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Author: Subject: Traded Blade III 10.5m for a Guerilla ....advise
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Registered: 26-12-2004
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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[*] posted on 30-10-2009 at 11:52 AM

The 9m GII is a good howling wind kite. Turns great - it's a small kite. Plenty of depower range if you're bar has enough throw.

Not the same depwower range as my smallest bows, but the autozenith and autostability are cool - truly hands free up there. Sits at the zenith and absorbs gusts without overflying and then dropping back a lot.

Pretty useless unless winds are over 12 mph. It's a high bottom end that applies to GII's of all sizes. I've not flown an 18, but I bet it won't be much use in under 11-12 mph either. Bigkahuna may know - believe he had one way back when.

My 9m likes to be flown actively, developing pull through airspeed. When I'm sining, I pull in on bar for the turns pretty good to get steering engaged. When the turn is complete, let the rears go really loose so the kite builds speed before the next turn.


1.5 m Ozone LD Stunt
2.2, 3.2, 4.2 m C-Quads
2, 3, 4, 5.5, 7.5m PKD Broozas
9m PL GII, w/ adjustable rear strap mod
Dual mode mod PL GI 13, HArc 6, FArc 12
Cab 5m Convert, 7&9m Xbow, 12m SB
Lots of stunt kites and a Rev Supersonic

Libre Special buggy, PL Comp buggy
Line skiboards, & Lib-Tech Park & Pipes
Cabrinha Prodigy kiteboard
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