Power Kite Forum

where is the FS crash test video

revpaul - 25-8-2008 at 07:03 PM

Hi folks,
I have seen a factory FS crash test video before but can't find it now.
There is a P3 crash test video at FS' site but I can't get it working. Installed their recommended viewer but still no luck. (cookies enabled/problems... or... something or other)
I've seen the video before somehow/somewhere. It was shot using high speed camera, at impact you can see the slits open to allow for compression relief.

powerzone - 29-8-2008 at 10:05 AM

i can email it to you...i think....or just check our website under kites/flysurfer

revpaul - 29-8-2008 at 11:45 AM

i couldn't get FS's version working on my PC for some reason. I have seen the video before, thought maybe someone had put it on you-tube or the likes.