Originally posted by flyguy0101
Chud- if you decide to let the 8m vii go let me know.
Pretty much no chance in this one Scott.
It's still en route to me and we LOVED the way the 10m V2 flew so now getting the whole quiver and flying on navi's. Picking up a 16 for Anderson too!
SSpider - Yeah, I totally can understand the top limits of the kites and the level that I am at right now cannot compare to the expert flyers we have
on here. I know Rip mentioned that I won't progress on a smaller kite but at that point, I am less worried about progressing and more concerned with
just being able to enjoy the day without wearing a diaper!
I am, by nature, a very impatient person but in this case, I need all my limbs in working order so Ima take it slow and push it more with the bigger
kites in lower winds and work my way up.
Hey Chud, I think Ricardo's position on the Viron is that as a entry level kite you will only progress as far as the kite's design allows. You're
skill level may be beyond what that kite has to offer already.
He may be right. I don't have any epirience on the Viron so I can't say how well it would fill your requirements. From what I've read it may not be
ideal. But I find kites also suprise me with what you can get away with.
I'm suprised you sold the 5m Apex. Unless it was an Apex1. The Apex two is one of those kites that suprised me. It works as it's designed but can
do so much more. I think its really one of the most underated kites out there.
Funny how things are to different people. We sold our Frenzies in favor of the Apex2. Our's were Frenzy '05's which were the last series that I
really liked. The kite was pretty much castrated after '05 IMO. (Explains the 5m Apex/7m Frenzy overlap?) We still have the 3m and keep going back
and forth as to whether or not to sell it off. She doesn't go out much.
Molly is a machine. Really, she suprises me everytime we go out and she just keeps getting stronger and better. I thank my lucky stars she's not the
competitive type or I'd be in real trouble. :embarrased: After 20yrs I still think I'm a damn lucky SOB.
I'm glad you're not gunning for a 6m Charger. I think it would be an awesome kite but I don't think its what you're looking for.
Cheezy, a lot of kites especially early open cell foils have a tendency to really slow down steeringwise when heavily trimmed. Which makes sense when
you consider the you really shorten the frontlines when under heavy trim. It makes the rear lines steer like they're a lot longer than normal. Kinda
the same effect when you throw the bar all the way out.
You'll notice this with the Arcs that are pre-VPC. The VPC Arcs steering is a lot less affected by the trimming.
Our Apex 2 do pretty well trimmed. Rangers are okay to. Both are better than the '05 Frenzy or Molly's 19m P4 SA. I don't know how the small P4s
turn trimmed.
Chris Krug-Owner @ Hardwater Kiting. Authorized Dealer of Ozone, Flysurfer, HQ kites. www.hardwaterkiter.com 603-986-2784
Originally posted by Feyd
Hey Chud, I think Ricardo's position on the Viron is that as a entry level kite you will only progress as far as the kite's design allows. You're
skill level may be beyond what that kite has to offer already.
He may be right. I don't have any epirience on the Viron so I can't say how well it would fill your requirements. From what I've read it may not be
ideal. But I find kites also suprise me with what you can get away with.
I'm suprised you sold the 5m Apex. Unless it was an Apex1. The Apex two is one of those kites that suprised me. It works as it's designed but can
do so much more. I think its really one of the most underated kites out there.
Funny how things are to different people. We sold our Frenzies in favor of the Apex2. Our's were Frenzy '05's which were the last series that I
really liked. The kite was pretty much castrated after '05 IMO. (Explains the 5m Apex/7m Frenzy overlap?) We still have the 3m and keep going back
and forth as to whether or not to sell it off. She doesn't go out much.
Molly is a machine. Really, she suprises me everytime we go out and she just keeps getting stronger and better. I thank my lucky stars she's not the
competitive type or I'd be in real trouble. :embarrased: After 20yrs I still think I'm a damn lucky SOB.
I'm glad you're not gunning for a 6m Charger. I think it would be an awesome kite but I don't think its what you're looking for.
Cheezy, a lot of kites especially early open cell foils have a tendency to really slow down steeringwise when heavily trimmed. Which makes sense when
you consider the you really shorten the frontlines when under heavy trim. It makes the rear lines steer like they're a lot longer than normal. Kinda
the same effect when you throw the bar all the way out.
