How about some planning tips for some of us that are thinking about coming out to IB2 for the first time BB?
How many people can we stuff into a room at Buffalo Bills? I haven't used the code to see the price, know about what a room cost per night and do they
give weekly rates with the code?
Aren't there cheap rooms in Las Vegas? And how far is Vegas away from the playa?
What about the shipping of gear? Ship to who where? My bug weights in at about a 100 pounds. Did you ever ship one from South Georgia out there? I
would think the cost 2 ways would be $$$ with insurance and all.
Are there other things for us to think about?
As to driving, I always see my drv. moving time and total time on my GPS when I'm on the road. Seems to be a pretty good difference. And with an RV if
you push the envelope they just suck down the fuel by 100 dollar bills.
Your mostly right about things BB. Anything else for us to think about?
Road checks for illegals? Have our shot records up to date? Is there Cell phone service?
How to dress, hot and or cold? and how about that dust?
Help us out BB. :puzzled: