Originally posted by bourck
So, i have also been looking at these smartloops, And i did come across a thread somewhere talking about that swivel and the slotted tube that the
lines run through and apparently the line can get hung up in that slotted tube ( where the pink line is. ) Apparently Naish has changed the design
and would probably upgrade that part for you. Just something i read as im not an expert but since it deals with safety, then you should check it
out and call naish about that part. it has been upgraded due to failing to depower the kite appropriately. Apparently everone loves that bar and
smartloop though.
ON A SEPERATE note, ive been thinking of changing out the chicken loop on by flysurfer kites with this chickenloop as it seems more like the
infinity, and you can buy the chickenloop kit alone from naish, and I think it could be set up to work with a 4 line pulse 2 fls depower system and
the old pulse bar. So tell us what yo think about that once you get the new bar. |