 (6m) and that was a great low wind weapon too. I weigh 145#s.

martinipro - 9-5-2013 at 06:38 AM

As long as I can keep the 19m Speed3 in the air, I can ride(Not much fun but I can ride).
But yeah, it WILL break the bank.

sand flea - 9-5-2013 at 06:15 PM

Clive and Lunchbox are on it! Fixed bridle especially big Vapors are excellent light wind engines. If a windsock will flutter my 11.2 Vapor will go with 30m Ozone lines.
And when that is gets too powerful my 18m Phantom ready to go.

Chris C1

WELDNGOD - 9-5-2013 at 06:45 PM

10m PKD Century II

Kober - 9-5-2013 at 09:54 PM

My low wind de-power is Spleene X19 .... that will take big chunk of you wallet ... and if riding land ... I use FB kite Gin Tonkawa 15m ,,, that get mw riding in no wind conditions .... lol .... I use it a lot this winter when others wait for more wind ... but price for kite is way up there ....
.. for low budget .. I think my Gin Eskimo 14m was best ... got me going so many times when I was ready to give up ....

Snake - 9-5-2013 at 10:25 PM

My f-arc 1600 is an amazing low wind machine. It takes off at 3 mph and I can easily ride at about 5-6mph. And Why I mean ride I mean dive the kite and park it. I can also ride upwind with ease if I am rolling. I am only 135 pounds with my board so you could probably ride with some sineing of the kite. By 12mph the kite is starting to get scary for me but will probably be a hoot for you. You should probably have some arc experience though because an f-arc will loft you if you make a mistake. It goes up wind like a dream. I can go probably within 15 degrees to directly up wind. It also Is a amazing jumping and hang time machine. The best part is they sell for less than $250 new!!!! You could probably find a used one for about $100-150. That's a lot of kite for a little cash.

andy666 - 10-5-2013 at 05:01 AM

A few years ago here in Australia we had a bit of a competition about who could buggy in the lowest wind. The rules were that you had to have a video showing that you could travel at least 100m, return to the starting point and show a wind reading in the video. Here was my effort with a 15m speed 3.
5 knots on the day, but 4 knots would be the bottom end. At that speed if the kite stops moving it falls out of the sky.


Or have you heard of elf kites

Scudley - 10-5-2013 at 07:01 AM

As the wind comes up from nothing my Reflex 10m is usually the first kite in the sky and when the others are dropped I am still flying. Here is a video of me flying in next to nothing for wind, I was desperate.
If you want advice on flying in low wind, you can't do better than asking a Vancouverite. We have more chance to practice these skills than anyone.

sand flea - 10-5-2013 at 04:54 PM

I was going to say you should see my buddy Scudley and his big green thing, it'll fly in a gnats fart for wind.

and it's only a 10?
see ya soon!
C 1

fletcht - 10-5-2013 at 07:30 PM

And for really low wind, try the. 12.5 century Soulfly.

sunset-Jim - 11-5-2013 at 09:01 AM

I use to rely on my 14m jojo rm+ for anything from sub 5mph wind on up to 10, which is up for sale. I now use a 15.4m PKD Combat. It not only now allows to to fly with even a little less wind, but now can move a bit quicker.

BeamerBob - 11-5-2013 at 09:11 AM

Is t the range on a combat that size really narrow? Like a 16vapor seems like it could t stand much increase in wind

djinnzfree - 11-5-2013 at 09:42 AM

Flysurfer speed3 15m deluxe... very nice!

But it's not like ozone; no link between the brake lines.
If i run exclusively on grass self lauch could be a problem, i'll need to be two person... same thing to land the kite.

For those who ride flysurfer... how you manage the lauch / landing by your own on grass?

sunset-Jim - 11-5-2013 at 10:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BeamerBob  
Is t the range on a combat that size really narrow? Like a 16vapor seems like it could t stand much increase in wind

If ya take in other factors other than just wind speed, such as direction of travel and surface conditions, it can change the "wind window" quite a bit. So when I say for example that 10mph is an upper end for either the 15.4m Combat or the 14m RM+, what I'm saying is that I have had them out in that wind speed and it was still manageable. I may have had to either ride more in softer sand or stay out of the powerzone more, but is doable.

