Power Kite Forum

Various Toxics

3shot - 2-3-2014 at 05:36 PM

Yup. Another Toxic review. 4 meter first then the 3m. Then others as they are acquired. Seems they are quite the kite these days. Picked up a 4m after much deliberation. I have a full Flow quiver, and a patched buggy quiver. I am trying to clean things up and decided on a clean slate for the buggy. My Bullets, and Rages are fine buggy engines. I am just looking for something a little more faster and higher AR. I think I found it in the Toxic. I started in the middle of the road as far as size goes, then will build up and down as needed.

The first impressions are as others have stated here. Quality bag. Quality bridles. Quality build. Lets not forget the extra super crispy ripstop. I don't know what HQ puts on their kites, but its like a bag of Doritos crispy I tell ya!

Just a simple static session today as I do with all new/new to me kites I get. Had relatively clean wind today from the SW@5-10. After a quick unpack and hook-up, off she went. Only took a few minutes to get the brakes adjusted to my liking. I wound up setting them on the third knot up from the bottom of the brake leader line. What a dream of a kite to fly. Though geared as a buggy engine, I had absolute no issues flying it static today!! Pretty quick, and TURNS ON A DIME! Lots of pull, and very stable. I have flown the 4m Crossfire II a few times before this purchase. I found the Toxic to be more responsive to brakes, and less prone to tip-tuck. Also can handle holding its shape better while floating backwards without deflating. Seems the wing as a whole has just a little bit different shape and different leading edge vents over the Crossfires.

Overall very pleased with this new kite. Really looking forward to getting into the buggy with it and getting a few other sizes. More updates to follow. Here a few simple pics my wife took today.

riffclown - 2-3-2014 at 06:30 PM

You should have called me. I would have been there for sure..

3shot - 2-3-2014 at 06:50 PM

It was a last minute thing. I had just finished up helping a friend move some furniture . My wife met me there and brought the Toxic. You are REALLY going to dig this wing bud :evil:

riffclown - 2-3-2014 at 07:20 PM

I really enjoyed the 2M I flew. I know there are several toxics in my future. Just a matter of time.

3shot - 3-3-2014 at 10:27 AM

I'm gonna try for the 2m next, then the 5 and 3 in that order. Still wowed by how good that sucker felt yesterday :o

Demoknight - 3-3-2014 at 01:36 PM

I think it is so funny how these things have been around for three years now and people are only just now realizing how awesome they are. The crispy cannot be overstated. They are starched like grandpa's shirts. I can stand the 8m up indoors and it almost looks inflated like it was out in the breeze.

riffclown - 3-3-2014 at 02:36 PM

Yeah, I'm still putting the funds together for the full set..I've been wanting these since I first flew Chris' 2M last year..

Demoknight - 3-3-2014 at 03:14 PM

Yep, I want the 2m the 3m and the 5m for sure, even though my Charger covers the wind range down to about the 5m size.

riffclown - 3-3-2014 at 03:30 PM

I need to sell some gear to make room first but I plan on the whole set at one time..

3shot - 3-3-2014 at 04:07 PM

The 2,3,and 4 are my most used sizes. 4 Especially for my field.

Demoknight - 3-3-2014 at 04:28 PM

The smallest fixed bridle power kite I have ever flown is my 5.0 m Tensor... I think I fly more powered than most of you guys. I consider wind starting to get dangerous if it is too much for a 5m. You are talking 25+ which in my expeience makes for a lot of scary gusts.

3shot - 3-3-2014 at 04:36 PM

Without getting too OT, our local crew blazes down the winter beaches with two meters all the time. I mean BLAZE!!!


Little kites rule! :evil:

WELDNGOD - 3-3-2014 at 07:40 PM

There are two ways to make power. By sheer size,which increases low end grunt at the expense of speed. Or by being faster through the window, with less power to get you moving at first ,as with a 2m. A 2m kite wil outfly a 5m all day,just has to be worked harder.:cool:

Demoknight - 4-3-2014 at 05:59 AM

I guess my conditions are just not the best for a smaller kite because sometimes my beach is not super hard packed and I need torque over top end to power through the soft patches. One of my secret weapons is the Toxic at least. There, brought it back on topic ;)

ssayre - 4-3-2014 at 07:17 AM

I buggied with Demoknoight last weekend and probably would have been comfortable with the 3 meter but I kept getting stuck on the random soft spots and had a hard time going up wind. I went to the 4 meter twister which is in the medium ar range like the toxic and that pretty much solved all of my problems. I couldn't believe how fast we got going. Now if I can get that whole turning thing down I will be in good shape. I didn't have too much trouble turning at lower speeds, but at higher speeds and side slipping on the random ice spots was another story. That was an eye opening experience. Much different then the grass fields I ride in. I still have a lot to learn.

