Originally posted by BeamerBob
I've never had any of my kites pulling and doing powered kite loops while on the KKs. If you have them attached properly as Angus said before, you
have full brakes and the length of your brake leader braking the kite. If my kite is leaning on the KKs, it is just ruffling on the ground at best.
I would have to pull the handles back to even get the cells to fill, and then it just sits there like its on a stake. I find the KKs reassuring when
flying in gusty inland wind. You can be having a great time and suddenly the wind doubles for 4-5 seconds. You go from happy to fearing for your
life in a second. I don't want to stay home because a gust might come up. I don't fly with people close downwind or under my lines, so if all else
fails, I like to know I have a surefire escape plan with (to date) no negatives whatsoever.
If you are jumping, and get too high, letting go of the handles would be a bad idea. At that point you NEED the kite to get back down unless falling
is better than where you are headed.
Ken's REPLY........
Making sure that you have at least double the distance of your lines downwind is a very good choice. I have NEVER let my fixed bridle loose and have
it fly that distance. My Closed cell is a different story and a different safety.
If you let go of your kite but it gets caught in you spreader or wrapped around your handle the powered kiteloop scenario is very real !
I don't know about you but I have felt some VERY strong hits when I let go and the brakes come on in big wind. I haven't experienced this bailing from
a jump but have bailed on my Bullets many times. They have a rep. for chucking you downwind and slamming you. Removing myself from the kite has felt
right under that situation.
If a gust hits and you have descent flying skills you would put on the brakes manually or at least I do ! Always size your kite for the gusts then you
won't be so afraid to go out!
Clearing myself from the kite if I can't bring it down safely ( fixed bridle on handles ) has been my surefire escape plan that also ( to date ) has
had no negative outcome.
That said. We are likely to have to introduce kite killers locally due to the Parks Board actively working with us + the limited space . I can and
will use them if I have to I'll still leave them in the bag when I buggy on the
bay !
The important thing is BE SAFE however you feel that is !!
Oh.... and have fun !!!
Don't be too hard on Scudley. He means well ! |