You'll notice this with the Arcs that are pre-VPC. The VPC Arcs steering is a lot less affected by the trimming.
Our Apex 2 do pretty well trimmed. Rangers are okay to. Both are better than the '05 Frenzy or Molly's 19m P4 SA. I don't know how the small P4s
turn trimmed.
thx Feyd
when you progress your VII will change to the CH 10 and 15 with a Speed 3 19 as your full quiver. but I also see you have CH12, so maybe get a 15 / 19
and a S3 21.
if you're after a FS in a smaller size, go with the Unity instead. the Viron looking at your videos, you're beyond its level, YOU HAVE SKILLS. =)
fine tune those first than buying a kite that may set you back.
Sponsored by Ozone, powered by Quantum and Chrono.
if you're after a FS in a smaller size, go with the Unity instead. the Viron looking at your videos, you're beyond its level, YOU HAVE SKILLS. =)
Surely you are talking about the hockey video! :tumble:
In all seriousness, it's a matter of feeling comfortable and knowing that you WON'T put the kite in a place that will make you pay. When the winds
kick up, my fear kicks in and I may as well feel like I am holding onto a space shuttle bound for orbit.
Again, appreciate the vote of confidence. I don't get out to fly as much as I'd like, it stinks that our beaches will be off-limits now that summer is
almost here.
Like I had said, I'll try the V2 8m and see what happens :megan:
To add to Bladderrunner note - I'm on a landboard and usually fly on a very smooth beach. So in high winds I'm usually conservative and only trust my
small FB kites. Recently I replaced my Pepper for a Beamer IV for that kind of conditions. I also tried several Access 4m. The newer models are too
quick for my taste, but the Access I or II are lovely in strong gusty wind. Again - I'm more looking into surviving than actual high performance in
these kind of winds . All these options are of course not suitable on the water.
Beamer IV 2m
Peter Lynn Lynx 7m
Frenzy 11m
Summit 15m UL
MBS & Skis
Yeah, I am keeping my 2m Flow as a small kite choice and to teach friends with. Very zippy indeed at that size!
Still in the quiver shakeup mode but narrowing it down day by day.
Got the 8m V2 in yesterday and unrolled in at home - it looks HUGE! I hope it's inefficient as hell! Gorgeous though and looks almost brand new.
Now my questions lie with what larger arcs we want V2 13/16 or CH 15/19.
Ohhh the choices
I wouldnt look at the Viron... I would consider the FS Unity. Here is the comments from a FS rider Gunnar on the Unity. Something to consider:
I am probably gonna get reprimanded for this, but here is my opinion about the Unity 8m2
The Kite is a great little Freeride kite with some Freestyle and Wave potential. It turns a bit better than the Pulse 2 and have way more Depower and
Stability which makes it great for unhooked down the line riding.
There is almost no backstall so it is a pretty good freestyle kite when powered up. It is not designed to jump as good as the Psycho4 or Speed 3, the
lift is not as aggressive and the float is less. That is inherent to its lower aspect ratio.
The feel of the kite is pretty new for Flysurfer Kites. It has a very soft power development, but still feels very solid.
The bar is also another thing that just makes this kite great. The Infinity 2.0 bar is definetly one of the best bars I have ever used.
Now, that was for the 8m, you might want to consider the 6m for your weight....
Thanks Mike - the Unity was another one on my radar.
I love the FS and PL safety as it is a no fuss to walk to it and walk it back out to relaunch (unless, of course, you get inverted or nutzo tangles
from the release OR your on a snowboard and have to unattach)
Add that to the fact we could use on water (ah someday) and yeah, I hear a 6 calling me
Have to sell my Ozone's and try the 8 V2 when it gets around 20mph. If I can hold it down and feel comfy, no need for anything else as many have
echoed above. However, should it be too much, I am not sure I could handle the 6m as the PA of the V2 8m is like 5.5m so pretty close there.
The Viron is a great Kite to fly and very forgiving in Gusts too.
So simple to relaunch. Some get them for use with SUPs fro that easy relaunch and sitting at the edge of the window, auto relaunch.
The Access is more powerful per size though.
A few more details and Pros and Cons to each.