Bladerunner - 11-5-2013 at 03:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by djinnzfree  
Flysurfer speed3 15m deluxe... very nice!

For those who ride flysurfer... how you manage the lauch / landing by your own on grass?

I use a kite stake and stake my back lines. Then go to the kite and assist it filling . I tug on the front lines a bit at the kite once it has some air to give it more if needed.

I would back the kite down using my OS handles and stake the back lines again. If the wind was too strong I would take it down the edge and then go to fifth line safety.

This was with my 13M Psycho ( and 7m Pulse ) though.

B-Roc - 11-5-2013 at 04:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by djinnzfree  

For those who ride flysurfer... how you manage the landing by your own on grass?

I created a landling line like HQ, Ozone, Gin, etc. use and fastened to the rear line leaders on the bar side and I made mine with a center loop to accomodate a ground stake and I put stopper balls on the leader to cover the knots which served to double as a grip if i used the landing line to back the kite down to the ground in a controlled fashion (as opposed to just grapping the middle of the line and collapsing the kite).

The set up worked very well but I tired of strugglineg with a fully inflated FS on the ground popping ground stakes and generally being a PIA if the kite was flown in its upper wind limits so I sold it for another open cell foil.

andy666 - 11-5-2013 at 05:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by djinnzfree  
Flysurfer speed3 15m deluxe... very nice!

But it's not like ozone; no link between the brake lines.
If i run exclusively on grass self lauch could be a problem, i'll need to be two person... same thing to land the kite.

For those who ride flysurfer... how you manage the lauch / landing by your own on grass?

I never use ground stakes, just flip the buggy upside down and use it as a ground anchor. I have a clip on the buggy and simply clip the rear leaders of the flysurfer in above one of the knots (black stopper ball), no need for a connection strap.

I kite by myself 99% of the time, so plenty of practice self launching and landing.
With flysurfers on grass, just unroll and secure the back lines before unfolding the kite. If the wind is light then i don't need to secure the kite, for launching or landing, it will just sit there. If the wind is stronger, I use a sand bag on one wing tip to launch. Then I land on the safety, clip the safety to the upturned buggy and go and throw my harness or the sandbag back on the wingtip. It can create a bit of a mess landing on the safety, but its always safest to self land on the safety in strong winds :D

csa_deadon - 11-5-2013 at 11:33 PM

Well I'm kind of partial to my 11m UL Frenzy. Now I do recall a day at sunset when all of the FB fliers were sitting in their chairs, and the only people out were the two depower fliers.

Depower rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fixed bridal drools!!!!!!!!!


djinnzfree - 12-5-2013 at 02:44 AM

Does someones got experienced the OZONE access 12m² from 2013?
2013 seams not a good years for the frenzy's...

sunset-Jim - 12-5-2013 at 08:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by csa_deadon  
Well I'm kind of partial to my 11m UL Frenzy. Now I do recall a day at sunset when all of the FB fliers were sitting in their chairs, and the only people out were the two depower fliers.

Depower rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fixed bridal drools!!!!!!!!!


I challenge you to back that up :ninja:

Scudley - 12-5-2013 at 05:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sand flea  
I was going to say you should see my buddy Scudley and his big green thing, it'll fly in a gnats fart for wind.

and it's only a 10?
see ya soon!
C 1

Thanks Chris. It is nice to be only one here whose claims have been seconded.
It is only 10m.
In about 2 weeks!
Maybe we will have the opportunity to have a low wind fly off at spring SOBB; $20 to enter; last man flying wins the pot. Anyone interested?

sunset-Jim - 12-5-2013 at 05:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Scudley  
Quote: Originally posted by sand flea  
I was going to say you should see my buddy Scudley and his big green thing, it'll fly in a gnats fart for wind.

and it's only a 10?
see ya soon!
C 1

Thanks Chris. It is nice to be only one here whose claims have been seconded.
It is only 10m.
In about 2 weeks!
Maybe we will have the opportunity to have a low wind fly off at spring SOBB; $20 to enter; last man flying wins the pot. Anyone interested?

That could be pretty interesting.

Scudley - 12-5-2013 at 06:09 PM

We would know who was talking #@%$#!e.

sunset-Jim - 12-5-2013 at 06:17 PM

Perhaps it's this kind of challenge to guarantee that we have nuking winds... wouldn't that be a shame... :thumbup:

herc - 13-5-2013 at 02:34 AM

big NasaWing !

