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Mood: slick as a leopard!!
yes i do get dragged when i wipe out, but as people have already stated, i do tend to fly my arcs at the top end of their range or above. (today was
a good example, vid on its way)
if you are flying with your bar and kite set up properly then the flying position for the bar is 1/3 the way in so if or when you do wipe out you
loose all back line tension and the kite goes to zenith at drastically redused power.
arcs arebuilt around the single line kite princible. and that is the reason why it will alway find zenith.
if you took both tips of an arc and fastened them together to make a circle you would be able to fly it on a single line.
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Mood: slick as a leopard!!
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Quote: | I also heard first hand from a kiter of this happening with arcs. Who is right here? |
Keep in mind it also depends on how you have it set up on your bar. With the standard PL bars (not long throw), if you had the strap adjusted for max
power and then you are flying at the higher end of the wind range then yes there is still some power as the kite moves through the window when you let
go of the bar. If there is any rear line tension you'll get power. If it's set lighter, or flying in wind not as high or flying with a longer throw
then the kite will depower way more.
We have so many days in the winter out at Keswick in high gusty winds and white out when we are having a great day out using the Arcs and many LEI
guys are talking about just surviving. I use both for different reasons but get out on a wild day and even though some guys are doing okay with
whatever kite they chose, we are often out the entire day while the others go in spurts. Two years ago one Toronto seller was boasting the total
safety aspects of using Ozone foils in the - three really good injuries all with Frenzies that winter. All gear has it's ups and downs depending on
how you use it.
It's all what you are used to - spend a lot of time learning your kite inside out and every nuance and you'll have a great time with whatever you use
and have the right instincts for that kite when sh*t happens.
Mark Groshens NAPKA KC 13
WindSpeed kites & design - Canada
Peter Lynn Arcs: Charger2 22.5 +18 + 15 + 6.5, Charger I 6, Scorpion 16 + 10, Phantom II 12 + 9, Orig Phantom 9 + 6, Synergy 10 + 8, F 1200, S 840
Ocean Rodeo: Flite 17 + 12, Rise 13 + 10 + 7, Razor 9 + 6
Foils: PL Leopards and Lynx, Airea Raptors, some PL Reactor IIs + IIIs, Libre Spirits, Cross Kite Sonics, Ozone Flow
Peter Lynn Kite Cat for cruising the lakes
buggies: PL XR+, Cameleon Pagona, custom bigfoot, PL Bigfoot, custom ice buggy
Boards: 2 custom directionals, O.R Surf series 6-3 and 5-11, Mako Duke, Mako Skinny, Mako 140 Wide, Mako 150 Wide, Mako King, Brunotti
lots of old school skis, snowboard
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Mood: They're ALL good ideas. Right up until they become BAD ideas.
For me, being dragged is the skill I decided to perfect before I move on. I almost have it dialed in. Hopefully I can get it before NABX so I can
really get a feel for the Playa
KC07 - Certified Chronic
Rev Shockwave | Brooza II 3 | BusterII's 3/4/5 | Hornet 1.5
Reactor II 5.5/6.9 | AccessXC 10 | Frenzy 12 | PsychoIII 13 | Speed2 12 | Speed3 15 | SA2.5 19
Bomba 15 | Phantom 15/18 | Venom 13 | Slingshot T3 9/11/14m
Skis, Ski Skates, Nobile RM Pro, MBS Pro 90, Kailolo 5' 11" Custom Phish, Kailolo 5'9" Custom Phish, Plyboard, Proof 151,
FlydoorM, F-One 198, Coyotes, Comp XR+, and the BEST WIFE IN THE WORLD!
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
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Quote: | Originally posted by bigkahuna
Quote: | About being dragged, Kahuna says it cant happen unless you have the wrong kite Macboy says it can and does happen "thats how he got submarined"
BeamerBob also stated he crashed and "went completely under the water" I also heard first hand from a kiter of this happening with arcs. Who is right
here? |
You're misquoting me and we were talking about different things. Believe what you want. |
My words were twisted too. I went underwater not because of the kite but because my board stopped supporting my weight because I fell. The kite had
nothing to do with me being under water except it had pulled me to the deep water ON MY BOARD with a smile on my face.
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
Youtube link
Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Mood: slick as a leopard!!
ok hears a question for snob. whilst kiting in waves, and you wipe out, would you prefer a kite that goes to the edge of the window and loses all
power or a kite thats there waiting for you when you come out of the washing machine!!!
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In waves i want a kite that holds its shape if i happen to go right at it.
But your point well taken carl.
My kites depower completly weather im in the mid low or high end of the kite
Posting Freak
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Oh ... is there a law that we must fly the kite with the most de-power?
I musta missed that one ... in that case, who wants to buy a bunch of Peter Lynn arcs?
Yeah... I got a kite. Or two...
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Mood: They're ALL good ideas. Right up until they become BAD ideas.