Demoknight - 4-3-2014 at 07:47 AM

I did some personal best speeds that day. I didn't have my GPS running for my fastest runs, but I did a few around 33mph. The fastest run I did felt like 100mph, but I bet was maybe barely getting close to 40 :) Wish the wind was just a little lower so I could have gotten the Toxic out. I bet it would have been faster than the Charger.

ssayre - 4-3-2014 at 08:00 AM

I can't even imagine how powerful your toxic would have been that day. I am wanting a 5 meter toxic now to sit between my 4 meter and 6.6 meter.

soliver - 4-3-2014 at 04:30 PM

Wow, I'm late to another Toxic party... I must be busy nesting.

Great review Jason, since I've gotten my Toxic, I've realized the value of clean wind and middle range AR kites. I LOVE my 3m Toxic, but it only plays nice when the wind is clean.

Congrats on the new kite and enjoy... We'll have to have a Toxic party at JIBE.

3shot - 4-3-2014 at 05:09 PM

Thanks Spencer. It was only a first impression but it sure was fun to fly. It could have pulled the buggy in 10mph. No speed records, but it would have pulled it. I am hoping to have one or two more Toxics by JIBE, but I'll have to see. I sure would like to have a full set. Just something about them. They are very refreshing to fly. I really dig the multicolored bridles too. But dang I wish they had 25m lines :sniff:
These girls could really sing then. Prolly gonna be having a kite sale here very shortly :ninja:

soliver - 4-3-2014 at 08:56 PM

Whatcha gonna sell?

soliver - 9-3-2014 at 08:13 PM

Well gang,... I officially have to resend my membership from the Toxic club... The Atlanta wind just does not jive with the Toxic. I went out on my lunch break on Thursday in some typical janky 10-14mph wind with my 3m Toxic and my 2.6m PL Viper S and consequently I found the Viper's lower AR (3.8) and higher stability doing OH so much more than the Toxic in the same winds... It seemed like the Viper was just pulling like a little truck, where the Toxic was jittery and luffing.

I know it's an awesome kite it the right winds, it just doesn't make sense to hang on to a kite that won't perform for me in the conditions I fly in 99% of the time. So I sold it to 3shot... Congrats Jason!! You went from 0 Toxics to 3 Toxics uber fast!

3shot - 10-3-2014 at 06:42 AM

0-3 wasn't planned that way.
Just good deals from good friends. I must agree with Soliver's statements. The Toxic likes clean wind. Not a fault, but by design. I was very fortunate to get the feel for them from flying riffclown's Crossfire IIs. Seems a lot of the people here that have them mostly park and ride them in the desert or ocean front. That is where they shine. Awesome kite if you can provide the conditions for which they like. Definitely not a janky wind kite. Just thought I would put this out there in support of Soliver's experience.

Demoknight - 10-3-2014 at 07:35 AM

I 3rd the janky wind remarks. It seems I have to chime in every time I see an update or a new Toxic post... The 8m flies so freaking well in clean winds on my beach, but if the beach is too crowded and I have to fly at my park, I can basically forget it. It doesn't like turbulence, and it will invert and bowtie every time you get too close to the edge of the wind and there is the slightest shift. I think that has more to do with how far out of the window it will fly than a stability issue, but still, it happens. In light(<3) winds, you can fly it straight to zenith and do static deadmans with the 8m. I will have to try to get a video of that some time because it is so damn cool looking.

3shot - 10-3-2014 at 08:00 AM

Exactly Demoknight! I also agree they can outfly the window very easily from speed too. Seems if you can get your buggy at the proper angle to the wind with clean air, life is good . Not enough angle and the Toxic will easily over fly/outrun your buggy causing collapse. With clean wind its not so much an issue as you can sign the kite enough to keep it in its preferred window location. They really do love brake turns.

Demoknight - 10-3-2014 at 08:05 AM

I have also had a ton of success just flying slightly overpowered on the 8m at the upper end of its range 12-15mph. Once you get that much wind, the line drag tends to keep it from overflying too much. As long as you also have a touch of the brakes you can park it easily on the edge or at zenith with no fuss.

riffclown - 10-3-2014 at 06:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 3shot  
The Toxic likes clean wind. Not a fault, but by design. I was very fortunate to get the feel for them from flying riffclown's Crossfire IIs. Seems a lot of the people here that have them mostly park and ride them in the desert or ocean front. That is where they shine. Awesome kite if you can provide the conditions for which they like. Definitely not a janky wind kite. Just thought I would put this out there in support of Soliver's experience.

