Originally posted by acampbell
When you set up next time. Do everything in exact reverse, including unwiding with the same hands. Do not flip the handles around to cast off the
line as you walk. Instead manually unwind with the same hand you used to wind it, and walk backwards away from the kite facing the
same way you walked up to it when winding.
If you unpack and it looks like the lines are twisted, they probably are not, so fight the urge to spin the handles around. Instead, walk back from
the kite to the handles with a pair on either side of you, brake line and power lines running through seperate fingers. If it buches in front of you,
push the "twist" away from you with one hand towards the handles and walk more. When you get near the handles, any "real" twists will be apparent and
can be rectified without creating new twists that wern't there in the first place.