Shipping's too expensive from Japan ; )
KC07 - Certified Chronic
Rev Shockwave | Brooza II 3 | BusterII's 3/4/5 | Hornet 1.5
Reactor II 5.5/6.9 | AccessXC 10 | Frenzy 12 | PsychoIII 13 | Speed2 12 | Speed3 15 | SA2.5 19
Bomba 15 | Phantom 15/18 | Venom 13 | Slingshot T3 9/11/14m
Skis, Ski Skates, Nobile RM Pro, MBS Pro 90, Kailolo 5' 11" Custom Phish, Kailolo 5'9" Custom Phish, Plyboard, Proof 151,
FlydoorM, F-One 198, Coyotes, Comp XR+, and the BEST WIFE IN THE WORLD!
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
~ Thomas Edison
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No it's not - it's just too far
Yeah... I got a kite. Or two...
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Quote: | In waves i want a kite that holds its shape if i happen to go right at it... |
Yup. If you go down a face right towards an Arc and the lines go limp, the Arc's tips will "flare" and the kite will slowly float downwind until you
take tension on the lines again. It's similar to how my SLE's fly, except the "wing tip flare" bit. If I got crunched in a wave, I would let go of
the bar until I got back to the surface and re-oriented. The kite would invariably be sitting there just about where I left it. The autozenith
tendency is something that happens very -slowly-, the kite doesn't "shoot" up to the zenith. The only Arc I've flown that had a bit stronger
autozenith was the Bomba, which tended to always head to the zenith unless you consciously steered it back down. The Guerillas, GII's, Phantoms and
Venoms all had pretty light auto-zenith tendencies. Just like comparing my old C LEI's versus my newer SLE's. My old C kites would just about drop
out of the sky if I didn't constantly give it some upward input, whereas my SLE's sort of hover a bit and slowly head to the ground.
Posting Freak
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So in an emergency you recommend letting go of the bar, when flying arcs?
Yeah... I got a kite. Or two...
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Quote: | So in an emergency you recommend letting go of the bar, when flying arcs? |
No, I didn't say that. When I get crunched in a wave (the wave closes out on top of me, or I pearl down a face) and go underwater, spun around and
disoriented, rather than trying to remember which way was -up- and flying the kite up in that direction, I would let go of the bar and when I finally
surfaced, the kite was always still up in the air. With inflatos, I don't have that convenience and have to try to remember which way is up and
continue to steer the kite while being spun around underwater.
What you should do in an emergency depends on what that emergency is. Getting crunched in a wave, to me at least, isn't an emergency, it's just
something that happens while surfing. (And hopefully doesn't happen very often!)
Posting Freak
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Mood: slick as a leopard!!
just what i was gunna say.
its always best to keep hold of the bar and put the kite where you want it, but in those times were you dont know which way is up, or if you've been
spun around afew time, or have spun the bar the wrong way and think you're gunna grab the wrong end of the bar, then just let go of the bar and it
will set back to default!
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Lazy mans kite skills
Posting Freak
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Mood: slick as a leopard!!
i dont quite think im a lazy kiter or that my skill level is anything but professional! and i take your comment as a direct insult.
Posting Freak
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Quote: | Originally posted by snobdr
Lazy mans kite skills |
That wasn't called for SNOB
I have been wondering why I NEVER see any of your amazing kite skills. If you are so friggin great why don't you show us a vid ?
Pictures speak a 1,000 words .[ Edit do to misunderstanding.]
You have driven many members away from this forum with your Snobbery. I'm tired of it and miss those people who wouldn't put up with you.
We aren't supposed to suggest other forumss but there must be another one out there where people appreciate your attitude?
Kites: 2.5m Profoil , Quadrifoil XL kitesurfer, NPW 5 Danger.
Flexifoil: 1.7m Sting, 4.9m Blade 3, 9m Blade 2.
Flysurfer : 19m Speed 2 SA, 7m Pulse
Peter Lynn :18m Phantom, 15m Synergy, 10m Synergy, 1200 Farc, 460 Sarc, 130 Tarc, 5m Peel, 4.2m , 6.4, 8.5 C-Quads, 3.5 LS2 single skin.
Rides: Flexi / P.L. Frankin'Buggy , Shaped + straight skiis, sand skis, Coyote blades. Core 95 ATB. RKB R2 ATB .
Ken (K2)
action jackson
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Quote: | Originally posted by Bladerunner
Quote: | Originally posted by snobdr
Lazy mans kite skills |
That wasn't called for SNOB
I have been wondering why I NEVER see any of your amazing kite skills. If you are so friggin great why don't you show us a vid ?
Pictures speak a 1,000 words . I saw you trying to teach your wife ( still ) in a picture and one word came to mind, LARGE !
You have driven many members away from this forum with your Snobbery. I'm tired of it and miss those people who wouldn't put up with you.
We aren't supposed to suggest other forumss but there must be another one out there where people appreciate your attitude? |
Ocean Rodeo Razors 8,10,12
Ocean Rodeo 5\'11 Surf series
PL Arcs 6,15m orange Phantoms 10,19m Venom 16m proto scorp ,synergy 12,
NPW\'s .5,2.8,6.9 and 15m skytex
145x49 crazy fly,Decay 142x42,aboards z- series 135x40
Pl xr+ buggy , Pl Kitecat hull #5
\"Holding it down, since 20 knots!\"
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Mood: I has a grumpy.