+1 Definitely not a kite you want to take for granted..

3shot - 15-3-2014 at 05:50 PM

So. I had an hour late this evening to spare so I grabbed my new to me Toxic 3m and headed to my school ground. No buggy runs, just a plain static flight to get used to the feel first. Wind was about a steady WSW 15mph. Great kite! Pretty dang fast too. First thing I noticed right off the bat is this 3m is a lot more twitchy than the 4m. To be expected when stepping down fpr size in a smaller HP kite. I can only imagine the 2m is even more so. Like when I overdose on black coffee LOL. That's not a bad thing, just needs to be expected, understood, and adapted to. I also noticed, the 3m needs a little more finesse at the edge of the window than the 4m. It "seemed" to me the 3m preferred front line steering over the brakes close to the edge. A very little amount of brake is ok, but brake turn her hard at the edge and she will fold up. Again, the 4m was not as affected by this method. I can now only assume the 5m would be even more well behaved than the 4m. Of course all this so far with the 3 and 4m is static flights. Hard to static review a kite that is meant to be in a buggy. As soon as I get a chance to get some seat time, I'll update things. Also let my oldest fly her Symphony 1.4m for a while. She had a blast.

soliver - 16-3-2014 at 06:18 AM

Awesome, glad you like it buddy... Give him a nice home for me!

Should get my Octane tomorrow.

3shot - 16-3-2014 at 07:29 AM

Thanks Spencer. I can't wait to fly the 8m that's been patiently waiting too. Hope to get these in a buggy run very soon. Especially beach air!!!

3shot - 16-3-2014 at 11:47 AM

Hey, speaking of the 8m...

The 8m is one massive piece of FB ripstop!! Would also love to secure the 5m For JIBE and the Wright Kite Festival. Going to be a stretch, but my fingers are crossed.

Demoknight - 16-3-2014 at 12:12 PM

I call my 8m Toxic "Black Betty" :)

soliver - 16-3-2014 at 12:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 3shot  

The 8m is one massive piece of FB ripstop!! Would also love to secure the 5m For JIBE and the Wright Kite Festival. Going to be a stretch, but my fingers are crossed.

I feel the same way when I open up my 8.6m RII

Good luck with the 5m!

riffclown - 16-3-2014 at 02:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 3shot  

The 8m is one massive piece of FB ripstop!! Would also love to secure the 5m For JIBE and the Wright Kite Festival. Going to be a stretch, but my fingers are crossed.

You are going to really like the 5M.. :D
The color is awesome. Not as nice as the 8M color scheme but a close second..

3shot - 16-3-2014 at 03:19 PM

I know riff. That golden yellow be like.... :o :o :o

"IF" I am able to secure a 5m for JIBE/Wright, that will dictate the future decisions on the 6.5m. Other than a few light wind static days and ultra low wind beach runs, the 8m will prolly be the least used. Just stating the obvious. The 2m will surely be a part of the quiver, but not till late this fall/winter for our screaming VAB winds. :wee:

riffclown - 16-3-2014 at 03:55 PM

As much as I like the Toxics, I can't see replacing the Crossfire II's I already have. They parallel each other so closely and the Crossfires have the AAA. If I ever sell or damage a Crossfire, then the Toxic will be the replacement. Trying to decide on the 6.5 or 8 next. I like the color of the 8M better but it would almost never fly.

3shot - 16-3-2014 at 04:50 PM

Would prolly do great on those hot summer days with still winds at your spot!

Demoknight - 17-3-2014 at 06:10 AM

I have found the best wind range for the 8m is 8-12 mph. You can ride it in 5-6, but you do have to work it pretty hard unless you are riding on a pretty smooth hard pack or asphalt. My favorite wind speed is right at 10mph. Perfect to sine once or twice to pump the speed up a bit, and then it is park and ride. It is such a good kite to mow the lawn.

3shot - 17-3-2014 at 02:26 PM

Super stoked to fly it soon!!

3shot - 17-3-2014 at 04:26 PM

two of my favs from Clive's 8m



And a nice one from MarS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s 3m


3shot - 4-5-2014 at 06:11 PM

Took some gear out for some final checks before JIBE. Wasn't planning on flying really. Just adding a few strops to some handles etc. After everything was set, I said why not throw up a kite or two and get some more time hooked in to my new harness. Wind was kinda zippy so I flew the 3m Toxic for a bit, then the 4m, 5m, and 8m :lol:. Couldn't resist.