* its cheap
* its grunty (high camber)
* it does not need to fill (worst nightmare with a speed3 or arc in very low winds)
* its almost indestructible (no cells to burst)

riding a 10 sqm nasawing on inline skates .. was there wind at all? cant remember ;)


2-3 knots - low wind limit of a 7 sqm nasastar2:


lives2fly - 13-5-2013 at 04:39 AM

I surprised myself last week by having a fun landboard session in 8kts with my 10m Access. I didn't go very fast obviously but travelled the beach a fair bit :)

I am still waiting for my 8.0m HQ Toxic to arrive - hoping to get a bit more powered up on that.

I like Fixed bridle kites in low winds because you can throw them around so much more than a big depower kite and get precision control from using handles.

Also I don't want to spend much on light wind kites because i don't have to put up with many light wind days usually. Light wind riding is for those desperate times when you have not flown for a week or two and HAVE to get out.

shaggs2riches - 13-5-2013 at 07:35 PM

Yes the big speed is the way to for low winds. Self launch and land is straight forward once you know what to do. Surprising once a kite of any size is on the ground it doesn't take a whole lot of weight to keep it there. Once landed on fifth line or back stall on rear lines, I secure it from the bar, go to kite and flag it out on a wingtip and then open the zipper so it deflates while I tend to the bar and lines. Launch is either a hot style launch or at the edge of window style. Really if you can launch and land a foil by yourself, there isn't a whole lot more to flysurfers that you need to know.

crazyherb - 13-5-2013 at 10:51 PM

Maybe I shouldn't mention, but I sure like my 24M Phantom II on 50+ meter lines. :o
Light wind party machine...once you get it dialed in...but if you're on a budget that might change things a bit.

lives2fly - 14-5-2013 at 06:21 AM

24m on 50m lines! what do you do while you are waiting for it to turn? ;-)

dirtslide - 14-5-2013 at 11:36 AM

My super light wind kite would have to be ,a couple of ice cold beers and a lawn chair because if my 10m Jojo rm+ will not pull me then kiting becomes work and not play. just saying, other wise I would own that 14m of Jims as well as the 10 that I got from him ,come to think of it why does he still own that beauty ,and if anyone hear is looking for a excellent low wind FB wing that is one to get. The colors are awesome and it is in like new shape as is all of Jims Gear. that being said my SC Reflex 8.5m does fly very well in next to no wind too .cheers Ken.

crazyherb - 14-5-2013 at 05:29 PM

Lives2 - LOL...I'll get video someday...but there's no need to turn from that high (at least THAT fast)...just dive it into the edge of the window and ride...by the time it takes to get from apogee to edge of window (about 10 seconds) your're already riding the apparent wind....and off...it's an acquired taste....maybe the kitesurf race guys can back me up. Also, there's SO much window to play with, you don't really notice turning (since you have DOUBLE the amount of sky to play with).

Dirtslide - Agree....any wind that gets so light it's hard to play with, that's when I break out the RC planes and helis...

RonH - 14-5-2013 at 08:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sunset-Jim  
Perhaps it's this kind of challenge to guarantee that we have nuking winds... wouldn't that be a shame... :thumbup:

Going to Sunset without having to break out your biggest kite? We can hope:thumbup:

Sunset Jim will be going sideways with the big combat when I get rolling with the 10.8 RII...


djinnzfree - 28-5-2013 at 02:58 PM

I'ved look on Yakuza GT side... 10 or 12m²...

-ozone summit 12m²
-conceptair smart II 12.5m²
-conceptair bull 11m² or 13m²

all those 3 are depower

link for conceptair Bull & Smart conceptair

Bladerunner - 28-5-2013 at 03:44 PM

D'sliddy is correct.

Nobody gets more super low wind than we do. We nearly all travel with a lawn chair as part of our quiver.

Unless you have a very large space and low resistance surface and a Hooj FB race kite trying to enjoy super low wind is just no fun. After trying and trying I am resigned to wait until my 18m Phantom will do the job . About 5mph once filled.

kitemaker4 - 28-5-2013 at 05:05 PM

15 meter npw9.

Susan (npw goddess)