I am not an alcoholic:D…but I love my beers in a big way…particularly nice dank juicy IPAs
So im putting this out there in the hopes of you folks coming to WW from areas other than NY/NJ can hook a brother up
You all know the local favs in your area..the ones that are hard to get...that’s what im after…I need stuff I cant get back at home
Anyone coming from Heady country? im talking to you…got any HF, Fiddleheads, OTWA, Fatheads, Surley, NEBCO, NODA??? Got any Jackie Os, SOS or 3
Floyds….i don’t know what I’d do to get some fresh Zombie Dust, G-Bot or Fuzzy Babby Ducks........Pliny?? nahhh thats not gonna happen, but Alpine
Nelson maybe?
So if you want to tick some of my local stuff let me know and we can trade or go cash money whatever it takes
If you can score me a case or a six of the good stuff please let me know so I have the funds ready and waiting for you
If you wanna do some trades and I have what you want or cant get again let me know…shoot me a u2u or get me at brandon@vcpbtrans.com...thanks and
heres to good winds
Cheers brothers