Figured I post up a few pics of the 5 and 8m since I haven't posted any pics since I got them. I freakin' love these Toxics!!!

GoPro selfie. Sorry :lol:

The 5m has awesome smooth pull.

And my favorite....Black Betty (Bambalam). Now this girl will snatch ur' azz!!!

I just cant get over how awesome this massive pile of black ripstop looks up in the air!!!

Not a bad day of flying. I got to work the full wind range of the Toxics I do own. Also logged about 4 hours of much needed harness time. No way I could have done that prior to the harness. Especially flying Betty's big arse for an hour. Feeling more and more comfortable with the harness after each kite that goes up in the air now.

So back to the reviews. Of all the Toxics I have so far, the 4m seems to be the most all purpose. Not too fast, not too slow. Not crazy pull, but not a weakling either. :thumbup:.
Hoping to get some more reviews after JIBE.

Just need a 2, and 6.5 now :evil:

soliver - 4-5-2014 at 07:53 PM

Awesome :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

ssayre - 4-5-2014 at 08:29 PM

Cool pics

soliver - 5-5-2014 at 06:46 AM

Did you shoot those with your GoPro? Or something else?

hardstatic - 5-5-2014 at 07:34 AM

Looks like a small form factor camera (likely a GoPro) - you can see the shadow from the tripod on the grass in two of the pictures.

3shot - 5-5-2014 at 03:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by soliver  
Did you shoot those with your GoPro? Or something else?

Yes Spencer. That is the GoPro Black 3+.
I just pulled a few frames from the couple of videos.

Demoknight - 6-5-2014 at 03:03 PM

I got dunked in Lake Michigan Sunday by Black Betty... She went in the drink too. You think she looks heavy in the air? Wait until you fill her with nasty Chicago coast water... I have her hanging up in my buddy's garage right now drying out. I basically battled hypothermia for an hour on Sunday after I got dunked. I got full coverage, and the video to prove it! It was actually hilarious...

soliver - 6-5-2014 at 04:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Demoknight  
I got dunked in Lake Michigan Sunday by Black Betty... She went in the drink too. You think she looks heavy in the air? Wait until you fill her with nasty Chicago coast water... I have her hanging up in my buddy's garage right now drying out. I basically battled hypothermia for an hour on Sunday after I got dunked. I got full coverage, and the video to prove it! It was actually hilarious...

Dude,... I can't wait to see that... Probably even better than the OBE with your charger!!!!

3shot - 6-5-2014 at 04:15 PM

Yes demo. Need to see this dunk. Assuming it was an offshore wind?

Demoknight - 6-5-2014 at 09:55 PM

Side shore wind, very light, 5-7 mph average, with occasional gusts up to 10 or so. I was going back and forth from the water to the dunes, and sometimes even able to park and ride, but most time was spent doing huge exaggerated sining with the 8m. I was coming up on the water with plenty of room, had the kite low and was getting ready to raise it back up to start a downturn when a gust hit. I accelerated very quickly towards the water and ran out of room. I could have turned the buggy to avoid the water, but I would have dropped the kite in the lake. I decided to try to finish the kite turn and keep the kite dry, but I just didn't have enough room. I hit the water and flipped the buggy, and I was under water just long enough to crash the kite nose down in the drink right after me. It was about 40 degrees outside, and who knows how cold the water was.

I keep getting busy when I get home and running out of time to edit up the video. I promise I will get it done soon though for all of you to enjoy with me :) I can't promise the language in the video won't be a little colorful though... Just watch it with the volume low if the kids are around! I just can't bring myself to edit the audio out because that is the funniest part. "Oh f***---" *Splash gurgle*

rtz - 6-5-2014 at 10:24 PM

Can't wait to see it. My buggy has tried to take me into the lake a few times before too!

ssayre - 7-5-2014 at 03:19 AM

Did you have a ride back home or did you have to walk back soaking wet? You must have been frozen either way.

Demoknight - 7-5-2014 at 05:53 AM

I had to walk a mile and a half wet in 40 degree air after packing my gear and helping a friend land and secure his lei. He didn't realize I was wet. I think the walk was what kept me from going into shock actually. My core temp didn't drop much because I was busy packing and then towing my buggy all the way home on foot. I got home and stripped down and hopped in the shower. I may have caught a cold, but other than that and some muddy clothes/kiting gear, no harm done.

Demoknight - 7-5-2014 at 07:02 PM

As promised :)


3shot - 7-5-2014 at 07:45 PM



I got cold just watching that one. Glad Betty and you are ok though :thumbup:

soliver - 8-5-2014 at 08:51 AM


40 degrees wet :( man that's cold!!!