Originally posted by Lack-O-Slack
1. My opinion and characterization of motorized off-road "sports" as "wreck-reation" is my own, and does not represent, as far as I know, the opinion
of anyone other than myself, and several million other eco-heads who have seen the destruction of California's Mojave Desert at Glamis, Ocotillo,
Dumont, and literally every venue that's been opened to proponents of off-road land "use" for motorized hobbies. These areas quickly become dead,
vegetation-less, dust bowls through bad management and extreme over-use, and the BLM and other agencies, sorely under-funded, seem to have given up
and just chosen to ignore the long-term consequence of this practice. Where signs dictate "Stay on Trails", you can find countless examples of
disobedience of these controls, and ugly scars and destruction of the landscape. Off-roaders will often destroy watersheds and creekbeds, causing
untold "downstream" damage to vegetation, wildlife, and beautiful scenery, just for the thrill of attempting a hill climb up a waterfall. I've seen
these things, over and over, all over California. My fellow Sierra Club members and friends on the San Diego County Sheriff's Search and Rescue can
tell many, many anecdotes of the horrible losses of life and limb that occur each weekend in each of these venues, due to alcohol abuse mixed with
too-fast, too-powerful toys in the hands of morons with limited skills. Does that mean every off-roader is a moron? No. But it does indicate that
management of these venues is sorely lacking, and that the ARC (American Recreation Coalition), their HUGE lobby in Washington D.C., is able to
guarantee their continued access to resources, regardless of the abuses, dangers, and documented fatalities and injuries, while we, the small voice in
the wilderness seeking to use the same resources without damaging them, killing anyone, or costing taxpayers millions in increased insurance premiums,
medical cost recoveries, and permanent environmental consequences, are not heard at all, and are so easily brushed off the resource in favor of pure
PROFIT from the ARC constituents. I make no bones about it... I don't go to the desert to experience roaring engines, flying dirt, and drunken
fools... but when you visit El Mirage on a weekend these days, that's all you'll see and hear. So, yes, I'm motor-sports intolerant, and if someone
brings these toys to Buggy Town, they'll most likely find I'm not alone. What we do is eco-friendly... motorized craft in the wilderness are,
usually, NOT. Drive around El Mirage and take a look at how many protected Joshua Trees, one of which memorializes our friend Dave Kennedy, have been
hammered and destroyed by "wheelies" up against them, by having their root systems exposed by spinning knobbies, and then notice, while buggying at
Elmer's, how the surface looks and feels today, compared to just three or so years ago. I acknowledge that the gear-heads are in the majority...
Americans want "entertainment" that requires just the push of a button and ZOOM! Learning to wrestle with the wind or develop sailing skills just
isn't what the average desert user wants, and the majority rules, so we lose our quiet, flat, windy spaces to them. They're not bad people... they're
just not thinking about the future, or the land, or the value of the species whose habitat they destroy, and we will all pay for this thoughtlessness.
A sad truth. So okay, I'm a tree-hugger and I love Spotted Owls more than Yamahas.