Phillip - thank you for these two videos. That's a good system you've got there. The little elastic with the beads is a great simple tool.
Different people's kits are different of course as are the conditions where they attempt live transfers as shown in your second video. I got a chuckle
thinking about trying to switch from my 5.5m LS2 to my 3.5m LS2 on the Ivanpah playa with the winds blowing 25+ mph on the ground and the two kites
wrapped around a pole one on top of the other with their respective 20 miles of bridling. Best way to find out if I got the bridling lined up
correctly would probably be to just sit in my buggy, hook in, and hot launch the 3.5m and arc it over the Blocart encampment set up right next to my
What could possibly go wrong? :evil: |