Quote: | Originally posted by Bladerunner
Pictures speak a 1,000 words . I saw you trying to teach your wife ( still ) in a picture and one word came to mind, LARGE !
Speaking of not called for... :ticking:
I have to say, I have met Dr. Snob in person and he's a great guy. On the forum though, I'll agree that he's a bit... trollish.
"I gave up on wind speeds... its either crappy, gravy, epic, or stupid... in that order"
Ozone: Imp III Quattro 1m and 1.5m, Flow 2m, 3m, 4m, and 5m.
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Quote: | Originally posted by Maven454
........ On the forum though, I'll agree that he's a bit... trollish. |
That's dressing it up about as nice as you can.
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
Youtube link
Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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I usually do solitary down winders so I don't have a lot of photos, but here's a still from a video my wife took a couple weeks ago. It was a small
wave (about 4-5 foot), lightwind (about 15-20mph) day, but I had fun. That's my monster Waroo 20m I'm flying. 
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guys, take it easy... argueing on the internet is like the special olympics....... no matter who wins you're still retarded!! 
OK, please forgive me for that one. i couldn't resist- no offense to anyone 
PL- Aero v1 11m / Phantom 6/9/12/15/18
Ozone Chrono v2 9m
Liquid Force Elite 6.5m
Flysurfer - Peak 3 4m
PKD - Century 2.5m, Soulfly 3.5m
Ted's Profoil-1m/3.5m
Custom NABX Rev
GT Rapide V/VTT-XR+ Special
Posting Freak
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Quote: | Originally posted by cheezycheese
guys, take it easy... argueing on the internet is like the special olympics....... no matter who wins you're still retarted!! 
OK, please forgive me for that one. i couldn't resist- no offense to anyone |
Cheezy there must be a special message there when you spell "retarded" wrong. :embarrased::duh::D
Coastal Wind Sports Team Rider
Landsegler Disc wheels
PTW Hero Buggy - XXtreme ApeXX Buggy US 88 - Libre Hardcore
Youtube link
Bob Muse
HQ Montana X 8m, Montana IX 12m, HQ Ignition LEI 5m,
PL Phantom 12m, 15m, Big Blu 24m+, Synergy 10m, Venom 10m, 13m , Phantom II 12m Vapors 3.8, 5.4, Crosskite Sonic 7m, PKD Combat 10.3m
Uturn Butane 2.5m PKD Buster 3m Genetrix Hydra 7m Ozone Yakuza GT 14m
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Mood: Ready for action !!!
i had nothing useful to contribute and was feeling left out...:saint:
PL- Aero v1 11m / Phantom 6/9/12/15/18
Ozone Chrono v2 9m
Liquid Force Elite 6.5m
Flysurfer - Peak 3 4m
PKD - Century 2.5m, Soulfly 3.5m
Ted's Profoil-1m/3.5m
Custom NABX Rev
GT Rapide V/VTT-XR+ Special
Posting Freak
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Mood: I has a grumpy.
That's okay, he spelled arguing incorrectly as well
"I gave up on wind speeds... its either crappy, gravy, epic, or stupid... in that order"
Ozone: Imp III Quattro 1m and 1.5m, Flow 2m, 3m, 4m, and 5m.
Posting Freak
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Mood: ready to ride...
Wow... this thread spun way off course...
Flysurfer Speed 3 15m DELUXE
Flysurfer Speed 3 12m
Flysurfer Psycho4 8m
Peter Lynn Buggy
Twisted Velocity (164)
Spleene (Monster) Door 164x50 (for sale?)
FlyDoor XL (2013)
2011 Spleene RS 132
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Mood: I has a grumpy.
Yeah, after we answered his question (more or less), we just kinda stole it. I should start a new, more appropriately titled thread for the
"I gave up on wind speeds... its either crappy, gravy, epic, or stupid... in that order"
Ozone: Imp III Quattro 1m and 1.5m, Flow 2m, 3m, 4m, and 5m.
Posting Freak
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Mood: Ready for action !!!
boy, teach me to mind my own business why don't 'cha.....:embarrased:
let the arguing continue then...
PL- Aero v1 11m / Phantom 6/9/12/15/18
Ozone Chrono v2 9m
Liquid Force Elite 6.5m
Flysurfer - Peak 3 4m
PKD - Century 2.5m, Soulfly 3.5m
Ted's Profoil-1m/3.5m
Custom NABX Rev
GT Rapide V/VTT-XR+ Special
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It's cool cheesy, we love ya anyway. If only for that ridiculously big, fluorescent pink, two line PL Peel.
"I gave up on wind speeds... its either crappy, gravy, epic, or stupid... in that order"
Ozone: Imp III Quattro 1m and 1.5m, Flow 2m, 3m, 4m, and 5m.
Posting Freak
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Mood: chilling...literally...
I think the correct quote and attribution is to
Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog who once said:
“Criticizing these reporters is like booing at the Special Olympics.”
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