Stay away from the thread for a few days and look what happens......
to my Buggy Family I am so sorry that I havent really shared my ideas and that I have been slackin as far as posting my thoughts
Sean you are the best and I miss you lots dude!!
Corey as usual your heart is in the right place and like Dooley and some others sometimes you get me really riled up but after calming down and
thinking it over........once more have to give it to the Lama for he is correct...
I have been trying to keep up with everything but sadly I have had some major things in my personal life
But if need be I am more than willing to step up to the plate and do what I can in helping out our family
so please Meg, Dooley, Dean, Claxton or anyone please feel free to contact me if there is something that I can do to help out in anyway :D
Flyin High
OK, so I am through being sheepish about not posting earlier with a first revision of the Buggiers manifesto. I wont give lame excuses, just say that
I need inspiration. I hope the upcoming event will yield just that. I am hoping to buggy, but I find myself hoping for the time between buggy rides
(talking with my friends) as much, maybe more! See ya there!