Power Kite Forum

FSer WAC settings vs speed

tridude - 26-4-2008 at 04:18 AM

I thought I read somewhere about steering settings affecting speed. SSS faster/HSS slower. If this is correct, what exactly is going on with the kite to induce this?:puzzled:

Kiteboarder2B - 26-4-2008 at 05:26 PM

I came across this in the Psycho 2 online manual. I believe it's what you are looking for:


Optimal for: freestylers and beginners.

By increasing the green BRAKE trim line, the kite is depowered more in the
centre and is therefore steered more over the wingtips, like an inflatable
kite. The kite can't be powered up as much, has less back-stall and is
therefore easier to fly. The steering forces are harder and more defined.

-Advantage: less backstall.
harder and more defined steering forces.
-Disadvantage: less lift.
Optimal for: races.

By decreasing the green BRAKE trim line, the kite is powered up with the
entire surface like a classical soft kite. The kite can be powered up more,
but is therefore easier to back-stall by over-sheeting. The steering forces
are very soft.

-Advantage: more lift.
less bar steering forces.
-Disadvantage: more backstall.

Bladerunner - 26-4-2008 at 05:49 PM

Good to see you are doing your homework Joe. The original manual will be with the kite + a print out on the 5th line FDS.
Since you are a good study check the Pulse manual to see how the FDS upgrade works.

WAC and steering mutation are different. My Pulse only has WAC . No brake tip settings like the P2 ?

About the speed. I think it is where the kite sits in the window ????? When it hangs back you go faster but not as well upwind ???? Sort of like tweeking the brakes for a power boost ????

Kiteboarder2B - 26-4-2008 at 08:23 PM

I checked the Flysurfer site but the pdf for the Pulse doesn't seem to open for me. Does anyone have access to this material they'd be willing to e-mail me? powerkiteimp@yahoo.com

Bladerunner - 26-4-2008 at 09:41 PM

FDS is pretty straight forward. It is a fifth line that when deployed pulls only the center of the kite forward. The wings taco back and the kite loses all power.

The bar runs up the 5th line a bit. You pull in until you get the bar then slowly let it out. The kite re-takes it's shape and you are off !

powerzone - 28-4-2008 at 07:50 PM

tridude... to answer your question... the Soft Steering setting (SSS) can introduce more backstall to the wing when/if oversheeted.

the Hard/Soft is a lock-out line between A main and B main... as you steer, the pulling force is distributed thru the mixer all back to the A lines as an anchor. the HSS/SSS line will 'lock-out' sooner on the HSS mode and therefore the B main will travel a bit less before it is taught and pulls on A main. as you pull harder you will actually be pulling in on Amain and are not only warping the AOA of that side of the kite, but pulling on the whole side of the bridle like a Quad line fixed bridle foil. in SSS mode, the Bmain can travel farther and therefore move beyond Amain and enable faster turning as well as lead to backstall.

hope that made sense